Hello, i installed he Modzzz module for events.
But i get massa error in my mailbox.
How to resolve it? if i delete the module, then i got not more problems?
Database error in Busimatch.com
It's overwriting the original Events module.
UPDATE `bx_events_main` SET `Title`='Presentation Mybutler.tk Nederlands - 2015-06-29', `EntryUri`='Presentation-Mybutler-tk-Nederlands-2015-06-29', `Recurring`='no' WHERE `ID` = 5
Mysql error: Duplicate entry 'Presentation-Mybutler-tk-Nederlands-2015-06-29' for key 'EntryUri'
Found error in the file '/home/busimatc/public_html/modules/boonex/events/classes/BxEventsDb.php' at line 219.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.
Debug backtrace: