Many thanks for your reply but looking at the admin profiles.php I don't have any instances of LastLoggedIn
here is a copy of admin/profiles.php
* Dolphin Smart Community Builder
* -----------------
* begin : Mon Mar 23 2006
* copyright : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
* website :
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to
require_once( '../inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolProfilesController.php' );
$logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, true, true );
$ADMIN = $logged[admin];
$_page['css_name'] = 'profiles.css';
$oPC = new BxDolProfilesController();
if ( $_POST['prf_form_submit'] && !$demo_mode)
$sel_str = "";
while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $_POST ) )
if ( (int)$key && $val )
$sel_str .= ",$key";
$sel_str = substr( $sel_str, 1 );
$sel_arr = explode( ",", $sel_str );
$owner = $PARTNER ? $_COOKIE['partnerID'] : 0;
while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $sel_arr ) )
switch ( $_POST['prf_form_submit'] )
case "Delete":
profile_delete( $val );
case "Confirm Email":
activation_mail( $val, 0 );
case "Send Message":
profile_send_message( $val, stripslashes($_POST['Message']));
case 'Activate':
$iProfileID = (int)$val;
if ($iProfileID) {
db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Active' WHERE `ID` = '{$iProfileID}'" );
reparseObjTags( 'profile', $iProfileID );
$iPossibleCoupleID = (int)db_value( "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Couple` = '{$iProfileID}'" );
if ($iPossibleCoupleID) {
db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Active' WHERE `ID` = '{$iPossibleCoupleID}'" );
reparseObjTags( 'profile', $iPossibleCoupleID );
$oPC -> sendActivationMail( (int)$val );
case 'Approval':
db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Approval' WHERE `ID` = '" . (int)$val . "'" );
reparseObjTags( 'profile', (int)$val );
case 'Ban':
if ((int)$val>0 && (int)$_REQUEST['time_hrs']>0) {
$iBanTime = ((int)$_REQUEST['time_hrs']) * 3600;
$sCheckBanSQL = "SELECT * FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE `ProfID`='{$val}' LIMIT 1";
if (mysql_affected_rows($GLOBALS['MySQL']->link)==1) {
$sBamSQL = "UPDATE `AdminBanList` SET `Time`='{$iBanTime}', `DateTime`=NOW() WHERE `ProfID`='{$val}'";
} else {
$sBamSQL = "INSERT INTO `AdminBanList` SET `Time`='{$iBanTime}', `DateTime`=NOW(), `ProfID`='{$val}'";
case 'UnBan':
if ((int)$val>0) {
$sCheckBanSQL = "DELETE FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE `ProfID`='{$val}' LIMIT 1";
// - GET variables --------------
$page = (int)$_GET['page'];
$p_per_page = (int)$_GET['p_per_page'];
$profiles = $_GET['profiles'];
$sorttype = $_COOKIE['sorttype'];
$sortor = $_GET['sortor'] ? $_GET['sortor'] : $_COOKIE['sortor'];
$sex = $_GET['sex'];
$search = $_GET['search'];
$showAffMembers = (int)$_GET['showAffMembers'];
if ( !$page )
$page = 1;
if ( !$p_per_page )
$p_per_page = 30;
if ( $showAffMembers > 0 )
$aff_part_w = " AND `idAff` = '{$showAffMembers}' AND `idProfile` = `Profiles`.`ID`";
$aff_part_f = ",aff_members ";
switch( $profiles )
case 'Active':
$prof_part = "AND `Status` = '$profiles'";
case 'Unconfirmed':
case 'Approval':
case 'Rejected':
case 'Suspended':
$prof_part = "AND `Status` <> 'Active'";
$prof_part = "";
if ( strlen($sex) )
$sex_part = "AND Sex = '" . process_db_input($sex, 1) . "'";
if (strlen($search))
if ($_GET['s_mail'])
$email_part = " AND `Email` LIKE '%$search%' ";
elseif ($_GET['s_nickname'])
$email_part = " AND `NickName` LIKE '%$search%' ";
elseif ($_GET[s_id])
$email_part = " AND `Profiles`.`ID` = '$search' ";
if (isset($_GET['media']) && isset($_GET['status']))
$sType = htmlspecialchars_adv($_GET['media']);
$sStatus = htmlspecialchars_adv($_GET['status']);
$sqlJoinPart = "LEFT JOIN `media` ON (`media`.`med_prof_id` = `Profiles`.`ID`)";
$sqlWhere = " AND `med_status` = '$sStatus' AND `med_type`='$sType'";
$sqlGroup = " GROUP BY `Profiles`.`ID`";
$sqlCouple = "(`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`Profiles`.`ID`)";
$sqlWhere .= ' AND ' . $sqlCouple;
// ------------------------------
$sQuery = "SELECT `Profiles`.`ID` as `ID`,
DATE_FORMAT(`DateLastLogin`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateLastLoginCur`,
DATE_FORMAT(`DateReg`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateReg`,
FROM `Profiles` $aff_part_f
WHERE 1 $email_part $aff_part_w $prof_part $sex_part $sqlWhere $sqlGroup";
$rData = db_res($sQuery);
$p_num = mysql_num_rows($rData);
$pages_num = ceil( $p_num / $p_per_page );
$real_first_p = (int)($page - 1) * $p_per_page;
$page_first_p = $real_first_p + 1;
/* checking for incoming value for sort order
* if we open this page without sortor param
* we use ID as default
* after that we put old value to cookie
* $sortoder - stands for value for ORDER BY query
if ( $sortor == "" )
$sortor = "DateLastLogin";
setcookie( "sortor", $sortor );
/* here we make check for the first click on the value
* in case we change our incoming value we set order type to ASCENDING
* in other case we check for additional clicks and change the image
if ( $_GET['sortor'] && ($_GET['sortor'] != $_COOKIE['sortor']) )
$sorttype = "DESC";
elseif ( $_GET['sortor'] )
if ( $_COOKIE['sorttype'] == "ASC" )
$sorttype = "DESC";
$sortor_image = "<img src=\"./images/desc_order.gif\">";
$sorttype = "ASC";
$sortor_image = "<img src=\"./images/asc_order.gif\">";
setcookie( "sorttype", $sorttype );
/* the check for member status
* in case we have the full member list without any statuses we set it to nothing
* in other case we add another option to the query
* $inc_profiles - variable returning the incoming parameter for profile status
if ( $profiles != "" )
$inc_profiles = "profiles=$profiles&";
$inc_profiles = "";
$n_arr = db_arr( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Profiles`' . " WHERE {$sqlCouple}" );
$status_arr[0] = "Active";
$status_arr[1] = "Approval";
$status_arr[2] = "Unconfirmed";
$status_arr[3] = "Rejected";
$status_arr[4] = "Suspended";
if (getParam("free_mode") != 'on') {
$sMemField = ", `IDLevel`, IF(ISNULL(`MemLevels`.`Name`),'', `MemLevels`.`Name`) AS `MemName`";
$sMemJoin = "LEFT JOIN `ProfileMemLevels` ON `ProfileMemLevels`.`IDMember` = `Profiles`.`ID`
LEFT JOIN `MemLevels` ON `ProfileMemLevels`.`IDLevel` = `MemLevels`.`ID` ";
$sMemLevelShow = 'style="display:block;"';
$sqlGroup = "GROUP BY `Profiles`.`ID`";
$sMemLevelShow = 'style="display:none;"';
$sQuery = "
`Profiles`.`ID` as `ID`,
DATE_FORMAT(`DateLastLogin`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateLastLoginCur`,
DATE_FORMAT(`DateReg`, '$date_format' ) AS `DateReg`,
FROM `Profiles`
1 $email_part $aff_part_w $prof_part $sex_part $sqlWhere
ORDER BY $sortor $sorttype
LIMIT $real_first_p, $p_per_page
$result = db_res($sQuery);
$_page['header'] = "Members' Profiles";
$_page['header_text'] = "Members profiles sorted by modification date";
$_page['js'] = 1;
ContentBlockHead("Total registered members");
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="#cccccc" style="border: none; width: 70%; background-color: #ccc; text-align: center;">
<td style="background-color: #E5E5E5; text-align: left;" class="text">
<a href="<?php echo $site['url_admin']; ?>profiles.php">
Total registered members:
<td style="background-color: #E5E5E5; width: 50px; text-align: right;" class="text">
<b><?= $n_arr[0] ?></b>
$i = 0;
$iK = 1;
$sActEmColor = " #FFFFFF";
while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $status_arr ) ) {
if ( $val == 'Active' ) {
$sAdd = " `Status` = '$val' AND {$sqlCouple}";
$sCapt = $val;
} else {
if ( $iK <= 1 ) {
$sAdd = " `Status` <> 'Active' AND {$sqlCouple}";
$sCapt = 'Inactive';
} else
$n_arr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Profiles` WHERE $sAdd" );
if ( $n_arr[0] ) {
<td class="text" style="background-color: #ffffff; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 20px;">
<img src="images/arrow.gif" />
<a href="profiles.php?profiles=<?= $val ?>"><?= $sCapt ?></a>
<td class="prof_stat_<?= $val ?>" style="width: 50px; text-align: right;">
<?= $n_arr[0] ?>
if ( getParam("autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail") != 'on' && $val != 'Active' )
$sActEmColor = ' #66CC66';
$n_arr = db_arr( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status`='Unconfirmed'" );
if ( $n_arr[0])
<td class="text" style="background-color: #ffffff; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 20px;">
<img src="images/arrow.gif" />
<a href="profiles.php?profiles=Unconfirmed">
With unconfirmed emails
<td class="prof_stat_<?= $val ?>" style="width: 50px; text-align: right;">
<?= $n_arr[0] ?>
$aMedia = array('photo');
foreach ($aMedia as $iK=>$sVal)
$sqlUnp = "SELECT * FROM `media` WHERE `med_status` = 'passive' AND `med_type`= '$sVal' GROUP BY `med_prof_id`";
$rUnp = db_res($sqlUnp);
if ($rUnp && mysql_num_rows($rUnp))
<td class="text" style="background-color: #ffffff; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle;"> <img src="images/arrow.gif" />
<a href="profiles.php?media=photo&status=passive">With unapproved <?= $sVal ?></a>
<td class="text" style="width: 50px; text-align: right;"><?= mysql_num_rows($rUnp) ?></td>
ContentBlockHead("Search profile");
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="border: none; text-align: right; padding-bottom: 10px;" class="text">
<a href="<?= $site[url]; ?>join.php">Add a new profile</a>
<form method="get" action="profiles.php">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="border: none; text-align: center; width: 100%;">
<td align="center" colspan="3">
<input class="text" name='search' size="50">
<td align="right">
<input name="s_nickname" type="submit" value="Search by Nickname" />
<td align="center">
<input name="s_mail" type="submit" value="Search by Email" />
<td align="left">
<input name="s_id" type="submit" value="Search by ID" />
<?= ResNavigationRet( 'ProfilesUpper', 0 ) ?>
<form action="profiles.php<?= substr( get_vars(), 0, strlen($get_vars) - 1 ) ?>" method="post" name="prf_form">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="small1" style="border: none; background-color: #eee; width: 590px; text-align: center;">
if ( !$p_num )
echo "<td class=panel>No profiles available</td>";
else {
<tr class="panel">
<td> </td>
<td align="center">
<a href="profiles.php?<?= $inc_profiles ?>sortor=ID&p_per_page=<?= $p_per_page ?>">ID</a>
<?= ( $sortor == 'ID' ) ? $sortor_image : '' ?>
<td align="center">
<a href="profiles.php?<?= $inc_profiles ?>sortor=NickName&p_per_page=<?= $p_per_page ?>">
<?= ( $sortor =='NickName' ) ? $sortor_image : '' ?>
<td align="center">E-mail</td>
<td align="center">Registered</td>
<td align="center">
<a href="profiles.php?<?= $inc_profiles ?>sortor=DateLastLogin&p_per_page=<?= $p_per_page ?>">
Last Visited
<?= ( $sortor == 'DateLastLogin' ) ? $sortor_image : '' ?>
<td align="center">Photos</td>
<td align="center">Audio</td>
<td align="center">BGs</td>
<td align="center" <?= $sMemLevelShow ?> style="display:none;">Membership</td>
while ( $p_arr = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
$col = "table";
$sEmail = $p_arr['Status'] == 'Unconfirmed' ? '<span style="background-color: #FF6666;">'.$p_arr['Email'].'</span>' : '<span style="background-color:'.$sActEmColor.';">'.$p_arr['Email'].'</span>';
$sBannedColor = (isLoggedBanned($p_arr['ID'])==true) ? '#F99' : '#fff';
<tr class=<?=$col?> style="background-color: <?= $sBannedColor ?>;">
<td align="center">
<input type=checkbox name="<?= $p_arr[ID] ?>" />
<a href="../pedit.php?ID=<?= $p_arr[ID]; ?>">
<?= $p_arr[ID] ?>
<td><?= $p_arr['NickName'] ?></td>
<td><?= $sEmail ?></td>
<td align="center"><?= $p_arr['DateReg'] ?></td>
<td align="center"><?= $p_arr['DateLastLoginCur'] ?></td>
<td><?= getUserMedia($p_arr['ID'], 'photo') ?></td>
<td align="center"><?= getUserMedia($p_arr['ID'], 'audio') ?></td>
<td align="center"><?= getUserMedia($p_arr['ID'], 'bg') ?></td>
<td align="center" <?= $sMemLevelShow ?>>
<?= strlen( $p_arr['MemName'] ) ? $p_arr['MemName'] : 'Standard' ?>
<table class=text style="border: none; width: 590px; text-align: center;">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td width="60">
<a href="#" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', true ); return false;">
Check all
<td align="left" width="140">
<a href="#" onclick="setCheckboxes( 'prf_form', false ); return false;">
Uncheck all
<td width="90" align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Delete" /></td>
<td width="90" align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Confirm Email" /></td>
<td width="90" align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Activate" /></td>
<td width="90" align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Approval" /></td>
<td align="center">
Ban time<br />
(in hours)
<input class=text type=text name="time_hrs" value="1" style="width:70px;" />
<td align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Ban" /></td>
<td align="center"><input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="UnBan" /></td>
<td align="center">
<hr style="width:90%; color:#e4e4e4; height:1px;">
<textarea name="Message" style="width:540px; height:100px;"></textarea>
<td align="center">
<input class=text type=submit name="prf_form_submit" value="Send Message" />
<?= ResNavigationRet( 'ProfilesLower', 0 ) ?>
function getUserMedia($ID, $sType = '')
switch ($sType)
case 'video':
case 'audio':
$sAct = " AND `Owner`='$ID'";
$sPas = " AND `Owner`='$ID'";
$sqlAct = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `RayMp3Files` WHERE 1 $sAct";
//$sqlPas = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `RayMp3Files` WHERE 1 $sPas";
$sqlPas = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `RayMp3Files` WHERE 0";
$sHrefA = 'post_mod_audio.php?iUser='.$ID;
$sHrefP = 'post_mod_audio.php?iUser='.$ID;
case 'photo':
$sAct = " AND `med_status`='active' AND `med_prof_id`='$ID'";
$sPas = " AND `med_status`='passive' AND `med_prof_id`='$ID'";
$sqlAct = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `media` WHERE `med_type`='$sType' $sAct";
$sqlPas = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `media` WHERE `med_type`='$sType' $sPas";
$sHrefA = 'post_mod_photos.php?media=photo&status=active&iUser='.$ID;
$sHrefP = 'post_mod_photos.php?media=photo&status=passive&iUser='.$ID;
case 'bg':
$sqlAct = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `ProfilesSettings` WHERE `IDmember`='$ID' AND `Status`='Active' AND `BackgroundFilename`<>''";
$sqlPas = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `Num` FROM `ProfilesSettings` WHERE `IDmember`='$ID' AND (`Status` IS NULL OR `Status`<>'Active') AND `BackgroundFilename`<>''";
$sHrefA = 'post_mod_profiles.php?iUser='.$ID.'&status=active';
$sHrefP = 'post_mod_profiles.php?iUser='.$ID;
$sActPart = db_value($sqlAct) > 0 ? '<div class="activeMedia"><a href="'.$sHrefA.'">'.db_value($sqlAct).'</a></div>' : '';
$sPasPart = strlen($sqlPas) && db_value($sqlPas) > 0 ? '<div class="passiveMedia"><a href="'.$sHrefP.'">'.db_value($sqlPas).'</a></div>' : '';
return $sActPart.$sPasPart;
I am lost what to do, I have reinstalled twice and still get the same problem, it is so frustrating