Hello All, and happy new year. Has anyone successfully removed any of the tabs from polls. I have successfully altered my polls so that 'admin' instead of 'latest' is the default tab, but now i need to remove the 'rand' tab. i tried removing rand from the code that sets polling mode in BxBaseIndex.php which removes the rand tab from the home page, but if you click on 'top' or 'latest' the random tab reappears.
$mode = strlen($_GET['ppoll_mode']) ? $_GET['ppoll_mode'] : 'admin';
$aDBTopMenu = array();
//$menu = '<div class="dbTopMenu">';
foreach( array( 'admin', 'last', 'top' ) as $sMyMode )
if the array above there was an additional entry after 'admin','last','top' which was rand. am i chasing my tail here?
thanks in advance for your help.