remove that large account button

how do I remove the large account button that sits on the sub menu bar.

that one? because it kinds suks and I don't really need it.

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

There are a couple of modules in the market that will let you delete that button; search for actions managers.

The other way is to edit the database directly.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 3 Jun 2015

I was looking at the database for it, am I right in looking in sys_menu ? I can't find submenu? I want to remove the profile button too in account view.

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

gawd i've been at this for hours, i can't find that button in the database, are you sure it isn't a button stuck on a html somewhere?

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

The answer is here on the forums if you don't want to buy the modules from the market.  Keep searching the forums or try using an off-site search engine.  This has already been answered a few times.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 3 Jun 2015

the only thread i can find that anwsers this subject is this

where it says to change the editable bit on my profile / my account button to 1 from 0. However that button isn't actually there in the database. maybe things have changed since this last topic was answered. 

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

<button class="bx-btn bx-btn-img" onclick=" ('http://mysite/member.php','_self');">

    <i class="sys-icon dashboard"></i>My Account


I can see this in inspect element, if i put that code into a html block it makes that button, so are you sure the button is still in database and not in a script somewhere?

Quote · 3 Jun 2015


<button class="bx-btn bx-btn-img" onclick=" ('http://mysite/member.php','_self');">

    <i class="sys-icon dashboard"></i>My Account


I can see this in inspect element, if i put that code into a html block it makes that button, so are you sure the button is still in database and not in a script somewhere?

One thing you can do to help find things in Dolphin is to use a programme that will let you search files for text.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 3 Jun 2015


I change the name of this file to make it inactive and the offending button disappeared. I can reactive the file easily but I am wondering what else the file controls?

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

button.bx-btn, button.bx-btn-img (display: none !important;} -- no need to find source....

Quote · 3 Jun 2015

thankyou that works well

Quote · 12 Jun 2015


button.bx-btn, button.bx-btn-img (display: none !important;} -- no need to find source....

 That's really bad advice.  That css is going to hide every single actions button in every module site-wide.  Some other buttons that will go missing are 'Add Post', 'My Blog', 'Add Event', 'My Events', 'Upload', 'My Albums'.... etc. The list is too long for me to spend the effort listing them all.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 Jun 2015

Sometimes they rather take bad advice over good advice.  I think those modules I mentioned sell for around $20.00 and make it very easy to work with actions.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 13 Jun 2015

yeah i found it removed all the other buttons too and removed the code.

"Sometimes they rather take bad advice over good advice.  I think those modules I mentioned sell for around $20.00 and make it very easy to work with actions".

I have bought countless modules and its costing a small fortune, i really want to just remove the offending button myself. can someone just tell me how to do it without all the figure it out yourself, if i could figure it out i would have removed it all ready. I understand you want to sell modules and telling me how to do things takes away my need to pay yet more money, but trust me I have bought my fair share.

Quote · 14 Jun 2015


I understand you want to sell modules

I don't want to sell modules; they are not my modules.  If you don't mind doing the database edits then that will work as well.  The module just makes it easier.  It took me less than a minute; maybe 30 seconds, to remove the account button using the module.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 14 Jun 2015

To remove that button, run this SQL in phpMyAdmin.

DELETE FROM `sys_objects_actions` WHERE `Caption` = '{cpt_am_profile_account_page}'

Then clear the dolphin cache. (IMPORTANT STEP. Button will not go away until the cache is cleared.)

To put the button back in if you should need to then use this query.

INSERT INTO `sys_objects_actions` (`ID`, `Caption`, `Icon`, `Url`, `Script`, `Eval`, `Order`, `Type`, `bDisplayInSubMenuHeader`) VALUES (NULL, '{cpt_am_profile_account_page}', 'dashboard', '{evalResult}', '', 'return $GLOBALS[\'oTopMenu\']->getUrlAccountPage({ID});', '5', 'ProfileTitle', '1')

Then clear the dolphin cache. (IMPORTANT STEP. Button will not show up until the cache is cleared.)
Quote · 14 Jun 2015

yay! thanks, its gone at last :) 

Quote · 14 Jun 2015


Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 15 Jun 2015
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