request a little asstiance please

I installed the photos and the groups mod, But those do not appear to do what I want, What I want is for users to be able to have their own private gallery which they can and share with who they want, and something that will allow them to create their own egroups, does anyone know if  there are any mods that will do this?

Quote · 8 May 2015

Yes, they can do this with the basic install.  You need to read up on Privacy levels in Dolphin.  For instance; photo albums can be set to be visible to only certain members by using privacy groups; you can set up as many privacy groups as one wishes; so you can share one album with one set of members and a different album with a different set of members.  The same goes for groups; you can create groups and limit who can join the group.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 May 2015

Ok, I see what I did wrong, I did not have my test user account activated , if you do not mind I have a few more questions for you....




Quote · 9 May 2015


Ok, I see what I did wrong, I did not have my test user account activated , if you do not mind I have a few more questions for you....

Ask any question, that is what the community is here for; to answer questions.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

Thank you, ok the following are what I need help at the moment...


1. In the users profile on the left hand side where the general info is I want to take out  the place where you put your age Strange request I know But I have my reasons, How do I do that?


2. How do I disable the news features?


3. How do I set to automatically activated new users?


4. On the chat mod, is there a place to clear out the chat history?


5. Is there a place where I can go that will explain what all the modules that come with dolphin does?


6. Oh and is there anyway to get rid of that blue button that keeps popping up at the side about creating your own community, very annoying...


Quote · 9 May 2015


1. In the users profile on the left hand side where the general info is I want to take out  the place where you put your age Strange request I know But I have my reasons, How do I do that?

Admin Panel => Builders => Profile Fields. Switch to View Profile and move the Age item from under General Info block to the Inactive Items area. This will disable it on that page. You'll need to do this for all three views (the radio buttons above the fields list): Admin, Member, and Visitor


2. How do I disable the news features?

Which one? The module can be uninstalled from Admin Panel => Modules => Add & Manage. The BoonEx News block on the homepage can be removed from Admin Panel => Builders => Pages Builder. Select Homepage from the drop-down menu, and like before, drag the BoonEx News block to the Inactive Blocks area. For the news and market feeds in the Admin Panel, these can be disabled from Admin Panel => Settings => Advanced Settings => General.


3. How do I set to automatically activated new users?

That's also in Advanced Settings, under Moderation.


4. On the chat mod, is there a place to clear out the chat history?

Nope. Edit: I lied. There's a little button in the toolbar above the textbox, next to the help icon. Click that to clear, at least for that user.


5. Is there a place where I can go that will explain what all the modules that come with dolphin does?

I don't think so. There have been attempts to document each one fully, but that's a lot of work. It should be obvious what most modules are for, but some might not be clear.


The Profiler module, for example, should never be installed. It's for debugging by developers, and may actually break some things if kept on. The SMTP Mailer allows Dolphin to send emails directly via SMTP, such as if you use a third-party email service. Custom RSS allows members to add RSS feeds to their profile. Profile Customizer allows users to customize the look of their profile, such as the background, border colors, etc.


If there's a specific module you want to know about, just ask.


6. Oh and is there anyway to get rid of that blue button that keeps popping up at the side about creating your own community, very annoying...

You'll need to buy a license to remove it. That's the limitation of using Dolphin for free - there's a blue badge on the side of the site. You can actually click the little X to remove it, if it's too annoying.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 9 May 2015


3. How do I set to automatically activated new users?

Don't do this.  Dolphin is heavily targeted by spammers.  I left my test site open and had to clean out a few hundred spam accounts and it was only a few days it was open.

Put in the anti-spam account controls, such as activation after email confirmation.  Unless you don't mind deleting a bunch of spam accounts each day.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

Ok, Iam not certain if the instructions are correct for number 1, Iam talking about the area when you click on your avatar then look over to the left and down , please see attachment...

Grab36.jpg · 10.9K · 181 views
Quote · 9 May 2015


Ok, Iam not certain if the instructions are correct for number 1, Iam talking about the area when you click on your avatar then look over to the left and down , please see attachment...

Admin Panel => Builders => Profile Fields => View Profile. For each view (Admin, Member, and Visitor) move the Age item to the Inactive Items area.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 9 May 2015


6. Oh and is there anyway to get rid of that blue button that keeps popping up at the side about creating your own community, very annoying...

 Dolphin 7.1.x is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.  This means you must include attribution to Boonex in order to use the software.


See: for information.


The author of the work can specify how you give attribution.  The last time I looked at the license, it did not specifically state that you must use the "bug" for attribution but it is implied by Boonex; this of course is going to be a grey area because technically Boonexx should have specifically stated that one must use the bug for attribution.  The CC license also state that any attribution requirements must be reasonable.  You can read up on the CC license.  Boonex did allow one to hide the "bug" by clicking on the x and it will stay hidden for x number of days, weeks; I can not remember.


Personally, I don't like the bug jumping in.  I would rather it just be on the page near the bottom of the screen.  Actually, I don't like the bug at all, I would rather the old way of the Boonex logo in the footer be allowed.


My recommendation is that you contact Andrew and ask if you can change the method of attribution; he may say yes, and he may say no.  Some form of attribution must be on the site; and you can not hide it any manner; such as using a transparent font; it must be visible to visitors.


As Nathan pointed out, a license will remove the "bug" and any other attribution on the site; such as the flash player mentioning Boonex.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

By the way, Dolphin Pro 7.2 is not going to require attribution at all.  However, the modules; or at least some of them, will not be included with the base package of 7.2.  You may have to purchase some of the modules that you want.  However, if you buy a license, you will get all Boonex modules included; something to think about.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

Ok Nathan, I did exactly as you said and use fcleaner to clear my browsers cache, But it did not work its still in there...

Quote · 9 May 2015

 Ok I wont...


3. How do I set to automatically activated new users?

Don't do this.  Dolphin is heavily targeted by spammers.  I left my test site open and had to clean out a few hundred spam accounts and it was only a few days it was open.

Put in the anti-spam account controls, such as activation after email confirmation.  Unless you don't mind deleting a bunch of spam accounts each day.


Quote · 9 May 2015

 Well then the x is not working then, as I clicked on it several times and it keeps coming back...


6. Oh and is there anyway to get rid of that blue button that keeps popping up at the side about creating your own community, very annoying...

 Dolphin 7.1.x is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution license.  This means you must include attribution to Boonex in order to use the software.


See: for information.


The author of the work can specify how you give attribution.  The last time I looked at the license, it did not specifically state that you must use the "bug" for attribution but it is implied by Boonex; this of course is going to be a grey area because technically Boonexx should have specifically stated that one must use the bug for attribution.  The CC license also state that any attribution requirements must be reasonable.  You can read up on the CC license.  Boonex did allow one to hide the "bug" by clicking on the x and it will stay hidden for x number of days, weeks; I can not remember.


Personally, I don't like the bug jumping in.  I would rather it just be on the page near the bottom of the screen.  Actually, I don't like the bug at all, I would rather the old way of the Boonex logo in the footer be allowed.


My recommendation is that you contact Andrew and ask if you can change the method of attribution; he may say yes, and he may say no.  Some form of attribution must be on the site; and you can not hide it any manner; such as using a transparent font; it must be visible to visitors.


As Nathan pointed out, a license will remove the "bug" and any other attribution on the site; such as the flash player mentioning Boonex.


Quote · 9 May 2015


Ok Nathan, I did exactly as you said and use fcleaner to clear my browsers cache, But it did not work its still in there...

Can you try clearing Dolphin's cache from Admin Panel => Tools => Cache? If not, I can take a closer look - PM me your site address and admin login.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 9 May 2015

I notice in the admin panel that nearly all the pages have the top cut off so it does not show the log off I think I found one or two that were complete is there anyway to fix that? please see attachment...

Grab37.jpg · 29.5K · 155 views
Quote · 10 May 2015


I notice in the admin panel that nearly all the pages have the top cut off so it does not show the log off I think I found one or two that were complete is there anyway to fix that? please see attachment...

Only pages that normally would occur on would be mostly on pages that have a lot of data presented in a wide format such as the navigation menu builder. In those cases look at the bottom of the page, there should be a horizontal scroll bar so you can scroll to the right.

If it is happening on a lot of pages, then i would have to guess your useing a computer with a unusally low screen resolution. The admin panel is designed for screens with resolutions of 1280x720 or higher. Or in other words, the standard resolution of a typical 17" monitor or bigger. It's not designed for smaller displays.
Quote · 10 May 2015

Ya it was the screen resolution, I usually keep it 1024x768. Thank you ...

Quote · 10 May 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.