what would be the most prudent directorys and .php files to put in the robots.txt???? I've looked at other dolphin websites .txt files and they seem to vary quite a bit! an example below of what I came up with but have not uploaded it to my site. there's more I was going to add thinking it would save bandwidth in the future and attempt to sculpt what I want indexed in the search engines. I apologize if it comes off as a stupid question.
P.S. Classifieds,video,music,board,presence,chat and affiliates are all disabled on my site.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /rss/
Disallow: /logout.php
Disallow: /admin
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Disallow: /guestbook.php
Disallow: /inc
Disallow: /profile_activate.php
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Disallow: /forgot.php
Disallow: /temp
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Disallow: /media/images/flags/
Disallow: /uploadPhoto.php
Disallow: /langs
Disallow: /classifiedsmy.php
Disallow: /plugins/
Disallow: /forum/
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Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /contacts.php
Disallow: /contact.php
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Disallow: /vote.php
Disallow: /join_aff.php
Disallow: /presence_pop.php
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /freemail.php
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Disallow: /media/images/small_orca.png
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Disallow: /media/images/classifieds/
Disallow: /mail.php
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Disallow: /uploadShareMusic.php
Disallow: /click.php
Disallow: /messages_inbox.php
Disallow: /media/images/sdating/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /media/sound/
Disallow: /classifieds.php
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Disallow: /cgi/
Disallow: /videos.php
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Disallow: /browseVideo.php
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Disallow: /checkout.php
Disallow: /btn_icon_rss.gif
Disallow: /xml
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Disallow: /classifieds_tags.php
Disallow: /activation_email.php
Disallow: /uploadShareVideo.php
Disallow: /list_pop.php
Disallow: /affiliates.php