robots.txt over kill?

what would be the most prudent directorys and .php files to put in the robots.txt???? I've looked at other dolphin websites .txt files and they seem to vary quite a bit! an example below of what I came up with but have not uploaded it to my site.  there's more I was going to add thinking it would save bandwidth in the future and attempt to sculpt what I want indexed in the search engines. I apologize if it comes off as a stupid question.Embarassed

P.S. Classifieds,video,music,board,presence,chat and affiliates are all disabled on my site.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /rss/
Disallow: /logout.php
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /tellfriend.php
Disallow: /uploadSharePhoto.php
Disallow: /guestbook.php
Disallow: /inc
Disallow: /profile_activate.php
Disallow: /result.php
Disallow: /media/video/
Disallow: /forgot.php
Disallow: /temp
Disallow: /messages_outbox.php
Disallow: /media/images/flags/
Disallow: /uploadPhoto.php
Disallow: /langs
Disallow: /classifiedsmy.php
Disallow: /plugins/
Disallow: /forum/
Disallow: /stats/
Disallow: /media/images/banners/
Disallow: /terms_of_use.php
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /contacts.php
Disallow: /contact.php
Disallow: /_db_backups/
Disallow: /vote.php
Disallow: /join_aff.php
Disallow: /presence_pop.php
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /freemail.php
Disallow: /webformmailer.php
Disallow: /chat.php
Disallow: /profile_customize.php
Disallow: /welcome.html
Disallow: /upload_media.php
Disallow: /browseMusic.php
Disallow: /media/images/small_orca.png
Disallow: /aff/
Disallow: /media/images/classifieds/
Disallow: /mail.php
Disallow: /media/images/small_logo.png
Disallow: /media/images/small_dol.png
Disallow: /join.php
Disallow: /uploadShareMusic.php
Disallow: /click.php
Disallow: /messages_inbox.php
Disallow: /media/images/sdating/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /media/sound/
Disallow: /classifieds.php
Disallow: /simg
Disallow: /viewFriends.php
Disallow: /cgi/
Disallow: /videos.php
Disallow: /media/images/smiles/
Disallow: /viewVideo.php
Disallow: /pedit.php
Disallow: /rate.php
Disallow: /qsearch.php
Disallow: /media/images/promo/
Disallow: /unregister.php
Disallow: /faq.php
Disallow: /search.php
Disallow: /periodic
Disallow: /privacy.php
Disallow: /backup/
Disallow: /viewMusic.php
Disallow: /board.php
Disallow: /browseVideo.php
Disallow: /media/images/small_ray.png
Disallow: /media/images/profile_bg/
Disallow: /checkout.php
Disallow: /btn_icon_rss.gif
Disallow: /xml
Disallow: /chat/
Disallow: /greetings.php
Disallow: /classifieds_tags.php
Disallow: /activation_email.php
Disallow: /uploadShareVideo.php
Disallow: /list_pop.php
Disallow: /affiliates.php

Quote · 6 Sep 2009

The best robots.txt file is a blank one.  A robots.txt file is a great way to tell all the bad bots what tyou are trying to hide.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 6 Sep 2009

The best robots.txt file is a blank one.  A robots.txt file is a great way to tell all the bad bots what tyou are trying to hide.

Thanks for the reply, I was digging around google and read something to that effect, but was unsure. Is there no text in a blank robots.txt? What should I put in it if there's some sort of text in there?Embarassed

Quote · 6 Sep 2009

A blank robots.txt file will eliminate a lot of 404 errors on your server caused by all the bad bots looking for them.

Check out this site:

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 6 Sep 2009

Better to block all bad user agents from .htaccess in sites root.  Then, and only then, it might make sense to block search engine spiders in specific directories.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 6 Sep 2009

Better to block all bad user agents from .htaccess in sites root.  Then, and only then, it might make sense to block search engine spiders in specific directories.

Thanks for the link, I bookmarked the page and checking it out now.Smile

So much to learn, I really do spend countless hours a day tring to learn all this stuff. I only wish I would have found dolphin a year ago. Because I spent countless hours working with osDate which is great for a dating platform, but not for an average social network. lol

Quote · 6 Sep 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.