
Hello guys!

I'm trying to do a fresh install of the 6.1.5 version, and I get the safe_mode warning, it says: "safe_mode is on, disable it".

My hosting company won't disable that, and that cannot be disabled thru a custom php file either.

Is any way to bypass the safe_mode warning?

I remember when I installed the 6.1.4 version didn't have any such warning, was a smooth installation. Now when installing this version it comes up with the register_globals warning, so I had to turn that of thru custom php file. But then it comes up with the safe_more warning and cannot disable that in any way as I do not have direct access to the server files of my host.

So how do I get this solved? because I'm stuck at this point.

Thank you!


Quote · 12 May 2009

Your only option is to change hosts.  Dolphin does not run in safe mode.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 12 May 2009

So, this new version doesn't run in safe_mode anymore?

When I upgraded from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 was still working. However I decided to do a fresh install with 6.1.5 because there were some little bugs such as login screen looking weird after the upgrade. Was working until I did the fresh install.

I'm wondering if the previous version was working without the safe_mode disabled, then should be a way to disable that somewhere in the Dolphin script, so it doesn't check for the safe_mode, and works like the version before.

Because Houston, something tells me that most hosts, if not all have the safe_mode enabled. I read about it and it seems that if is disabled the host is at risk on a shared server environment.

Well thank you for your thought anyway!

Quote · 12 May 2009

Actually I checked, and my host has safe_mode off. So there is a bug in the Dolphin script, that is the only explanation.

Quote · 12 May 2009
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