Hi, anyone know how to put signup form directly on the index/homepage? I want to make it easy, so new user don't need to first click on "join" link. But I can't find sign up building block in Admin>Builders>Page builder>Homepage
Hi, anyone know how to put signup form directly on the index/homepage? I want to make it easy, so new user don't need to first click on "join" link. But I can't find sign up building block in Admin>Builders>Page builder>Homepage |
go to the admin panel > Builders > Page Builders > Homepage then look for the login in the list of inactive block |
Problem is, I don't see it in the list of inactive blocks! Is it supposed to be there? Then something is wrong with my version... ;-( |
It is very easy to make a "join block" which you can set to be unvisible to members, only to visitors...so when members come to index page they won`t see it...
Using FireFox explorer (IE doesn`t save), go to admin--->builders--->pages bulder and click on homepage... then form sample blocks drag "HTML block" up to active area where you want your join block to appear. Then click on that block and under Caprion lang key type _join....then click on HTML button.
Now usin other IE window ON YOUR OWN SITE, open your join page then right click and then click on "view source"... Copy everything in body section from <!--body--> to <!--end of body-->.
Now paste that copied body section onto "HTML" section in your new block using firefox and click save on HTML editor and save on that block.
NOW...the only problem is the BirthDATE. The calendar doest show up and the Birthdate is "MARRIED" to Dolphin so without proper date the member will not be shown....but you can edit copied body where you can add "eg.month/day/yyyy" next to birtdhate field. I just tested it on my site and everything works great.
I think its a good idea , Facebook has the same thing. Playing with "visible to; member/visitor" buttons, it`s like having 2 index pages....
I hope this helps. Nurke
Is there are away for a member to hide the feature from showing in the future? That would be the best of both worlds. I know I wouldnt want to look at it eachtime I came to page. |
Ok now, if Dorit meant to place join page on index as index page....then I agree that would look ugly and boring...that can be done by redirecting/forwarding domain name to join.php, but I doubt thats what she/he meant....
If you make your join page very simple(nickname, email, dob, and password) that would make a very small "join" block...
Then you could add a few other available blocks around to fullfill the page, those that would help index your site better....
For logged in members you can make all blocks visible ( except join and login block)....
FleaTrax....what do you mean by your question? Did you mean how to prevent members form showin up in featured block? If so, you (admin) are the one who decides who will show up in featured members block...by clicking on specified profile from admin panel and setting it as featured...
If you meant....once you are a member....then how to prevent join block from showing up in the feature....dolphin doesn`t know if you are a member until you log in....once you log in...then the option visible for visitor/members kicks in.....
A few things from a marketing analyst, yes, yours truly... I might not know a lot concerning programming and such, but I do know what people like to see and what they don't like to see.
Rule 1 of Marketing.
Yes, KISS, Stands for Keep It Simple Stupid.
When people come to a sites home page, they want to feel welcomed. Trust is a huge indicator of this. They don't want to be told to hand over all of their information to someone they don't know. Think about it this way.
If a guy were to send you an e-mail demanding all your information and did not tell you what it was for, would you be inclined to provide it or see it as a scam? I'll tell you now, 99.99999% of the population, worldwide, will see it as a scam and delete it automatically. Same thing with a join page that is the sites home page. You will lose 99.9999% of the first time visitors along with the vast majority of your current members simply due to this hard hitting style.
Instead, take a moment and create a homepage that works to entice your visitors to want to be a member. Think about the type of site your running and how an average person who would come to your site thinks. Then show them how your site is better fit to meet their needs than all the other sites out there.
In order to do this, share a small part of yourself and write it (using your keywords of course) in a manner that creates trust. Once you create the trust, you don't even have to ask them to join. They'll want to join right from the start, they'll beg you for a place to insert their information.
Once you have them on the site, then overdeliver on what you promised. Make the site easy to use, provide everything you promised plus a few more items as a surprise. Then, go to the next step and keep improving the site. They say you can't improve on perfection, but in the marketing world there is no such thing as perfect. Meaning there is always room to improve.
This is why you don't want a join page on your home page. People who want to join know they have to click.
I personally believe that who ever relies on google or so search engines...they won`t get far...there are millions of sites like ours... If you plan to invest about 5mill in tv advertising, even then there is no need to make yout index page look THAT apealing... your tv commercials will make watchers come in and join...
What I do, I make sure I offer my members options, features so they can stick on to the site...of course those who like it will invite others....and those who come, they come b/c they have something to do, look at and so on...if you leave your site to look as it looks out of the box...what do you have...nothing, just another dating site....
For all those new dolphin(ers), go to expertzzz.com and see all addons you could use...they cost some money but most of them are great, some are free...while there, search for members called dolphinmods and scripotologist and emusic, to name a few...they offer really great mods...and service....and use your imagination...
You need members that will come and come again...not those who join and never come back not even upload their pic...think about it...we already got hi5, facebook,myspace...
Just today I got an email from myspace telling me that they offer "people you may know" feature...last month they started "last activity". facebook just changed their index page to look a little bit cleaner....after so many years.... you start with something interesting, for specific group of people, and slowly you will grow...just don`t expect milion of members withing 2 months...that won`t happen any way you go.....
Thanks alot to Nurke for very constructive response to my actual question - which was purely a technical question - not a question as to what was smart and who was the most stupid /had the most stupid idea!!! As Nurke was the only one who understood, I just wanted to make it easy for non-members to sign up by saving them a click and showing them directly a short join/sign up form on the index-page - not instead of the index-page - that would have been easy and not something I would have needed to consult this forum to do. I want of course to make joining easy with as few mandatory fields as possible, and then of course only make join field show for non-members. Members can choose to be signed in automatically and thus go directly to their own member homepage with lots of content that are not going to be available/visible for non-members anyways. Anyways, I wasn't asking for response to my idea, and I don't care to explain it further, since it might be too complicated for some users here to grasp save Nurke! My thanks to Nurke, again /Dorit |
As Sammie says... Think about this.... Keep It Simple Stupid Now, with that in mind, what do you think people are going to think when they arrive at a home page that's asking a million questions and they don't even know if they want to join yet? As our good friend Forest would say.... "Momma always says... Stupid is as Stupid does..." Gotta love Forest, he is such a wise man... Forrest Gump a wiseman????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg! Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. Buddha ;) |
mydatery wrote: "What? You come here with a question, and when people advise you against it you accuse them of not reading, not comprehending and ignoring your question for a chance to insult?" - Mydatery, on another recent thread you dressed me down for advising against starting a site similar to classmates.com - and you know what - I think you were right. Though it wasn't my intention, people usually don't come here to hear others think their ideas are bad - we usually don't have enough information to make that assessment. This was a pretty hostile reception to a purely technical question. In any event people have done this mod - I think powless even did a tutorial on it: http://www.boonex.com/unity/blog/entry/Join_form_in_homepage_block_instead_of_clicking_on_Join_form_ - Rob