A little help please. How do you stop the site from performing searches on things that don't matter, like signature lines?
Even this site has this problem. Try it, search anything with pkforum in it and all you get is Epaulos posts through the entire site because he has the word pkforum in his signature. Text boxes, titles and usernames would be good. Most everything else could be ignored. This would greatly improve the search results site wide.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
I suppose you mean google search, since build-in forum search doesn't search in signatures, so you can use it to search for something in the forum.
As for Google - you can't prevent google to ignore some part of the page. However it is theoretically possible to check USERAGENT on the server side, and if it is Google(or some other search engine) - then don't include signatures in the output.
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If I click the little search icon on the top right of your page, it searches everything. Is that Google? If so, then I suggest it might be a better course of action to make that the search site and not google. If I want to search google, I can go to the google home page or even use the google search bar in my browser.
Just a thought. It is misleading because it's not labeled properly.
http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
Upon review, I now notice I can select the search option I want to use. I also notice that the site search is combined with Google with no other option. I can use Google to search the site, I can search the market or I can search the blogs. Where's the choice to search the entire Boonex site outside of Google's influence? http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
To best way to search the whole boonex.com site is to use google search, or to be more correct google site search - https://www.google.com/work/search/products/gss.html
If you use google.com, then it will search the Internet, to limit the search to boonex.com only, you have to type "site:boonex.com", many people don't know about this functionality, also google site search is integrated into boonex.com site and search results displayed on the site.
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It's still searching the signature lines...... http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |