
anyone knows how to set up sitemap?

Quote · 29 Aug 2008

Have you searched the forums for "sitemap" (without quotes) for the answer to magically appear before your eyes?

The magic Search Forums Button to your left is the PREFERRED method of help from the forums  ..... 
The chances are if you've got a problem someone had it before you  ..... 

Quote · 29 Aug 2008

nothing appears.

Quote · 29 Aug 2008

search for "sitemap" (without quotes) in messages

You're welcome  ..... 

Quote · 29 Aug 2008

You create a file with any text editor. Name it sitemap.xml and put it in your main directory like

You should use specific code but it's easy to find at google.

This is an example of a free one returned in google results. This one actually does a decent job:

If you don't have a google account for analytics or google webmaster tools get one:

There is a ton of info available in a google webmaster tools account.

gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 29 Aug 2008

thnx a lot sir!

Quote · 29 Aug 2008

This tool will create one from you and you can configure it from the admin panel

Quote · 6 Feb 2009

This is a concern.  Boonex is a highly dynamic site, creating dozens, hundreds, or thousands of pages a day.  Most CMS (Drupal, Joomla, etc) have modules that dynamically create a sitemap on a cron.  Also, there are URL limits (I think 10,000??) per sitemap, so the best practice is to have a module that creates cascading sitemaps for Google to spider (sitemap.xml, sitemap1.xml, sitemap2.xml, etc.) with the primary sitemap.xml file referencing the others.

Is there not a module to create sitemaps dynamically??

Quote · 22 Jul 2009

To answer your questions:


1.  Yes, there is and WePeople has pointed you towards.


2.  WePeople, per the Boonex/Unity rules it is no longer permitted to advertise/post links in the forums.  I am sorry to say that your answer is a type of advertisement and it saddens me greatly to have to report it for that.  I'm sure you weren't aware of this and never meant to break the rules.


3.  Again, there is a module to create these which WePeople pointed out.  Sometimes utilizing the search functions on here and on Google will go a great distance to assisting you in finding the things that you are looking for.  When utilizing search functions on here, simply mark the little circle that says "Messages" and you will find a wealth of information.  On Goggle, just ask your question and put Boonex after it before you hit search.  It will return great results for you and save you much much time over having to ask a question in a forum and wait until someone knows the answer comes along.  I'm sure your time is precious and valuable and I would not want to think you had to waste it waiting on one of us to answer you.



****This post has been made the more kinder/gentler MyDatery, I hope it has been found to be helpful to all and if anyone should need further clarification, please do not hesitate to ask, or use the search functions.  All of you have a nice day and may the Monkey Gods rain wealth down upon you.

Quote · 22 Jul 2009
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