ok i made the upgrade from rc1 to rc2... i clean all cache... and try to reset the admin password with the function lost password.... i receive the new password... i try it..... DONT work!!!! so even if in the trac you say that you fix the bug... i dont think so... and when i try to create an new user account... i got the message Access Denied at the end of the signup process... and the login still dont work for that user i just created... and i activated it by email... but it still not working...
so what is the REAL problem with that?
Is working for me... i think you didn`t made the upgrade ok |
well i fed up.. i want to work on my website... so i decide to make AGAIN a fresh new install... and start from the beggining... and yes i do the upgrade right.. i follow all the instruction and the manual upgrade instruction also... |
Try this fix that a user posted:
I have found this problem too on testing RC version. Problem was with setting coockies.
Try this : inc/profiles.inc.php find this code
setcookie("memberPassword", $sPassword, $iCookieTime, $sPath, $sHost, false, true /* http only */);
and change it to
setcookie("memberPassword", $sPassword, $iCookieTime, $sPath, $sHost);
Always backup your files before changes!
i already try this and it dont work :(
but now guess what????? i made a fresh new install.... rewrite one by one all the 50 new field i add into the profil section during the join process.... and when i logout from admin to create a user account to test it... my admin account got again password problem... got the same bug that i had with the RC1 version... so i think boonex you dont really found the exact problem.... i think that you will have to check directly on my server to see whats wrong..... why i can use my admin account... and after 2 logout... i cant login anymore.... and again member cant create account... so please boonex staff check this out... i dont want to start again 20 times... pm me to get the access to my server
totallyfreak, I understand that you are having problems with your admin password, but you also have to realize that alot of here are NOT having that problem, so to call it a bug is not legit.
There has to be something that is not configured properly on your end. You say that you did a fresh install so I am assuming a completely fresh directory and database correct?
Are you installing RC2 or are you installing RC1 then upgrading to RC2?
Also, what do you mean by this "rewrite one by one all the 50 new field i add into the profile section during the join process."
Nothing to see here |
yes its a fresh new install... new database
and thr rc2 release today... maybe for now im alone again in that situation... but im sure other people will see that problem again in the next few days.... exactly like it happen for thr rc1... at the beginning i seam alone in that situation but day after day, other member complain about the same issue... so YES its a bug... so again... they will wait to have more and more user who complai about that before starting to investigate to this problem... just check on the trac of the rc1... they add it after more and more complain... they did some change... think to had correct the problem... but it still there on s fresh new installation of RC2.... even when you upgrade rc1 to rc2... dont work... thats why i decided to make a fresh new install of rc2....
and about the 50 field.... i work in the field manager and add field to the join section... over 50 new field... maybe the bug is in that section... because its always the last place i work in the admin section before the password bug.... and i never touch the the password field or any other existing field... i only add new one...
and if that problem happen to other... please let me know... and let me know if also you had play in the field manager before the bug
interesting ...........did you try the demo http://demozzz.com/dolphin7b/
if you can create an account there and the login works then it's something on your setup
Totallyfreak, Have you tried testing this on a fresh install WITHOUT adding any fields to the join page. What I am suggesting is to start with a clean install with NO modifications yet. Try logging in and logging out a few times as the admin. Create a test user using the join form. Make sure you can login and logout.
If all of this works BEFORE you do anything in the profile fields, then I would suggest that maybe something you are adding is causing issues.
Nothing to see here |
yes it work before adding field... i can logout and login as i wish... i repeat its after i add some field that the password bug... always work before... so its not in the installation.... |
Try to look at type of your Password field in phpMyAdmin, it need to be varchar and length must be 40.
if you have another type or length - then try to change it to varchar (40) and try to forgot a password again.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
check on this post... another have the same problem with the rc2 also...
and he talk about maybe a problem with the js script...
and yes i check and the varchar of the password field is 40
you can check my phpinfo at
my dolphin website is www.boyplace.net
I have the same problem with my site. I can not login as admin, or any user that create an account. it works only if I modify the inc/profiles.inc.php as I wrote a few posts above.The varchar is 40 in database.
Could be a bug somehow related maybe to some php or/and mysql versions?!
I have mysql and php 5.1.6
OS: CentOS 5
Tracker, According to boonex, You need to have PHP version at least 5.2.0 for Dolphin 7.
"Last, but not least - one thing that many of you have already noticed
and discussed is that Dolphin 7 must now be installed on a server on
which the PHP version is at least 5.2.0.
We thought there wouldn't be much problem with that, because PHP 4 is
not even supported anymore, and all hosting providers should have
updated their servers with the fifth version of PHP long ago."
Not sure if it has anything to do with it, but could possibly.
Nothing to see here |
Ok, I upgraded php to php 5.2.9, and nothing changed. so, I supose it is not php version related.... |
Sorry, I forgot to restart apache after upgrade. I restarted apache, and now all its working just fine. So, I could say that it is php version related, after all.  |
well like you can see on my phpinfo page... i use the version PHP Version 5.2.6
so it should be ok... but if you said that it works with php version 5.2.9 can you told me the easy way to upgrade my php version... i will try it and told you if it works for me
and yes i check and the varchar of the password field is 40
Please make sure that you cleared /cache/ directory after this change!
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
and yes i check and the varchar of the password field is 40
Please make sure that you cleared /cache/ directory after this change!
but i dont make that change because it was already at 40
and yes i check and the varchar of the password field is 40
Please make sure that you cleared /cache/ directory after this change!
but i dont make that change because it was already at 40
Please try to clean cache too
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
i already told this... i clean the cache too... its still dont work!! |
Lost Password code not working for me
- I am using vanilla RC version. No code changes. On a PHP 5.2.9 system.
- My client forgot his password
- I clicked the forgot password link.
- It sent email with new password.
- New password did not work.
- I tested on my account
- It sent me mail,
- New password did not work
- Spent a lot of time trying to trackdown issue
- Found that if I entered my old password. it STILL WORKED!
- So something is not working here.
- I have checked DB yep is varchar(40), cleaned cache etc.
- I tried the fix in the setcookies code in the inc/profiles.inc.php file as offered as solution.
- Retried. Still same. got email, new pwd does not work.. Existing password STILL works!
Any ideas or fixes?
I also note this comment from another poster:
There is no checking or confirmation of e-mail address changes, making
it possible to mistype your e-mail and get locked out of your Unity
account. I'm unsure if this is what's going on in my case — no way to
find out! In either case, stuff like this should be brought up to
1. Are you on RC or RC3? there are changes
I've tested the reset password and it works fine with my RC3 installation. Sounds like maybe the password isn't being written in your database the way it should. Check your database user settings and ensure that it has all the permissions for the database. Check your error logs and see if that can shed any light, dolphin gives error logs and check system error logs. The password reset works, something is up with your particular install that is preventing it from working and I bet you find it in error logs.
1. Are you on RC or RC3? there are changes
I've tested the reset password and it works fine with my RC3 installation. Sounds like maybe the password isn't being written in your database the way it should. Check your database user settings and ensure that it has all the permissions for the database. Check your error logs and see if that can shed any light, dolphin gives error logs and check system error logs. The password reset works, something is up with your particular install that is preventing it from working and I bet you find it in error logs.
I am using RC1. DB User settings are fine.. has all privileges. Which error logs are you referring to? And where do I find them?
using RC3 went to test the ability for the user to change the password, and this is what i get when i hit save:
Possible security attack!!! All data has been collected and sent to the site owner for analysis.
i know there is some talk about changing this Risk Level, but why would this be so low that a user could not even change their password?
at any rate, going to login to admin and see if i can get this resolved so this password issue can be sorted.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Your server should have error logs that you can access to view problems with scripts in the site. Ask your host where the sql error logs are held and see if it sheds any light as to why the password isn't writing. Also like dosdog mentioned what do you have your security settings at? Only RC2 and 3 allows you to really tweek those settings so you will be better off upgrading. |
i already told this... i clean the cache too... its still dont work!!
I believe you told me once that you run CentOS. So i need to ask, how did you upgrade your copy of PHP?
The default for CentOS is php version 5.1
5.2 is required for D7. You say you have 5.2. But are there any pieces of the old 5.1 version still left on your server. There might be some weird conflict between versions occuring.
I also could not get passwords working on my CentOS test server until i upgraded PHP. After that i had no problems. I used the CentOS test repository to obtain the updated copy of PHP. I don't like to compile stuff by hand if i don't have to. And that version works perfectly.
Check your apache access and error logs right after you attempt a logon and see if anything is showing up there.
Oh and how did you clean the cache. By hand deleteing the files off the server, or the admin. If admin, try doing it by hand.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
i already told this... i clean the cache too... its still dont work!!
I believe you told me once that you run CentOS. So i need to ask, how did you upgrade your copy of PHP?
The default for CentOS is php version 5.1
5.2 is required for D7. You say you have 5.2. But are there any pieces of the old 5.1 version still left on your server. There might be some weird conflict between versions occuring.
I also could not get passwords working on my CentOS test server until i upgraded PHP. After that i had no problems. I used the CentOS test repository to obtain the updated copy of PHP. I don't like to compile stuff by hand if i don't have to. And that version works perfectly.
I have a CentOS server and had no problems, but then again I have 5.2.9 php.
Your server should have error logs that you can access to view problems with scripts in the site. Ask your host where the sql error logs are held and see if it sheds any light as to why the password isn't writing. Also like dosdog mentioned what do you have your security settings at? Only RC2 and 3 allows you to really tweek those settings so you will be better off upgrading.
NO sign of errors anywhere that I can find in any logs. I added in the security settings fia few days ago and have them set to threshold to send report at 20 and threshold to send report and block aggressor at 27, though I have had them much lower ( these current settings are to stop being spammed by bogus attack messages ( another major issue).
So right now. there are several major issues stopping my client from wanting to continue atm.