I just received two messages from the start of my 1 and 1 hosting and I
do not understand much in the sense that it prompts me to delete files
dolphin file name below in their message
Thank you very kindly help me to solve this terrible problem that my website does not work.
Here is the first message
Your web 1 & 1 has suffered an attack from the outside through a hole
Security in the software you use. Following this attack, hackers
have downloaded a phishing page on your site.
It was under the URL
http: \ \ chelh-mariage.com \ langs \ security.authentication.html
To avoid further criminal access, we conducted a blockage
temporary space on your web 1 & 1. This block will be raised as soon as we
analyzed the attack and disable harmful files.
The analysis will be made by our experts. It may retain a certain time, as
attacks are very variable and adaptable to your software. Now we
expect to come in the block 12 to 24 hours after this message.
Thank you in advance for your understanding for this measure. Your
webspace violated the rights and property of others. In addition, your
data were subject to access by hackers. Not to mention that you
could have been held co-responsible for crimes committed due to phishing.
It was after evaluating these arguments, we have taken this
NOTE: The cleanup will take place now will be offered as a service
included in our services. It will not be charged. However, it
Later will require your cooperation and a careful verification.
You will be informed of the steps to follow in our next email.
Thank you in advance for your efforts. We look forward to many early
resume our good cooperation.
Best regards,
and here is the second message
Your web 1 & 1 has again attacked through the software
you install.
By e-mail of 28.03.2009, we had communiqu
that the / script s / s Dolphin represent security vulnerabilities and
allow attacks your web 1 & 1. These same weaknesses have led
the current attack.
Because of such attacks represent can affect the rights
and the ownership of a third party, you redemandons of scuriser your site:
NOTE: The security software that you install takes your unique
responsibility. In case another attack would replicate this, we
would be forced to block your account and rsilier our definition
contract without notice or refund.
1. Update the following modules of your software. They contain the
security holes that served as the gateway of the pirates:
2. Delete the following files. Note: Before their removal,
you should change the rights of these files. For more information
. / dolphin / admin / conf__________bak.php
. / Dolphin / aff / banners.php
. / Dolphin / cache / errors.php
. / Dolphin / checkout / authorizenet.php
. / Dolphin / checkout / ccbill.php
. / Dolphin / checkout / paypal.php
. / Dolphin / checkout / mybank.alliance-leicester.co.uk / *
. / dolphin / inc / xml.inc.php
. / Dolphin / langs / security.authentication.html
. / Dolphin / langs / LogonServlet.php
. / dolphin / ray / modules / im / www.php
. / dolphin / ray / modules / im / sh.php
. / Dolphin / Open______________Ssl.php
. / Dolphin / mod_ssl.php
. / Dolphin / maxconfig.php
For questions, please rpondre this email leaving our reference
[Ticket AB6949805] in your message.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Your team Abuse