switch D7 to maintenance mode

Hello, how do i set D7 to maintenance mode? thanks Undecided

Quote · 9 Oct 2009

Is there such a thing in Dolphin?  I don't think so.  If there is, someone please enlighten me also.


p.s.  I like the idea though

Quote · 10 Oct 2009

This would be very useful, I'm looking for a way to do this now..

Quote · 27 Jan 2010

Ticket entered 6 months ago: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/ticket/834

If you have a static IP address from which to access your site, you can do this simply.... if not, you're sol.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 27 Jan 2010

Thought there was a mod built for that feature ... though I have not used... it is nice to have should one pooch the code while hacking... better than the "ERROR this chump pooched me.." (g)


Quote · 16 Jun 2015

ps:  I gave the link so BoonEx could hack and make it a permanent item...


Please add to my Wish List.  (g)





Quote · 16 Jun 2015

Yes, it's an old thread, but I moved it to the 7.1 forum because I changed the milestone on my six year old ticket to 7.2.0.   I figure six years is long enough to wait for this very basic feature that every site should have by default.  How hard can it be?



My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 16 Jun 2015


Yes, it's an old thread, but I moved it to the 7.1 forum because I changed the milestone on my six year old ticket to 7.2.0.   I figure six years is long enough to wait for this very basic feature that every site should have by default.  How hard can it be?


Never did (built)  one - have no idea.  I just tried the mod that I posted but it does not work with 7.1+. 
When I did a lot of stuff with Drupal - I used their built in when needed.  Same with Wordpress/Buddypress and a few others.

I was looking as 7.1.6 appears to have a lot of gliches I am too lazy to find and try and fix..   On a fresh install of *.*.6 Classified will let me add what ever I want for items or sub items.. but will not post a classified.  Returns me to index.

The html side box wants to add the site URL infront of what ever actual URL I use.. killing the link.  I use shadowbox on most links - rel="shadowbox[mixed]"  and thought that may be confusing the interface ... removed,

no difference.. so: "http://www.soft-vision.com/tilt" rel="shadowbox[mixed]"  ends up
"http://www.myneighbors.nethttp://www.soft-vision.com/tilt" rel="shadowbox[mixed]"

I looked to see if I could see what whats causing and where - why  base URL was injected over the actual.

I failed.  I relinquish my rights, pocket pencil holder and what ever I forgot that I should ad to this list, to using the endeared term Geek.

Joe, Over 67 years on the planet and finally admit my short comings.

So I am backing down to 7.1.5 and take my chances with the old security issues vs BALDNESS from pulling pubic, facial and head hairs.  Despite, I have no doubt it's my fault! 

3c.jpg · 385.2K · 155 views
Quote · 16 Jun 2015

I use Deano's module.  Not sure the position of Boonex to add features when there is a module in the market.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 16 Jun 2015


I use Deano's module.  Not sure the position of Boonex to add features when there is a module in the market.


For something as basic as this, It really shouldn't be a factor.  Besides. I don't think there are many module developers getting rich off this stuff.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 17 Jun 2015
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