Hello, I have 2 problems with video, first undefined, second unpload problems. I have no problem uploading videos up to 5mn long, looks like the length is causing more problems then the amont of MO, maybe because long videos are creating very big flv files and even biger mpg files.
This is the output of :

I have followed instructions at : http://www.boonex.com/trac/ray/wiki/GenRayTshooter
Except for : you should also increase or comment out the value for the wait_timeout variable in the my.cnf file (on Linux) or my.ini file (on Windows) - the configuration file for MySQL; then restart MySQL service.
I did not find the file?
I have undefined in the flash player, where can this come from? I spoke with boonex, and was asked to replace /ray/modules/movie/langs/english.xml, but looks like this file has no problem, I wonder where the flash player goes to get it's text info :

So for this test I uploaded a video .wmv of 33mo. It uploaded 100% then I got the video listed with flash round loader, this goes on for a few minutes.
The video name is bar092.

After a few minutes I get this message, I would like to fixe undefined to see the message. As you can see the video: bar092 that I was uploading and that was in the list has now gone.

I press OK and immidiatly check on the server : ray/modules/movie/files/ to see if anything has changed, no new files, I refrech FileZilla several times for a few minutes and then new files pop up: 2_temp_small.jpg, 2_temp.mpg, 2_temp.jpg, 2_temp.flv, 2_temp
Is it normal that the .flv is twice the weight of original .wmv , and the .mpg almost 3 times, is it possible to adjust ffmpeg?
I have downloaded the flv, and it works.

Would be great to get this fixed, thanks for any help, mat