uploads don't work

Just installed Dolphin 6.1.4 Free.

I'm running Apache and PHP on localhost.

Once i finally got the site working, the photo uploads work, but not the profile pictures, nor the videos, nor the music.

I've looked through a majority of the threads on here - setup my php.ini file, httpd.conf, .htaccess.

ffmpeg seems to be okay, permissions are all okay, went and got trial licenses for all the products, but still, when i try to upload video or audio, i get the black alert box saying "Alert   Uploading file error.   Ok"

If i'm trying to upload a photo for a profile picture, it goes through okay, because i can see the caption, but the space for the picture is blank.

Can't figure out where its breaking, as its throwing no errors.

Little help? Please?

Quote · 22 Feb 2009
may be you forget to CHMOD one or more files during installation.
Quote · 22 Feb 2009

I'm running it on WinXP.... i know, i know, i'm lame :-(

When i ran the install/index.php file in the beginning, all the folders in the list were 777.

I figure since i'm running as admin user on localhost there should be no problems.

I know there no security on this thing at ALL, but i'm just running this for debugging and testing - not for hosting.

Perhaps i'm missing something in the exec() thing?

Cause the issue is only specific to uploading media, and the profile pictures.


Quote · 22 Feb 2009

Check your ffmpeg if your using one.  It's the most common cause for upload issues with the video and also php.ini limits could be an issue.



Quote · 22 Feb 2009

I'm guessing it might be the ffmpeg, but i'm not sure what to check or what i'm looking for.

I've ran it in command line to convert avi to flv, that worked. However, if i ran phpinfo(), i didn't see ffmpeg in there. So i installed a php_ffmpeg.dll into the extensions folder and enabled it. Now it shows up in phpinfo(), but still no luck on the uploads.

How do i make sure ffmpeg is funcitoning properly on WinXP Apache? I replaced the exe in the ray folder with the one off the boonex site for windows, but not sure how to set up exe or dll or whatnot.


Quote · 22 Feb 2009

Can anyone please shed some light on what's the propper way to set up and test the ffmpeg for dolphin on Apache running on WinXP?

Many thanks.

Quote · 23 Feb 2009

Download the windows version of ffmpeg

There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 24 Feb 2009

Please keep this to one thread.  Here is how you get your ffmpeg for windows servers, remember the little search box is your friend and typing ffmpgeg windows in the one in the upper right corner of this page would of given you this answer hours ago.


''Note'': for those installing this package on Windows, you will also need to download [http://www.boonex.com/ffmpeg_win.zip ffmpeg] (media converter for Windows), unpack and upload it in '''ray/modules/global/app''' overwriting the Linux version located there.[[BR]]
Change ''ffmpeg.exe'' permissions to ''777''.


That is from the instructions page within trac.

Quote · 24 Feb 2009

I did all that, and still no luck with the uploads or any media (other than photos).

How can i test if my problem is in fact with the ffmpeg or something else?

Quote · 24 Feb 2009

If you have installed the Windows ffmpeg.exe file that I mentioned in my last post to you and not the one for linux and you are still experiencing problems with file uploads, IE you can upload the pics but nothing larger then this is a problem with the file upload size.  In this instance you need to have your host change the limit of the file size & time out setting on your server. 


I have a question, is this your own server your attempting to install on or a hosted server?  Curious as to your mentioning Windows XP in a prior post.  If it's your own computer, then have you installed IIS on your system to allow it to be used as a server?  Sorry if some of these questions seem similiar, it's just that we see very few Windows Servers here and I can't recall anyone attempting to install Dolphin on a Windows XP Server, I also noticed you haven't mentioned IIS within your posts, that you started out referencing Apache & PHP.  Which PHP are you using?  If it's 5 then you need a php5.ini file.  The list can keep going as you see so how about a full list of what your server is.


Also, if this is a home server your attempting to install on that has a Windows XP Operating system on it, why not partition the hard drive and install Linux on the new partitioned section and then just run the Dolphin in Linux, it's much easier than fighting Windows as their is far more help available for it than there is for Windows.

Quote · 24 Feb 2009

Hey, thanks for the detailed response.

Yes i am running it on a localhost on my home laptop. I just wanted to test out the software and play around with it for a bit before committing to anything - i figured it would be a quick and easy setup. :-$

Yes, i've noticed that the forums mainly support Unix installation, and not much support for WinXP. I did download all the WinXP files (including the ffmpeg.exe, and replaced in the ray/app folder). I've set up Apache.1.3.37 (not IIS), and PHP.4.4.7 and MySQL.4.1.22. All the other hoops i had to jump through to get Apache and PHP running for dolphin with the mbstring and php.ini and httpd.conf i've actually figured out and got it to run, and passed through all the install screens. It even runs dolphin now, just lacks those little profile picture things and the media uploads (which is the primary function i wanted to test).

You're probably right in suggesting that i partition and get a linux installation to run all my webserver testing on - but i was trying to avoid spending alot of time on the setup, and quickly get a working copy up and running to test it out. Seems i've hit a wall with this media business tho'. The reason for the specific versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL is because i'm trying to mimic my host's environment on localhost to make sure i can dev at home or on the road, without constantly having to FTP to my host. And, btw, i do know my host is capable of supporting dolphin, but they're running all this stuff on linux :-x

So i know its not the size or the timeout, because i've set those values really high, and i'm uploading tiny videos/mp3s/images. To upload a photo to the gallery works. To upload a photo to the profile icon - doesn't. Uploading the video and audio comes back with the black alert box saying "Uploading file error."

If you know of any way to test the ffmpeg with a simple php script, i would really appreciate it - then at least i could try to narrow down where the problem is.

Thanks a million.

Quote · 24 Feb 2009

Okay, I'm not familiar with running this in a Windows environment at all, let alone Windows XP I don't believe I've ever seen that done myself, though I`m sure someone has at least attempted it in the past.  Now I`m noticing a few things in your post that make me step back for a moment and wonder about the why:


1.  Your setting up to test on your laptop using the Windows Environment for it, when the server you will eventually place the site on is a Linux server.  This means when you do get all your settings finally configured correctly on the laptop you have, it will not work on the server since it`s a completely different environment.  I strongly suggest you partition and install the Linux software to build this identical if possible to what the end result will be.


2.  You said you did not want to install Linux because you wanted Dolphin up and running to test as quick as possible.  Unfortunately, the path you`ve taken has probably caused you more issues than partitioning and installing the linux OS would have cost you, not to mention actual work on this.


3.  You are running into issue with file uploads, you have the correct ffmpeg.exe file installed, this means your issue is within the php.ini files upload limit settings.  Go through the file and increase them to 100mb or make them unlimited and it should allow you to upload the files you want to upload.  Also check the file type your trying to upload, some will go much easier than others. 


In the end, since this is a test your trying to run, my suggestion is to test it under as close of possible conditions as you can to what the production site environment is going to be.  This means using Linux OS and configuring identical to that server.


Now, your using php 4.4.7 & MySQL 4.1.22 for your environment with Apache, I noted considerable problems on my set up when I used 4.4.7 and an upgrade to php 5.2.6 cured those issues perfectly.  I run SQL Proxy, this is for my own reasons which don`t apply to you, but when I had MySQL 4.1.22 during the VPS incubator (development) stages it worked smoothly. 


Finally, I run Apache 2.2.11 on the server.  While Dolphin will work in many environments, these are the server software versions that I`ve found work amazingly well together.  Most hosts will upgrade your servers software for free upon request and I would recommend it to make everything run the way you want. 



Quote · 24 Feb 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.