Thanks for the info Sammie!
Thanks for the info Sammie! |
Wow! This has been known for 6 weeks and not a peep from Boonex regarding plans to fix it, or an acknowledgement of the issue?
I am new to the community and the product. I hope I have just missed something, but I am begining to wonder what kind of company I have partnered with here.
... too much time and money invested for me to change platforms right now .... I hope my fears are unfounded as I launch my site in a few weeks. I guess I will find out then .. lol (nervously) |
okay guys,
How do we get around the issue? each time you delete 10. and open up the bse again, it want's to install it again? (flash10)
Any ideas |
Please take a look at this thread. There is a link for finding older versions of Flash if that helps.
I am lucky enough to have a pc with Flash 9 installed, so my solution is to move over to that PC for doing anything with the Ray Admin. I am not asked to install Flash 10 when I access Ray Admin with Flash 9. I am not sure what is causing that issue for you. |
Yes found that thread,
Okay here is the kicker!
I have another live site on the same server, and I am on the same pc.
all the widgets there are working fine!
spoke too soon, just went there and opened up base, said, i had 941 widgets unregistered and the count was climbing!
now any ideas?
This stuff is BS, there is always something going on with it!!!!!!!!!!! |
I agree Sammie, can not blame Boonex for not being able to glance into a crystal ball and see the future. As for Hottie forever speaking too long as you do not open Ray Base with Flash 10 in your browser you are ok. All Ray Base work I do I use my IE with 9 in it, everything else, Opera, and Firefox. Seems when you download the old flash version it will only install into IE.
Signed, Reginald |
I do not fault Boonex for the existence of the bug, caused by the change in Flash. My concern is that this issue was brought up in their forums 6 weeks ago and I have not seen them recognize it or give us an indication that they are working on a fix.
I would expect them to create a sticky post alerting us to the issue that is very visible and assuring us that they know about it and are working to find a solution. |
Hello everyone Yes, we know about that issue with flash 10 and we'll fix it in the nearest Ray version. So far try to use 9-th flash player for Ray Base. --- Best Regards |
Thank you Alex. I have hitched my wagon to Boonex, so I want to see it succeed. I appreciate the follow up. |
Hmmm, just an interesting note (or another coffin nail in FireFox) I have found that it's not so much Flash 10 that is causing the problem, but its implementation in FireFox 3.04-> (3.05, 3.06) and that this is consistent on both Windows and Linux versions. I can run IM, Chat, and even web presence on my windows XP machine with IE7 and Flash 10, but the only thbing that works in Firefox is the Chat. Might be interesting to see if an older version of FireFox works with Flash 10... Like one of the 2.x series. The reason I bring all this up is two-fold. 1) It might not be as simple as blaming Adobe for a change in their player. 2) According to one other post I found here, ( Forum Post ) this issue has been repaired by an individual who hired a programmer for $100. Which mmakes me wonder how really difficult it would be for the RAY programmers to issue a patch. It does seem like they haven't a moment to spare for making 6.1.x a stable product and are concentrating on bringing out new code (v.7). I have been a computer programmer and analyst on many large projects (over 28 years experience) and I know that the upcoming release of v.7 will be full of little things that will require patching and we will be, very quickly, up to 7.1.x. Will this be where we are left hanging when Boonex decides that they want to do something else as a company? I am a huge fan of their software and it is an incredible piece on integration, however seeing that large companies like Parallels and others are incuding pre-packaged versions of Dolphin for their customers to install, there is a responsibility that is created to fix major problems. This has become a major problem affecting the operation of hundreds (thousands?) of Dolphin sites. I cannot keep telling my customers (we supply Dolphin hosting) to tell all the people on the internet who may want to come to their site, that hey have to come with this version of that and this browser here, and don't use this feature etc.... I apologize for the rant, but I can't understand why we are being told to wait until after the v.7 release BEFORE we will see v.6.1.5 that will fix the Flash issue! Shared Dolphin Hosting w/RMS |