where can i change this ?


I want to change the folder where the logo upload to , is that possible , for example instead of upload it to media/images i want it to be uploaded in templates/customtemplate/images.

Is that possible ?



where can i change this ?

<a class="mainLogoText" href="http://mysite/">site name</a>

Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net
Quote · 26 Mar 2015


I want to change the folder where the logo upload to , is that possible , for example instead of upload it to media/images i want it to be uploaded in templates/customtemplate/images.

 I never use the built in logo upload/template injection.

I always make sure the template I'm using has a _sub_header.html file and replace the injection key '              __main_logo__' with the url to the logo image as part of the template.  Instead of the template key '__main_logo__', I replace the key with:

<img src="<bx_url_root />templates/tmpl_SomeTemplate/images/logo.png" class="SomeClassName">Logo</img>


Then in the templates common.css add styling

.SomeClassName {
/*css stuff here*/

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 27 Mar 2015



I want to change the folder where the logo upload to , is that possible , for example instead of upload it to media/images i want it to be uploaded in templates/customtemplate/images.

 I never use the built in logo upload/template injection.

I always make sure the template I'm using has a _sub_header.html file and replace the injection key '              __main_logo__' with the url to the logo image as part of the template.  Instead of the template key '__main_logo__', I replace the key with:

<img src="<bx_url_root />templates/tmpl_SomeTemplate/images/logo.png" class="SomeClassName">Logo</img>


Then in the templates common.css add styling

.SomeClassName {
/*css stuff here*/

 Thanks for the quickest reply Man , is it possible to clarify where i can do those changes please :)

Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net
Quote · 27 Mar 2015

I managed to do that by adding this :

<div class="logo">

<a class="mainLogoText" href="http:/mysite/">
                <img src="templates/xxxx/images/logo.png">


Now that's good...next step is i have 4 logo's with different colors and all of them in the custom template , my problem lol is i want whenever i change the color of the template to green for example , the logo_green.png needing also to looks as the template and so on.

How can i achieve this. and all of those logos are at the custometemplate/images.



Proud Hosted by Zarconia.net
Quote · 27 Mar 2015
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