okay there has got to be a guide for the admin piece of this dolphin.. please point me in the right direction I can get this working just the way I want it..
need help with
affiliate set up
vote removal
This might help with your affiliate question: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolFAQsYou can disable profile & photo votes in admin > advanced settings
yes that got the affiliate answer for sure.. thanks
the vote removal is not so good. Of course I removed the vote options in advanced settings
these both are not checked but I still have stars next to pictures bigkill.com
Admin > page Builder > Shared PhotoDrag the 'Rate' block to the inactive area.
that has been done..
but as you can see on the main page of my site the little "blank" star still exist under the photos
Found this online.. from what I saw it looks good.
some topics covered
Tools - Site NewsTools - Site News - Edit Site NewsTools - Random Quotes - Add a QuoteTools - Site News - Edit a QuoteTools - Site News - Delete a QuoteTools - Banners - Add a BannerTools - Banners - Edit a BannerTools - Banners - Edit a Banner Plugins AdminAdmin Plugins - Ray SuitePlugins Admin - Ray Suite - My Widgets TabPlugins Admin - Ray Suite - A/V ChatPlugins Admin - Ray Suite - A/V Chat - StatusPlugins Admin - Ray Suite - A/V Chat - SettingsPlugins Admin - Ray Suite - A/V Chat - TemplatesAdmin-Logout-and-Admin-Menu-BuilderSettings-AdminSettings-Admin-Admin-PasswordSettings-Admin-Basic-SettingsSettings-Admin-Add-a-LogoSettings-Admin-Add-a-Picture-to-Promo-BlockSettings-Admin-Index-Page-SettingsSettings-Admin-Advanced-SettingsSettings-Admin-WaterMarkSettings-Admin-Email-TemplatesSettings-Admin-Language-SettingsSettings-Admin-Membership-Levels
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