www.site.com/username Not found - Help!

after a fresh install, I created a new member for testing but can't view their profile - getting a 404 Not Found page - address is: www.mysite.com/username - did I miss settings anywhere??

I have added a new template - but I had this problem off a clean install, was hoping it was some setting on my server I may have overlooked - any clues??

Quote · 16 Apr 2009

its your mod_rewrite and your htaccess. check that your htaccess file uploaded with all the source for the mod_rewrite?

that has typically been the problem. you should also be having a 404 Error on many of the other links from the homepage, if your mod_rewrite didnt get uploaded or if your server isnt compiled with the mod_rewrite module, but today most are setup for mod_rewrite.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 16 Apr 2009

cheers thanks for that. Yeah, found out that cpanel doesnt use the apache mod_rewrite module by default as it uses its own - this is probably part of the problem.  I have raised a ticket to my host to have it changed, will see what happens.

Quote · 17 Apr 2009

ok - yeah was the .htaccess file - they had to upload that manually as I did it several times & it failed - but thanks! :)

Quote · 17 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.