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check cacheyzisano started 4 May 2015
yzisano replied 12 May 2015i added to design.inc.php this line
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . "compressor.php");
which compressing ... | 3POSTS |
Help with Media Servermikecee started 12 May 2015
Nathan Paton replied 12 May 2015The video chat is not working on my site. Is there anyone who can help me get this matter straightened out? I can provide you... | 2POSTS |
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Members re arangement Methen started 11 May 2015
Methen replied 11 May 2015Sorry I could not think of better topic, What I am wanting to do is to be able to where it show all the members on the home a... | 1POST |
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default languageyzisano started 9 May 2015
yzisano replied 11 May 2015hi, i re-installed d7.1.5 and restored the users from previous d7.1.0
now when a user logged in he automatically load ... | 3POSTS |