Advanced Settings not Working

I purchased Dolphin a few years ago but set it down after a while.  I thought I would give it another try and now I'm remembering why I set it down.

I need to get my Captcha set up which requires going into the advanced settings. Each time I click on that link I get the following error...


I've read through the few instances of this problem here in the forums none of which are newer than a year. I've cleared my Dolphin cache, my browsers cache, my neighbors cache, I've tried different templates, I clicked it standing on one leg but still nothing.

Any ideas?

Quote · 18 Dec 2016

First question - did you manually upload files to your server or did you use an auto installer?

Second - make sure all permissions of files are correct - this can be checked in the Tools - Host Tools section.

Third - make sure the .htaccess file is present in your dolphin root directory.
Quote · 19 Dec 2016

Thanks for your reply!

1. I had TMD Hosting install Dolphin for me. What procedure they used I have no idea.

2. All permissions are in green and "writable" (except for ffmpeg which is non executable in red for some reason.)

3. The .htaccess file is in the root directory (public_html) and has a permission of 0644.


Thanks again for your reply!!

Quote · 19 Dec 2016

try this thread:

Quote · 23 Dec 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.