Support forum for my Deanos Tools Module.
A new version of this module will be released in a day or so with additional tools.
I have also noticed from a couple of sites i recently worked on that the SQL query tool of my mod is not working on some sites. Yet no one has reported this problem to me.
I am hoping this forum will serve as a place where people will report any issues they find with my tools. |
NEW VERSION 1.4 Released.
I have released a new version of Deanos Tools. Bug fixes and new features listed below.
Code Cleanup. Fixed all input fields so the styles match the rest of dolphin admin areas. Fixed mismatched closing to some table rows affecting internet explorer.
New Features...
Added member search to Site Administrators section. Added sorting by ID or Member Name to Site Administrators section.
Added new page width section. Now you can quicky reset all pages in page builder back to the default width, or set to any width you like.
Added SQL file upload to SQL Query Tool section. You can now upload SQL files to be run as well.
Added new section to insert PHP Blocks. Quickly and easily insert a new php block to any page in the page builders.
Please report any problems with the new version here. |
Yesterdays release introduced a couple of new problems.
The shoutbox messages could not be deleted and the site tags could not be deleted.
I could not reproduce a menu displacement problem described or a problem with the spam message removal.
Please continue to report any problems with this new version.
If your upgrading from a version prior to 1.4 then remove the old version first.
If patching 1.4 with a new downloaded copy, just upload over the current version and recompile the module language. |
This is a great tool...thanks.
Otherwise, I got this error message when trying to insert php code ?
"Possible security attack!!! All data has been collected and sent to the
site owner for analysis."
Deano, how about another item for this. Turn on error reporting for Admin only. This way we can get the error reports we need without others seeing them. Maybe even send them to the sites Admin Mailbox for real fun. Course, this is a major item here I think.
Great to see the upload SQL file option now. For those of us still writin' items the old way this is a great little trick to have, had it for awhile (as you know) on my D6 sites, but putting it in with your Tools just makes alot better sense and makes life super simple for the newbies who have to run stuff.
Now, can we quit writing dang php files for sql uploads. Please Boonex please. This SQL upload is much easier, especially for the really big stuff.
This is a great tool...thanks.
Otherwise, I got this error message when trying to insert php code ?
"Possible security attack!!! All data has been collected and sent to the
site owner for analysis."
I am surprised you have not run into that everywhere else in dolphin. Common issue. Disable your security settings. They will be off by default in the next version anyway due to problems with them.
See this post for instructions.
I will work on another patch to setup a security exception for the php code block. Couple if days. |
Deano, how about another item for this. Turn on error reporting for Admin only. This way we can get the error reports we need without others seeing them. Maybe even send them to the sites Admin Mailbox for real fun. Course, this is a major item here I think.
Great to see the upload SQL file option now. For those of us still writin' items the old way this is a great little trick to have, had it for awhile (as you know) on my D6 sites, but putting it in with your Tools just makes alot better sense and makes life super simple for the newbies who have to run stuff.
Now, can we quit writing dang php files for sql uploads. Please Boonex please. This SQL upload is much easier, especially for the really big stuff.
That might not be so easy to do. I'll look into it for future versions. |
Hello Deano
i am facing problem while adding PHP block please help me to resolve that thanks in advance
Database query
I will need more info.
When you setup dolphin, it asked for a debug email address. Check that email address for a more complete error report. That alone is simply not enough to determine what is wrong.
Also. Have you disabled PHPID's security per this post here.
The PHPID's problem is most likely not the cause, but it had been know to cause all kinds of unexplainable problems, so it should be disabled while we touble shoot. |
I didn't know 1.4 was out already. AHHHH!!! You added a member search to Site Administrators section!!!!!!! You rock!!! :D I tested and so far everything is working pretty good on mac. Oh.. there is one thing i notice.. I inserted php block but i can't delete it from page builder. I think that's pretty much it.
Thanks so much for your awesome mod. :D
by the way, inserting php block is not a problem for me. |
I didn't know 1.4 was out already. AHHHH!!! You added a member search to Site Administrators section!!!!!!! You rock!!! :D I tested and so far everything is working pretty good on mac. Oh.. there is one thing i notice.. I inserted php block but i can't delete it from page builder. I think that's pretty much it.
Thanks so much for your awesome mod. :D
Yea, you can't edit it either. I am beginning to think adding that was pointless becuse you can't edit the php blocks without my other PHP block mod installed which makes the one in the tools pointless to have.
My other mod is better. It's actually better to use that one then the one in the tools. |
I didn't know 1.4 was out already. AHHHH!!! You added a member search to Site Administrators section!!!!!!! You rock!!! :D I tested and so far everything is working pretty good on mac. Oh.. there is one thing i notice.. I inserted php block but i can't delete it from page builder. I think that's pretty much it.
Thanks so much for your awesome mod. :D
Yea, you can't edit it either. I am beginning to think adding that was pointless becuse you can't edit the php blocks without my other PHP block mod installed which makes the one in the tools pointless to have.
My other mod is better. It's actually better to use that one then the one in the tools.
I checked your list of mods but I'm not sure where to find it. I would like to see it. 
It's not in the market yet. Will be in a few days. I posted it for free in the forums quite a while ago. |
I am able to create PHP block but it is not functioning the new page when i create is not reflecting the echo statement which i specified at the time of PHP block insertion thanks for your fast reply |
Whats the code your posting? |
It must have a ; on the end.
In any case entering php blocks using my tools is a onetime shot. Once put in they can't be edited. So your better off adding my other mod as well which would allow php blocks to be entered using the page builders as well as being able to edit and delete them.
That mod is located here. |
Hello Deano
i am facing problem while adding PHP block please help me to resolve that thanks in advance
Database query
Hi got this error and the problem was I had to change code like this:
echo 'Hello World!';
echo \'Hello World\';
So it's \ before a ' For Me
Uggg. I have seen that on a few servers. The stupid single quote problems. Affects the query tool as well. But not all servers. Seems to be releated to one of the magic quotes settings not set at what dolphin requires them to be set at.
If of course makes no sense becuse dolphin is suppose to report a problem with magic quotes if it's not set correctly. |
Ok. I have found a problem with my code. I will release another patch in a couple of days that i hope will fix the single quote glitch. But i am going to wait until i add a new feature to enable editing and removal of php blocks as well. In it's current state, the ability to add php blocks is kinda pointless if they can't be edited or deleted. |
April 22. New Version 1.5 released.
This was released to fix a bug in the Add PHP Block Section.
A New section has also been added to allow you to Edit or Delete existing PHP blocks. Any PHP block in the page builders including the ones that were supplied with dolphin.
To upgrade to this version. Uninstall the old one first. |
Thanks so much for adding delete/edit to php blocks. I tried it on mac safari and it doesn't work but it works 100% on mac firefox. It doesn't matter, I use firefox a lot anyway. :D
Hey.. do you have time to fix that stupid emails in Trash?
If it's not fixed in 7.0.1, I'd be the first person to buy your mod for this. I can't wait any longer for this awful bug. :(
I own a Mac. But the HD is dead, so until i get it fixed, touble shooting the safari mac problem is not possible.
At some point i will look into the message thing. |
I own a Mac. But the HD is dead, so until i get it fixed, touble shooting the safari mac problem is not possible.
At some point i will look into the message thing.
sweet!!! Let me know about the message thing. :D
A new download for the tools has been uploaded to the market.
This is just to fix an undefined error that occurs in the admin section when logging into a members account. If you're having problems in that area, try the latest download. |
Another update has been put online to increment the version compatibility number so it will install on Dolphin 7.0.1
Those upgrading to 7.0.1, the tools still run, but will not reinstall if you remove them. You will have to update to get the tools reinstalled.
I will be updating my other mods as well soon. As well as my black template that has also been affected by the 7.0.1 release due to some changes in module CSS files. |
I am aware of issues with mysql querys in my tools. I believe the upload portion works, but there is a problem with the single entry portion.
At the moment i cannot edit the entry in the market. I get an error when trying to edit my post, so i can't submit any updates. I sent boonex a message to look into this issue.
So it's best to avoid using that feature until i can make the corrections. |
Many people seem to be having problems uploading the module to their server. I have been getting a lot of people telling me that it don't show up.
To Install.
download the zip file. Unpack it.
Open a FTP client.
Navigate to where you unpacked the zip file in your FTP client in the left window.
Navigate to the root of your dolphin site in the right window.
See photo below. Scroll it to the right to see the rest of the image.

After uploading your server, you should be able to see it on your server in modules\deano\deanos_tools
Open your dolphin admin and install it. |
Due to a market error when trying to update the entry for Deanos Tools, i have not been able to release any updates since the beginning of may. Several messages have been sent to my agent to have this problem fixed.
Now a month later this is the response i got.
Hello Sir,
My apology for the delay.
Is the problem still actual?
I cannot believe this. My agent is asking me if the problem is actually still there rather than fixing it. Now i will most likely have to wait another month for it to even be looked at.
When dolphin 7.0.2 is released i will most likely have to start a new market entry for Deanos Tools 1.6. If all that is going to be done is ask for confirmation then the problem will never be fixed. I would not be so bothered by this if it weren't for the fact that it takes a month to get a message through.
You would almost think we went back in time 150 years to the time when mail was delivered by a guy on a horse. |
Hey Deano, I downloaded your module as I wanted to take advantage of the logon feature. However, when I click logon for a user, it takes me to their profile page and it says "profile not available for view"
How can I correct this?
My guess is permalinks. Do you by any chance have them turned off?
Test with the following. View a members profile as
Or, show me what the url looks like when you view a profile normally versus what the url looks like when browsed from within the tools. |
My guess is permalinks. Do you by any chance have them turned off?
Test with the following. View a members profile as
Or, show me what the url looks like when you view a profile normally versus what the url looks like when browsed from within the tools.
yes I can view profiles with
when i view from inside the tools, it appears as
also it routes from the current page, i thought it was supposed to use a new window or something else.
That url is normal for the logon link. I was thinking of the view profile link.
No. The links open in the same window with a top frame that contains a link to switch you back to admin. Using the same window in this case makes sense because once logged in as a member you are no longer logged on as admin thus if i opened in a new window you might try to use the other admin window which would not function because you're not logged in as admin. The purpose of this feature is to allow you to switch to a user to view the site as they see it for looking at problems your members report. You do not have admin access while logged in as a member.
Anyhow. The issue has to be with the framed page itself. I may need access to further analyze the problem. I cannot reproduce it on any of my test sites. |
Deanos Tools version 1.6 has been added to the market.
1.6 - Bug fix Release. - Jun 17, 2010 Fixed problem in PHP block
sections that triggered a security warning when saving or creating PHP
blocks. Updated version compatibility information for dolphin 7.0.2
new market entry was created for this version. I could not edit the
older market entry due to a error. I requested this be fixed over 6
weeks ago but has not been done, so i had no choice but to start a new
market entry for this verion.
New entry is located here.
you had bookmarked the old location, then please update your bookmarks.
old version before installing the new one.
Feal free to
leave product reviews considering all the old ones could not be moved
to the new entry. |
Hi Deano. I just installed 1.6.0 and then tried to use its SQL Query tool for your Redirect_After_Login mod. I got the Database Query Error shown in a previous post. Was able to make the query directly in PhpMyAdmin. I'm on one of Terabyte's servers, so things should be set up correctly. Any thoughts on this? It is not the first time I've received such an error (happened also when applying the Delete_Message_Fix mod from another developer.) So, I am not sure if the two errors are related to the same problem at my end, or there is still an issue in your Tools, which is why I'm contacting you. Thanks. Someday, Someway. |
Hey Deano. Just tried installing your mod but cannot get past the installation. I uploaded to the server as instructed and the module shows up in the uninstalled section. However I get an error when trying to "install" it.
Any insight would be appreciated. As always thanks for your dedicated efforts and of course the free module.
Hi Deano. I just installed 1.6.0 and then tried to use its SQL Query tool for your Redirect_After_Login mod. I got the Database Query Error shown in a previous post. Was able to make the query directly in PhpMyAdmin. I'm on one of Terabyte's servers, so things should be set up correctly. Any thoughts on this? It is not the first time I've received such an error (happened also when applying the Delete_Message_Fix mod from another developer.) So, I am not sure if the two errors are related to the same problem at my end, or there is still an issue in your Tools, which is why I'm contacting you. Thanks.
There still is a problem with the query tool. I am having problems getting it to work consistently on all servers. |
Hey Deano. Just tried installing your mod but cannot get past the installation. I uploaded to the server as instructed and the module shows up in the uninstalled section. However I get an error when trying to "install" it.
Any insight would be appreciated. As always thanks for your dedicated efforts and of course the free module.
Not a problem with the module. Your database ID's are to high. I have seen this before after the install of a module from joosocial. Some of the joosocial modules do not properly use the ID field by assigning its own number that is extremely high.
You need to correct the database problem in the table sys_menu_admin. The large ID numbers need to be renumbered back to proper numbers in sequence and the index reset to the next available ID. |
Hi Deano. I just installed 1.6.0 and then tried to use its SQL Query tool for your Redirect_After_Login mod. I got the Database Query Error shown in a previous post. Was able to make the query directly in PhpMyAdmin. I'm on one of Terabyte's servers, so things should be set up correctly. Any thoughts on this? It is not the first time I've received such an error (happened also when applying the Delete_Message_Fix mod from another developer.) So, I am not sure if the two errors are related to the same problem at my end, or there is still an issue in your Tools, which is why I'm contacting you. Thanks.
Ok. The tools have been updated today Jun 20'th.
I believe i have located the SQL query tool problem. Try the latest version. |
After trying to change the email report bugs in the mod Deanos Tools 1.6 for dolphin 7.0.x now my site has become inaccessible both in frontend backend .... are desperate! |
Open inc/
Look for these two lines.
$site['url'] = "";
$site['bugReportMail'] = "";
Make sure they are set correctly. |
Why not work? I have contacted my hosting provider and this module will be deleted, I can not run these risks. |
I had this happen to me too. (After trying to change the email
report bugs in the mod Deanos Tools 1.6 for dolphin 7.0.x now my site
has become inaccessible both in frontend backend .... are desperate!)
Did what you said in your reply
Open inc/
Look for these two lines.
= "";
$site['bugReportMail'] =
Make sure they are set correctly.
All is good again....Thank You
I had this happen to me too. (After trying to change the email
report bugs in the mod Deanos Tools 1.6 for dolphin 7.0.x now my site
has become inaccessible both in frontend backend .... are desperate!)
Did what you said in your reply
Open inc/
Look for these two lines.
= "";
$site['bugReportMail'] =
Make sure they are set correctly.
All is good again....Thank You
Those features have been removed from the latest update that was released on july 12'th. |
Sorry didn't get the update.
but now I have found some other things that happened also, after I got up this morning, would you mind helping me figure it out
can't log onto the front end again But can log on through back end now
all rss related mods quit
the builders section acts like the feeds and are on perpetual load
in admin area the drop down menus have no drop down arrow so can't access (like on your mod)
also the members bar that is suppose to be on the bottom is gone
I don't know if it would help you or not, but when this all happened I was in your tool mod and I usually close everything before I go to something else but got in a hurry and with deanos tools open to the change email bug reports clicked on something else and everything turned white
since this issue no longer relates to your (updated) mod you can contact me through my profile if you want, maybe you can just a look at my site
P.S. right now none of my users can access my site...)-:
Deanos Tools Version 1.7 will be released in a couple of days, so watch for it.
2 new additions.
1) Ability to Clean cache, cache public and tmp folders from the tools. Either all or specific cache files.
2) Logging of visitor and member ip addresses have been added and a ip log viewer added to the tools.
One minor bug will also be fixed. Seems the current version is pulling some arrow images directly from my server. LOL thats a waste of my bandwidth, so i fixed that little problem. |
Hi Deano
3 days ago I have installed Deanos Tools V1.6 - Dolphin 7.0.x Version and it worked well. todays ago my host started with a backup for transfer to another server for my site.
Now all I get is a white page when I go to modules => deanos_tools
I did uninstall and install, still the same, then I did upload the tools again and install, but still the same.
What can I do?
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
Uninstall it again and then remove the entire directory modules/deano/deanos_tools from the server.
Empty your cache, cache_public and tmp folders except for any .htaccess files. Make sure the permissions on those 3 folders are writable. A common problem that occures when a site is moved.
Upload the mod and try the install again.
If you still get a blank white page then you need to turn on PHP error reporting. A blank white page indicates a error is occuring but without the error i will not be able to tell you whats wrong. |
Uninstall it again and then remove the entire directory modules/deano/deanos_tools from the server.
Empty your cache, cache_public and tmp folders except for any .htaccess files. Make sure the permissions on those 3 folders are writable. A common problem that occures when a site is moved.
Upload the mod and try the install again.
If you still get a blank white page then you need to turn on PHP error reporting. A blank white page indicates a error is occuring but without the error i will not be able to tell you whats wrong.
Hi Deano,
Thanks, but non of it helped. I did not ever get an error :-(
I checked the link in the admin menu and there it was!
It pointed to:
instead to:
Its definitive a perfect mod to make things a bit more easy. I'm looking forward to the update!
Thanks :-)
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
Are you having any problems with other permalinks after your site was moved?
modules/?r=deanos_tools/administration/ is how i have the link setup. Which is also how the boonex quotes, shoutbox and a couple other are as well.
Either should work if permilinks are functioning the way they should on your site. |
Deanos Tools Version 1.7 released.
3 New additions to the tools.
1) Config section for configuring some settings for the tools.
2) Ability to Clean cache, cache public and tmp folders from the tools. Either all or specific cache files.
3) Logging of visitor and member ip addresses have been added and a ip log viewer added to the tools.
NOTE: Visitor IP logging is off by default. This feature will increase load on the server so should only be used for short periods of time when needed.
Change log below.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.7 - Bug fix and Feature Release. - Jun 17, 2010 Aug 1, 2010 - Fixed bug in admin section. Arrow images were being pulled directly from my site. Aug 1, 2010 - Added ability to clear cache selectively from tools. Aug 1, 2010 - Added pagination to site tags section. Aug 1, 2010 - Added event for logging IP address upon logon. Aug 1, 2010 - Added section to display logged IP addresses. Aug 4, 2010 - Added settings section for various settings used by the tools. Aug 4, 2010 - Updated several sections to use settings configured in the settings section.
New version here.
If link does not work when clicked, then paste it into the URL line of your browser.
Uninstall the old version from admin before uploading and installing the new version. |
I receive this message in box when trying to view page with newly added phpbox Can you help explain why or how how to enter the phpcode that looks like the sample code so that it will display correctly on the page.. SAMPLE php CODE <?php include(''.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?>
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(572) : eval()'d code on line 1
Dolphin has built in PHP block ability but lacks the functions to add them to the pages in the page builders. My tools just gives you that ability but does not actually process the content of the block. Dolphin does that.
With that said, do not include the opening and ending php tags. Dolphin evalutes the php code with the php eval() function. So write the code like this.
Instead of this
<?php echo "Hello"; ?>
Just do this
echo "Hello";
So drop the opening and closing php tags from your include.
include(''.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); |
Thanks for the advice but this is no help, same error messages displays |
Well make sure the block works by putting in some simple code. Like this.
echo 'Hello World';
If it works then the problem exists in your include line which i can't really debug without the exact code. |
Okay i tested and the echo 'Hello World'; worked fine. what is it excatly you need to further assist w/this issue? |
Well you need to debug that include line of yours.
Before trying to use it in a block, verify it's right. Put it in a normal php file
In test.php <?php
Your include line
The go to and make sure it works.
There has to be a syntax error in that include url.
And to be honest, debugging your code is beyond the scope of support for the mod.
I can try to assist, but i can't debug it without seeing the actual code your trying to use in the block. |
Okay well the code is just as it is posted above
<?php include(''.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);?>
Only diff is the xx' s are not realy x's but 2other letters and is really but format of code is the same.. Seems the problem is in my hosting IDK, but I've use the same code before in the Joomla software, but had to format to start something like echo fileget_content ,but I can;t find or remember this exact format to attempt the use of it w/D7
| |
Hey thanks alot I will see if works now w/ this and save the format in safe place, thanks alot |
I was updating to the 1.7 download today...I made the mistake of not uninstalling the old version before uploading the new one first, not sure if this caused this issue or not I doubt it but...
When I went to unistall 1.6 to install 1.7 through the backend via modules I received the bellow error...Cheers
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries: -- -- Error: Unknown table 'dbcs_ip_address'
DROP TABLE `dbcs_ip_address`;
Yes, it is what caused it. This is the reason the old version needs to be uninstalled first because of changes to the sql install and removal scripts. And the new version you uploaded will not fully work correctly until it has been properly installed to update database settings and language keys. So the old one must be uninstalled.
Edit this file. modules/deano/deanos_tools/install/sql/uninstall.sql
Remove the first drop table line. (Which is the one causeing the current error)
Then try the uninstall again.
Then upload a new copy of that edited file before you reinstall. |
Okay I uninstalled 1.6 tried to install 1.7 and receive blank screen w/this message
Database query error
Uggg. I wish dolphin had better error reporting by default. Because that error is unfortunate useless.
During initial setup of dolphin you were asked to provide an email address where bug reports are to go. You should receive a email containing more detailed info about the database error to that bug report email. To assist i need to know what the mysql error is.
Also. Did you uninstall BEFORE you uploaded the new files or after. It makes a difference.
If the error turns out to be the same one FleaTrax had a couple of posts above, then the solution will be the same. But until the mysql error is known. That can't be determined. |
Excellent !!! Easy to install.... very good !
Thanks a lot !
Okay this is the result when trying to instal 1.7 (uninstalled 1.6 before upgrading)
Installation of: Deanos Tools Failed
-- Changing database: -- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries: -- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'dbcs_DT_sapp' for key 1
INSERT INTO`sys_options`SET`Name` = 'dbcs_DT_sapp',`kateg` = @iKategId,`desc` = 'Admin Section Members Per Page',`Type` = 'digit',`VALUE` = '10',`order_in_kateg` = 1;
-- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'dbcs_DT_stpp' for key 1
INSERT INTO`sys_options`SET`Name` = 'dbcs_DT_stpp',`kateg` = @iKategId,`desc` = 'Site Tags Per Page',`Type` = 'digit',`VALUE` = '10',`order_in_kateg` = 2;
-- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'dbcs_DT_alpp' for key 1
INSERT INTO`sys_options`SET`Name` = 'dbcs_DT_alpp',`kateg` = @iKategId,`desc` = 'IP Address Log Per Page',`Type` = 'digit',`VALUE` = '10',`order_in_kateg` = 3;
-- -- Error: Duplicate entry 'dbcs_DT_logguests' for key 1
INSERT INTO`sys_options`SET`Name` = 'dbcs_DT_logguests',`kateg` = @iKategId,`desc` = 'IP Address Log Guest Visits. 1 = Yes, 0 = No',`Type` = 'digit',`VALUE` = '0',`order_in_kateg` = 4;
What do I need to do from here?
Looks like the last uninstall did not remove all of the settings in the database. They will have to be removed manually.
Try running this set of queries from phpMyAdmin.
SET @iKategId = (SELECT `id` FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `name` = 'Deanos Tools' LIMIT 1); DELETE FROM `sys_options_cats` WHERE `id` = @iKategId; DELETE FROM `sys_options` WHERE `kateg` = @iKategId; |
H i deano, I removed the old d-tools from admin, and then removed the files in the database and then uploaded the new version.
Everything uploaded great as usual, everything seems to work just fine except for editing the php blocks. when clicking on the block to edit, nothing happens.
I have the version before this one loaded on another test site and the php block editor works great, but not on this version.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Derrick
Back to pulling my hair out! (ouch, ouch,ouch) |
No suggestions other than uploading all the files again. I am unable to reproduce problem. Works on both my test sites. |
Ok, I will do! Thanks! I assume I should remove old files again? Back to pulling my hair out! (ouch, ouch,ouch) |
something simple on my part-
My cache on my computer was full, deleted it, and everything came up!
(banging my head for missing that!)
Back to pulling my hair out! (ouch, ouch,ouch) |
I'm getting the database query error after prospective members attempt to join. The email I receive is something like as follows:
Database error in
`NickName` = 'fillerup39',
`Password` = 'spanky39',
`Email` = '',
`DateReg` = '2010-09-14 21:34:36',
`DateLastEdit` = '0000-00-00',
`Status` = 'Unconfirmed',
`DateLastLogin` = '0000-00-00',
`Featured` = 0,
`Sex` = 'male',
`LookingFor` = '',
`DescriptionMe` = '',
`DateofBirth` = '1970-11-23',
`Headline` = 'always looking ',
`Country` = 'US',
`City` = 'seattle ',
`Couple` = 0,
`Tags` = '',
`zip` = '98102',
`EmailNotify` = 1,
`Height` = '5'6-5'8"',
`Weight` = '121-140',
`Occupation` = '',
`Religion` = '',
`Education` = '',
`RelationshipStatus` = 'Single',
`Hobbies` = '',
`TurnOns` = 'Ass Play,Bondage,Fucking,Masturbation,Rimming,Oral,3 Ways or Groups',
`Ethnicity` = 'Latino',
`FavoriteSites` = '',
`FavoriteMusic` = '',
`FavoriteFilms` = '',
`FavoriteBooks` = '',
`FirstName` = 'antonio',
`LastName` = 'gonzales',
`Position` = 'Bottom',
`WhenWanted` = 'Anytime',
`WhereWanted` = 'Any & all places,His Place,My Place,Basic Plumbing,Fuck Fest,Bath House,Wherever',
`TypeSeeking` = 'Bi Guys,Cowboys,Daddies,Hustlers,Punks,Skater Dudes,Jocks,Skinheads,Sons,Boy Next Door',
`BodyType` = 'Average',
`HairStyle` = 'Short',
`HairColor` = 'Dk. Brown',
`EyeColor` = 'Brown',
`Circumcision` = 'Cut',
`CockSize` = 'Average',
`HorseStable` = 0,
`TurnOffs` = '',
`WhoReferred` = ''
Mysql error: Unknown column 'Occupation' in 'field list'
Found error in the file '/home/crewbpco/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolProfilesController.php' at line 116. Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
The join form, join process has nothing to do with the tools.
Start a new topic. Your current problem is a missing join form field. It is unrelated to the tools. |
hey deano, I've tried installed this module before and worked completely perfect but now since i have a new site
I tried installing it and i got an error, I dont remember exactly what it said but the module shows in the module section under tools but not under the modules. I cant uninstall it, every time i do that i get an error. I want to delete it and reinstall
Uninstallation of: Deanos Tools Failed
-- Changing database: -- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries: -- -- Error: Unknown table 'dbcs_ip_address'
DROP TABLE `dbcs_ip_address`;
hey deano, I've tried installed this module before and worked completely perfect but now since i have a new site
I tried installing it and i got an error, I dont remember exactly what it said but the module shows in the module section under tools but not under the modules. I cant uninstall it, every time i do that i get an error. I want to delete it and reinstall
Uninstallation of: Deanos Tools Failed
-- Changing database: -- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries: -- -- Error: Unknown table 'dbcs_ip_address'
DROP TABLE `dbcs_ip_address`;
Been covered 15 posts up. Cause is existing files were over written by new version before an older version was removed.
Edit this file. modules/deano/deanos_tools/install/sql/uninstall.sql
Remove the first drop table line. (Which is the one causeing the current error)
Then try the uninstall again.
Then upload a new copy of that edited file before you reinstall. |
Deanos Tools updated to version 1.8 to make compatible with dolphin 7.0.3.
Dolphin 7.0.3 has changed the caching system. Thus a function i was using in several of my mods to clear certain cache files has been removed from this version of dolphin thus i have to make updates to several of my modules to deal with this change. |
Thanks Deano, if only other authors could update their mods as quickly.... or even at all, the world would be a better place  |
To update Deanos Tools 1.7 to 1.8 I need to uninstall and reinstall the module or just replace the files? Free Dating Site on: |
Deano I tried to install your updated deanos tools and it tells me in the modules admin section "install failed", but it will not give me a reason when i click on the button like the others errors do. This was a fresh install and fresh Dolphin d7.0.3 final release. You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
Dean you are the man, no doubt!
Thank you so much!
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
Deano, thank you, the tools mod installed like a charm. Brilliant mod and Free too!! There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
To update Deanos Tools 1.7 to 1.8 I need to uninstall and reinstall the module or just replace the files?
can you answer me ?
Free Dating Site on: |
Deano I tried to install your updated deanos tools and it tells me in the modules admin section "install failed", but it will not give me a reason when i click on the button like the others errors do. This was a fresh install and fresh Dolphin d7.0.3 final release.
Then unfortunatly i can't tell you why it failed. It should have show the error. |
To update Deanos Tools 1.7 to 1.8 I need to uninstall and reinstall the module or just replace the files?
You dont' have to with this one. But it would not have hurt to follow the normal upgrade instructions provided with the mod. |
hiya Deano for some reason out of the blue when i try to add a php block using your mod i get the following error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function clearCacheFile() in /home/spicemu1/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_tools/classes/BxDeanosToolsModule.php on line 284
line 284 is as follows
i cant find a file called where will i find this is it a database quairy or an actual file?
many thanks
Let me guess. You updated to dolphin 7.0.3 but did not update to the new version of my tools.
That error is because dolphin 7.0.3 no longer contains that function. Dolphin 7.0.3 changed how the caching system works, so the old version was trying to call a function to clear the sys_page_compose cache file using a function that no longer exists.
So you need to update my tools to the new 1.8 version. |
lol yes i was just coming back to say i sorted it by updating sorry mate and thank you lol thought i had the latest version obviasly i never lol
thanks Deano
Thanks deano for a great free tool
made it easy to change copyright, wish it something to change "about us, FAQ ect :)
there is but its not made by Deano its made by pauluz called Mtools ts a good mod and best of all its free and i think it complements Deanos work really well sorry Deano not pluggin as i dont even know pauluz just thought ild mention it | |
Hi Deano,
How about google code?
How do I modify it so it will work?
Please visit & |
That is javascript, and its stripped from the tinymce in admin for whatever reason. it was a reported bug and is now fixed.
Hi Deano,
How about google code?
How do I modify it so it will work?
the work around on it would be to use deano's php block get your google ads source. place it in a .js file, then include the js file on the custom php block.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
For some google code you can also do it like this in a php block.
$sCode = '
Your google code here.
echo $sCode; |
Thanks a lot,
I got it working per your instructions :)
Please visit & |
deano im sorry for bothering you but i have tried to install this and after downloading the zip i opened up n it had a folder called "module" so i clicked in that n it had a folder called "deano" i clicked in that and it has a folder called "deanos tools" i took that folder and placed it in the root/modules directory i went to admn panel tools/modules n it was in the list but when i try to install it says this Cannot install module from "deano/deanos_tools/" directory Failed i dont even have the folder "deano" in there its jus deano tools i tried to put the foler deano in there after i got that and it didnt even show up so what can i do sir
Just upload the complete module folder that came with the mod. Then clean cache files except your .htaccess file and check it. You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
deano im sorry for bothering you but i have tried to install this and after downloading the zip i opened up n it had a folder called "module" so i clicked in that n it had a folder called "deano" i clicked in that and it has a folder called "deanos tools" i took that folder and placed it in the root/modules directory i went to admn panel tools/modules n it was in the list but when i try to install it says this Cannot install module from "deano/deanos_tools/" directory Failed i dont even have the folder "deano" in there its jus deano tools i tried to put the foler deano in there after i got that and it didnt even show up so what can i do sir
That procedure is not correct. Please follow instructions exactly as they are written which states upload modules folder to the root of your dolphin site. Following that procedure will merge the modules folder you upload with the existing one and everything will properly fall into place right where it belongs.
So delete the deanos_tools folder you uploaded from the server because it is not located in the proper folder. Also delete the deano folder you created which most likely is also not where it belongs. |
Hi Deano!
well I upgrade my site from 7.3 to 7.4
but i'm getting database error from all you mods I buy from you
Facebook Connec, Facebook Inviter and the free one Deano Tools
here a new database error from you Deano tools
I never unistall this mod this mod work for me with out problem but now when me do the upgrade all your mods are giving me database error
Database error in Query:
INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('71', '_dbcsDeanosTools')
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcsDeanosTools' for key 2 Found error in the file ' /home/content/xxx/xxxx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622. Called ' db_res' function with erroneous argument # 0
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
And i cannot reproduce it on any of my test sites. I cannot find any of these problems you are reporting. |
Hi Deano!
well I upgrade my site from 7.3 to 7.4
but i'm getting database error from all you mods I buy from you
Facebook Connec, Facebook Inviter and the free one Deano Tools
here a new database error from you Deano tools
I never unistall this mod this mod work for me with out problem but now when me do the upgrade all your mods are giving me database error
Database error in Query:
INSERT INTO `sys_localization_keys`(`IDCategory`, `Key`) VALUES('71', '_dbcsDeanosTools')
Mysql error: Duplicate entry '_dbcsDeanosTools' for key 2 Found error in the file ' /home/content/xxx/xxxx/html/inc/classes/BxDolInstaller.php' at line 622. Called ' db_res' function with erroneous argument # 0
I have the FaceBook Connect and Tools both are working great with 7.0.4
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
I never unistall this mod this mod work for me with out problem but now when me do the upgrade all your mods are giving me database error
You have me confused here also.
If you never uninstalled, then why are you trying to reinstall them. |
I have the FaceBook Connect and Tools both are working great with 7.0.4
Good to now
lucky huh
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
You have me confused here also.
If you never uninstalled, then why are you trying to reinstall them.
i'm the one who need o be confused here
I never have problem with the deanos tool
like I told you I never unistall the mods facebook connect and deanos tool when I me upgrade the site
I clean all caches and cache_public
and when I log out from my site to see if everythign is working fine I found the facebook conenct stop working
I try to reinstall and giving database error
so I unistall the mod so I don't get more database error report to my email from you facebook connect
now i'm getting emails froms your deanos I say WTF now
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
Deanos Tools updated to version 1.8.1 today.
This release is a security release. All members using these tools should update to the new version ASAP.
This release also fixes a couple of bugs when clearing cache on Dolphin 7.0.3 and up. |
Thanks Deano!!!
As usual your right on top of the module updates!
On Thanksgiving at that! Points for you today.. :P
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
with all the spam tools on 7.0.4 I'm still getting many postings to blogs
using the member id number with your tool to delete all posts does not work for me..
I tried with several posters and it removed none, I have been manually removing.
EDIT: I'm using your current version 1.8.1
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
That tool is for messages. Not the blogs. I will add blogs and other things at a later date. I am busy with other mod updates at the moment. |
That tool is for messages. Not the blogs. I will add blogs and other things at a later date. I am busy with other mod updates at the moment.
OH.. sorry... that would be a nice addition, thanks.
Back to deleting and blocking..
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
just installed your mod excellent btw :) but i got an error when i created a new block for my google adsense see error below.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(597) : eval()'d code on line 1
Is this the java script for google causing this any help would be great i know this is a free mod so any advice where to look at would be great
There is a syntax error in the code your putting in the block. This is not a problem with the mod itself. |
I tested this on 7.0.5 and I think i found an issue. I logged in someone's account... Deanos Tools => Site Administrators => "Logon" I logged in as Crazy7 and I don't see a bottom bar and Crazy7 is not considered as online. Is this a new bug in 7.0.5 or just me.
Thanks deano! :)
Could not reproduce it.
Tested in 7.0.5 with several accounts. All logged in, online and member bar was visible. It seems to be working fine. |
yes i just found that out.. it's me only. sorry about that. I'm looking at it now.
Could not reproduce it.
Tested in 7.0.5 with several accounts. All logged in, online and member bar was visible. It seems to be working fine.
This mod is dangerous.
The ability to login as any member is powerful and useful, yet seriously flawed by just one missing feature.
This function does not verify the administrative privilege before turning over the cookies of the said user, and that's not it. All you need is the logon link, and stick it to the address bar. Viola! You are that user, even if you are not the admin. Oh wait, try clicking on the "Click here to switch back to previous admin and go back to Deanos Tools." on the top. What do you see? The administrative back end! You are now the admin!
One may ask, those links are only visible in the back end, and how they can be exposed to anyone without access to the admin panel. Don't forget, there are search engine bots, ISPs, packet sniffers, and the gov't agencies. They can easier harvest the links your browsers are connecting to, and gain control of your entire dolphin site in no time.
Hi Deano
I am using your block tool and I am trying to get this to work. I have place the following code into a new block:
$userid = getLoggedId(); // this gets the user's id $userinf = getProfileInfo($userid); // this gets their profile array from their id $username = $userinf['NickName']; // returns their nickname $usersex = $userinf['Sex']; // here's their sex!
if($usersex == "female"){ echo ' <b>Hey '.$username.'</b><br /> Win free cinema tickts!!! Love Admin xxx
'; }
But when I save it I am geting the following error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/loveit/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 5
I would like to point out that I am not a php programmer but an amature learning the hard way. Do I need to add anything else
I am using the latest dolphin 7.0.5
Many thanks
Hi Deano
I am using your block tool and I am trying to get this to work. I have place the following code into a new block:
$userid = getLoggedId(); // this gets the user's id $userinf = getProfileInfo($userid); // this gets their profile array from their id $username = $userinf['NickName']; // returns their nickname $usersex = $userinf['Sex']; // here's their sex!
if($usersex == "female"){ echo ' <b>Hey '.$username.'</b><br /> Win free cinema tickts!!! Love Admin xxx
'; }
But when I save it I am geting the following error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/loveit/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 5
I would like to point out that I am not a php programmer but an amature learning the hard way. Do I need to add anything else
I am using the latest dolphin 7.0.5
Many thanks
This code works fine. I tested it.
Now lets make sre we got the right mod here. This message and the PM you sent me says your using Block Tools. This forum is deanos tools, so which mod are you using? Just want to make sure i am testing this code using the same mod your using. |
This mod is dangerous.
The ability to login as any member is powerful and useful, yet seriously flawed by just one missing feature.
This function does not verify the administrative privilege before turning over the cookies of the said user, and that's not it. All you need is the logon link, and stick it to the address bar. Viola! You are that user, even if you are not the admin. Oh wait, try clicking on the "Click here to switch back to previous admin and go back to Deanos Tools." on the top. What do you see? The administrative back end! You are now the admin!
One may ask, those links are only visible in the back end, and how they can be exposed to anyone without access to the admin panel. Don't forget, there are search engine bots, ISPs, packet sniffers, and the gov't agencies. They can easier harvest the links your browsers are connecting to, and gain control of your entire dolphin site in no time.
Which version of the tools are you running? That security problem should have been corrected. The lastest version. 1.8.1 |
This mod is dangerous.
The ability to login as any member is powerful and useful, yet seriously flawed by just one missing feature.
This function does not verify the administrative privilege before turning over the cookies of the said user, and that's not it. All you need is the logon link, and stick it to the address bar. Viola! You are that user, even if you are not the admin. Oh wait, try clicking on the "Click here to switch back to previous admin and go back to Deanos Tools." on the top. What do you see? The administrative back end! You are now the admin!
One may ask, those links are only visible in the back end, and how they can be exposed to anyone without access to the admin panel. Don't forget, there are search engine bots, ISPs, packet sniffers, and the gov't agencies. They can easier harvest the links your browsers are connecting to, and gain control of your entire dolphin site in no time.
Hmm, ok, i verified the flaw does still exist. I'll work on a fix. |
Deanos Tools updated to 1.8.2
Updated to fix a security problem in the admin section on the module.
All members using these tools are urged to update as soon as possble to the current version. |
tools rox :) easy to install and all in one place!!
My question is.. I have wrote a code with variables and i have <iframe code which i need to add it in a php block. something like this..
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $md55 = md5($userid . $channel); $userinf = getProfileInfo($userid); $username = $userinf['NickName']; $page2 = $page . $userid . '&nick_name=' . $username . '&auth_sig=' . $md55;
}{ echo "<iframe src="http_url_goes_here" width="762" height="1788" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" ></iframe> }
When i view this page is blank. there is nothing in it. is there anything wrong with the iframe ?
Code has improper quotes and one is missing, and some use of your braces are unneeded and a missing ; all within your echo code.
But as i mentioned in message i sent to you. This is a general PHP question that anyone who is familiar with php can answer therefor you should start your own topic in the Dolphin 7 or Dolphin general forums.
It is not specifc to my tools.
Try this code.
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $md55 = md5($userid . $channel); $userinf = getProfileInfo($userid); $username = $userinf['NickName']; $page2 = $page . $userid . '&nick_name=' . $username . '&auth_sig=' . $md55; }
echo '<iframe src="http_url_goes_here" width="762" height="1788" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" ></iframe>'; |
should be charging for this mod to offer all this support ;-) |
should be charging for this mod to offer all this support ;-)
Thats why if it's not a issue with the module, i prefer the support be done through normal channels. Because i am not the only one that can answer general PHP questions. |
the code i psot above was a part of it.
found it:) thanks deano i had to do it like this
echo "<iframe SRC=\"$page2\" etc etc :)
Hi Deano,
I am still having trouble regarding the page size on my site. I did everything you told me but its still messed up. It was originally set to 1200 for all pages but since i changed the size using the tools, it muddled everything and i cant get it back. The top menu has become smaller and the bottom of the page has stretched out.
Hi Deano,
I am still having trouble regarding the page size on my site. I did everything you told me but its still messed up. It was originally set to 1200 for all pages but since i changed the size using the tools, it muddled everything and i cant get it back. The top menu has become smaller and the bottom of the page has stretched out.
Allright. Send me access to your site via PM. I will try to debug and find the problem. |
Thanks Deano.
Your support is excellent.
Hi deano how are u doing ? like always great mod i just update my site to 7.6 and i install the new deano tools just now when im trying to delet tags that i dont want to be in my site this is what im geting
Database query error
and then im geting the email from my site and its say
Database error in Mingle with new friends
DELETE FROM `sys_tags` where `Tag`='df'l' AND `Type`='profile'
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'l' AND `Type`='profile'' at line 1
Found error in the file '/home/minglewi/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_tools/classes/BxDeanosToolsDb.php' at line 105. Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.
I suggest you immediately edit your last post and remove everything below the words Debug Backtrace
It is not needed and contains information sensitive to your site. |
oh thanks i didnt even had the chance ro read all that i just copy and past thank you :) so any chance do u know what was wrong with it :)
p.s i saw u have few mods that i was looking for like adding about us and all that but i cant find it anymore do u still have them ?
Has something to do with one of the site tags. That site tag seems to contain a character it does not like. You may have to delete that tag manually from the database using phpMyAdmin in the table sys_tags.
Looks like the tag contains a single quote. I will have to run some tests. Appears to be a bug in my module.
And yes, all my mods are there. Go to my profile, click on the market posts link in the left column so you can see all of my market entries. |
How can I add the friends block to the home page? I've created a new block, and named the caption key _My Friends, but when I add the block, it doesn't appear (yes, I add the newly created block in page builder). I've installed Spywall and have set the home page as the page they get redirected too after logging in, that way they can see the site stats box and the members box. I've also tried adding the members block and site stats block to the account page, but that doesn't work either. Anyone know how I can do this? What I'm looking for is a page with site stats, members, and friends block all on one page, whether it be the home page, or the account page, |
How can I add the friends block to the home page? I've created a new block, and named the caption key _My Friends, but when I add the block, it doesn't appear (yes, I add the newly created block in page builder). I've installed Spywall and have set the home page as the page they get redirected too after logging in, that way they can see the site stats box and the members box. I've also tried adding the members block and site stats block to the account page, but that doesn't work either. Anyone know how I can do this? What I'm looking for is a page with site stats, members, and friends block all on one page, whether it be the home page, or the account page,
Deanos Tools does not copy blocks from one page to another. Without knowing how your creating the blocks and what your using for code. There is not much i can help you with. Creating a friends block requires PHP code. A empty block will not display. You have not provided any info on the code your using for your block.
This also goes way beyond the scope of support for this module. Please start a topic of your own with details of what your trying to do, and what you have done so far. |
I want to place a PHP block at the top of my page which simply displays a users current Status Message.
I am using a custom template which doesnt allow for the Status Message to appear in the Navigation Menu like it does on the UNI template.
Users can still change their status by using the Status Message in the Member Menu but I want it to display at the top of their pages in the middle colum.
Can anyone tell me the code I would need to insert into a PHP block to do this? I am having a lot of trouble.
Really, really appreicate any help anyone can give me.
Please start your own topic for that in the dolphin 7 forums.
This forum is for support problems with the tools. PHP code for use in the blocks is a general PHP question that goes beyond the scope of support for this module. |
Thank you for the wonderful tool mod. I have one question. When I check IP Addresses, they are listed with the wrong times. For example, I logged in today at 7:00am Eastern and 2:21pm was displayed in the log. How do I fix to get the correct times? |
Thank you for the wonderful tool mod. I have one question. When I check IP Addresses, they are listed with the wrong times. For example, I logged in today at 7:00am Eastern and 2:21pm was displayed in the log. How do I fix to get the correct times?
My mod uses the server time. A 7 hour 21 minute difference does not even match any normal time zones. Have you host check the clock on the server. Other times in dolphin must be off as well. |
Currently running 7.05.
When admin logs in as another member:
Videos - only embed enabled. Can not upload a YouTube video. Submit button not active.
Images - only flash and regular uploader enabled. Flash uploader works. Regular uploader does not. Submit button not active.
Membership permissions are enabled for these functions. I can login as the member without the module and these tasks work fine.
Not the end of the world, but part of our service to the companies that join is to customize their profiles for them including adding any relevant video and images. Therefore we don't have easy access to their passwords making your Module priceless.
Hello Deano
i am facing problem while adding PHP block please help me to resolve that thanks in advance
Database query error
Hey i get this error when trying to delete spam messages.
Then i get an email with this:
DELETE FROM `sys_messages` where `Sender`=
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Found error in the file ' /home/site/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_tools/classes/BxDeanosToolsDb.php' at line 110. Called ' query' function with erroneous argument # 0. Free the Dolphin... |
I'm having trouble with the PHP block also. Here is the error message I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function clearcachefile() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 297
update - nevermind, I got the block created.
I'm having trouble with the PHP block also. Here is the error message I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function clearcachefile() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 297
update - nevermind, I got the block created.
That error would indicate your running a older version of the tools on a newer version of dolphin. The function clearcachefile no longer exists on dolphin version 7.0.3 and up. Dolphin redesigned the caching system. For dolphin version 7.0.3 and up, you must be running Deanos Tools 1.8.0 or higher. |
how it should look sample query to the database( SELECT) in order to display it in a php block? - Polish support for Dolphin 7 |
great and useful tool you have released to this community:
i guess for the first time, i am trying to use the SQL query tool running an update statement on the Profiles table:
UPDATE Profiles SET `Featured`=`1` WHERE `NickName`=`somenick`
here my example reflects backticks, but i have used the apostrophe as well.
now when ran, without the ; (semi-colon) it says the query was sucessful, but the record is not updated, when ran with the : (semi-colon), i get the infamous red box, database error.
i can take the same statement to phpmyadmin, using backticks or apostrophe, and it runs the statement.
i have not enabled the sql debugger as of yet, to determine exactly what its complaining about. figured i would post first, as you may have already given the answer, and i did read through all of these. wow, lot of ready, this took is so complex, each function should have its own thread.
at any rate, i need to be directed on how to run an UPDATE statement from the SQL query tool from Deano's Tools v-1.8.2
Site is an upgrade from 6.0.0004, upgrade went ok, but still seeing issues in structure on the database, and this could be the result of such. All of the profiles came up as Featured, so i ran an UPDATE statement on phpmyadmin, to set all profiles back to ='0' on the Featured. site owner wishes to enable some profiles as featured, of his choice. using the admin controls is not an option, because the profile fields are different from the v-6.0.0004 so essentially the profiles are all incomplete, thus refusing admin control over the profile until all required fields are completed. not a big deal until you are looking at 8K + profiles
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
I will run some tests. Could be a bug of some sort. I will check into it.
However i am actually surprized this query even works in phpMyAdmin
UPDATE Profiles SET `Featured`=`1` WHERE `NickName`=`somenick`
Values should have single quotes and table names and field names in back ticks. Like so.
UPDATE Profiles SET `Featured`='1' WHERE `NickName`='somenick'
Back ticks on the values should have generated a error even in phpMyAdmin.
But i will run some tests.
Could you let me know the current magic_quotes settings on the server your testing this on so i can test my functions that check this. My latest version is supposed to check for the magic_quotes setting and deal with it appropriately depending on its setting so things will work properly regardless of it being on or off. But could be buggy so i will check that as well.
However, i am currently dealing with other updates and bug fixes to other mods at the moment which take priority over this one which is free. So i will get to it when i can. |
sorry new to this.. I downloaded your tool to add php blocks but what's the php code to add featured photo? |
the block editor only allows you to edit homepage blocks and members blocks... what about the rest? eg: photo ..etc. |
sorry new to this.. I downloaded your tool to add php blocks but what's the php code to add featured photo?
I do not know. |
the block editor only allows you to edit homepage blocks and members blocks... what about the rest? eg: photo ..etc.
What you can edit depends on what you have on the pages for blocks. It will only show blocks of type PHP as they are the only ones the PHP block editor can edit. |
Hey deano,i love this mod,the only problem i am having is i am getting spammed at a alarming rate and they are using site tags which deliver errors when i try to remove
i.e any tags with symbols,odd icons.
the ones that seem to be the worst are "a big promotion of men's shoes,"
bryant's outstanding organization
can you help me find a way to delete these? thanks
could you email me at
A new version will be released soon that should fix that problem. Keep an eye on this forum. The new release will be announced here. |
Deanos Tools version 1.8.3 released.
This version just fixes bugs in site tags and IP address areas. Fixes cookie related bug in administrator area. |
Hello Deano,
First of all, many thanks for this excellent free tool!
I am using Martinboi's Subscription mod, since I installed this mod I am unable to change a members avatar using Deano's Tools. I keep being taken to the subscriptions mod...
Any help would be really appreciated as I hate members having a 'blank' avatar.
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
Deano Thanks - 4 the new update
One question: when I want to delete cache nothing happen
only when you select how can all the caches can be delete because is pain in my finger clicking one by one when you have more than 500
is necesary to delete all caches
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
At some point i will be adding a select all or somethin to that.
I am just used to using keyboard shortcuts. I quite often make the mistake of asuming everyone knows them.
Select the top one then hold down the shift key and while holding it, use the page down key. That will quickly select them all. |
I will wait for new version than with this can you please do this for cache, cache_public and tmp
Thank you
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
I love your tool but what I am trying to do is over my no skill level (-:
I want to put a featured video php block on my front page but I can't find the file to copy it from do you have a cheat sheet or an easier way to find the file or even the code I need to paste into the php block to replace the ( echo 'Hello World!'; ) Thanx ....Jeff |
Sorry. Getting the proper code to use is up to you.
Its best you ask for help coming up with PHP code in the Regular Dolphin 7 forums. |
I don't know why you didn't tell me you have a mod for that? (Block_Tools)
which is pretty slick but the block I want to move shows up in red, maybe i'll try an html block see if that will work
thanx ....Jeff
It shows up in red becuse it is not a block that can be copied. It's a special page specific block.
A html block will not work. A block of the kind you want would have to be done in PHP and would have to be written custom from scratch.
Thats why you need to request help from the regular dolphin 7 forums. It's complex, will take time to research how to do it and will require a skilled php developer. |
Deano, great MOD! Been using it for quite awhile, but have 2 suggestions:
1) Add target="_blank" in the url for DNSstuff when checking IP address logs. That way it does not take you away from the Dolphin admin page.
2) DNSStuff information is somewhat vague at most times, and many times you get a "ambiguous query" error during the lookup. So I edited the BxDeanosToolsModule.php at line 1319 for the following, and it works far better using ARIN instead of DNSSTUFF
$sCode .= ' <td><a href=";q=' . $sData['ip_address'] . '?showDetails=true&showARIN=true" target="_blank">' . $sData['ip_address'] . '</a></td>';
Hope this helps!
Even Monkeys and Retards get it right with repitition! - Author Unknown |
Done. That code change suggestion has been added to the next version. |
Notice to all of my customers.
I do not know when i will be able to resume support on my modules. My area has been evacuated.
My house is currently flooded and have no power. My home was in the Hurricane Irene zone on the east coast of the US.
It may be a couple of days before i can get back up and running. |
Take care of yourself in the difficult situation[hurricane Irene] we pray for you.
I would like to add few ideas to ur future consideration:
1.Summary box for Each User Profile
2.Graph Api replacing facebook connect
3.Find users who are not active in "last year" "from date to date" "last month"
4.Find users whos profile are incomplete with % of completion
5.Send Auto Mails to "inactive members" "incomplete profiles" etc
Considering i have my own version of Facebook connect that i sell, i have no incentive to put Facebook abilities into a free module of mine.
Also, i do not quite understand anyway. Both mine and the boonex version of Facebook connect already use the graph API provisioned through the Facebook PHP SDK. The graph API calls are how our modules retrieve information from Facebook. |
I don't know how or why Deanos Tools could or would provide some of those features you're requesting. I can also say without a doubt that this script does already send automated emails to inactive members... every day, without fail. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Hello Deano,
You're Block Tool is great! One little problem for me..... I've tried to find for a solution for the following:
When you edit a block that's copied multiple times, I want to update all the copied blocks to! I thought maybe it's only editing the updateHTMLBlock function but I don't get it to work.
Can you please help me?
Hello Deano,
You're Block Tool is great! One little problem for me..... I've tried to find for a solution for the following:
When you edit a block that's copied multiple times, I want to update all the copied blocks to! I thought maybe it's only editing the updateHTMLBlock function but I don't get it to work.
Can you please help me?
A copy of the block becomes a new individual block. The tools were not designed to update all copies. That is not a feature of the module. This is also the wrong forum for the block tools module. The proper forum for that is |
Just saw that you were hit by Irene, hope everything turned out ok (I see that you're alive & posting so that's good!) and nothing was damaged too badly. I have friends and family all throughout the area and they are all still picking up the (soggy) pieces. Hope you are well. |
Oh, i am still cleaning up. Some minor damage, drywall and such in some areas of the house that was flooded. Lost the boiler.
But i was quite lucky compared to others. |
Database error in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SELECT * FROM `Profiles` WHERE `DateLastNav` > SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MINUTE) AND `Status`='Active' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`) AND (`Sex`='male' OR `Sex`='female') AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(`DateOfBirth`)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(`DateOfBirth`,5))) >= 18 AND ((YEAR(CURDATE())-YEAR(`DateOfBirth`)) - (RIGHT(CURDATE(),5)<RIGHT(`DateOfBirth`,5))) <= 75 AND `ID` IN ()
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Found error in the file '/home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/modules/deano/dbcs_online_members/classes/dbcsOnlineMembersModule.php' at line 194. Called 'db_res' function with erroneous argument #0.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Wrong forum Dos. This is my tools forum. This error is from my Online Members mod.
The friends only option appears to be turned on, and there appears to be a bug there. So until i get the bug fixed, try shutting that option back off which is the default setting. |
ack, you are correct, and thanks for the answer just the same. i only read up to this point, in my haste to get it posted before it slipped my mind.
then i searched for this forum thread, and as murphy would have it, its the wrong frigging forum. hey i tried, not very hard, but i tried.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Install was okay...everytime i wanna open via modules (admin area) i get this
???what the hell???
I do not have a explanation for that. I would most likley need FTP access to see where it was uploaded and admin site access to check on the status of the permalink settings.
First i would verify it was uploaded to the proper folder before it was installed. A tutorial pertaining to this module was written (not by me) and placed in the help section of this site.
Other than not being uploaded to the proper location i cannot explain why that is happening. 100's of people are using this module, and that is the first i have seen this specific issue. |
Hi Dean,
I installed it now with my 7.0.8 version of dolphin and it works fine.
Thank you.
@ Deano
After using the set page width feature in the deano tool module a few of our pages are miss aligned we have tried to figure this out and found that these lines of code are missing the width value
i have tried locating these lines but can't find them also shouldn't the values be drawn automatically.... the pages the we notice so far being affected are
search keyword page,
browse album page,
category page
i just need to know if the width value should be automatic and where i can locate these lines of code so i can manual input
<div class="sys_ml" style="width:;">
<div class="sys_bc_wrapper" style="width:;">
<div class="bottomCopyright" style="width: ">
<div class="main" style="border:0px; width:;">
No. Those pages get their value from the other pages width setting and should be automatic. Modifing the code is not recommend and i am not going to take the time to look for them all because you should not have to.
Try running it again, and if your using chrome, use a different browser. The setting is not taking.
You can also try manually running from phpMyAdmin using the queries from this post which is what the tools actually do anyway.
If you have to run via phpMyAdmin. Then you will also need to clear the cache after.
If you still have problems then verify the min and max page settings are at the defaults. That is found in Admin->Settings->Advanced Settings->Templates. Min setting should be at 774 and max at 1600
If those are off, then correct them and try setting the page width again. |
I never have an issue with your mods so I was a little surprised when I got this after I opened your admin interface in 7.08
Database error in United States Speedway Series
DELETE FROM `sys_messages` where `Sender`=
Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Found error in the file '/home/usspeedw/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_tools/classes/BxDeanosToolsDb.php' at line 115. Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.
I got this message while I was searching out the details on a spammer that managed to get signed up in my racing site. It's very weird because I have a username but cannot find an IP.
I got the error after I ran the remove spam messages feature in the tools mod. I have not deleted the spammer yet as I am still trying to determine how he got in. It looks like username isn't there but I have confirmed that it is.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ... Hosted by! |
Ok. So i need to ask what you entered in the field for remove spam messages. A nickname or a member id? | ... Hosted by! |
The only way i could reproduce that exact error was when i left the field blank.
Try running the query manually from phpMyAdmin.
DELETE FROM `sys_messages` where `Sender`=###
where ### is the member id of the member you want to remove messages of. |
I have an additional field in my join form. It asks a question and requires an answer to get past the join form.
"What is this site all about?" with an answer of "racing'
He made it past that so i know he's a real person. I also had the same person create a membership on my other sites as well.
It's just weird and I'm trying to figure it out. ... Hosted by! |
0 rows deleted. ( Query took 0.0003 sec ) ... Hosted by! |
I have your facebook connection mod as well but that's showing a 0 so i don;t think he came in that way. This was a manual attempt ... Hosted by! |
Ok, I just ran the same query on townation and got the same error removing the same user. is 7.06 and is 7.08 so it's not version related. ... Hosted by! |
I will look into it and see if i can reproduce the problem as to why the form is passing a empty value. So far i have not been able to reproduce it.
Are the sites both running on the same server?
It may not be version specific, but there are other things such as server and mod incompatibility which also can play a factor.
I'll poke around and see if i can find a reason. |
Yes, they are on the same server but different cpanel accounts. If you want, i can send over credentials so you can poke around ... Hosted by! |
Thank you for creating this set of tools... I've only used two of them so far put I expect I'll eventually learn to use more.
For the IP Address Log tool... please consider adding an editable "Do Not Log" list. I would like to *not* log search engine bots.
Thank you |
Thank you for creating this set of tools... I've only used two of them so far put I expect I'll eventually learn to use more.
For the IP Address Log tool... please consider adding an editable "Do Not Log" list. I would like to *not* log search engine bots.
Thank you 
Also, please consider adding a "one-click" method to clear the IP log file for 'guest' IPs. With search engine bots hitting my site many times a day, I have over 10,000 IP listings that appear to be from bots... in just a few weeks. |
I will consider it. I normally however recommend that guest logging of ip addresses be left off. Turned on only when needed. On busy sites, the logging of every guest IP address chews up server resources and will slow down you site. |
I will consider it. I normally however recommend that guest logging of ip addresses be left off. Turned on only when needed. On busy sites, the logging of every guest IP address chews up server resources and will slow down you site.
Good point... I've turned it off... now how do I get rid of the 14k guest IP entries in the log file? I had no idea that SE_bots would hit my site so much. I'm okay with a complete wipe of the IP log file if that's the quick solution. Thanks :-) |
This is a great tool. Really provides some needed functions. I did run into a problem when I tried the PHP block. I get the following errors when the page loads.
Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(607) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: include( [function.include]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(607) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(607) : eval()'d code on line 1
I get that error when inserting this php code. It does work, just not within this block. Any Ideas? Opps, almost for got. This is the code I am using in the block.
include '';
I have tried the code with quotes insead on apostrophes. I have tried it with the PHP start and end code as well.
Any ideas, or help? I really need this. thanks.
This is support for the product itself. Not for support with code you use in the blocks. That would be a general PHP question. You should have started your own topic.
The answer is obvious. Right in the first error.
Warning: include() [function.include]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/mysite/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPageView.php(607) : eval()'d code on line 1
Stated right there URL file-access is disbled. Means your host has disabled something or allow_url_fopen is off for php.
It's a hosting issue. It has nothing to do with the tools.
If you need continued help with this issue, start a new topic on the subject in the standard D7 forum as this issue is a general PHP coding question.
Do a search in google for URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration
You will find out what it means. |
Thanks for your quick response and explanation. It was very helpful. I published here because I thought it was something I had done working on putting the code in the tool, otherwise I would have as you suggested looked elsewhere. Thanks again for getting me in the right direction. |
I will consider it. I normally however recommend that guest logging of ip addresses be left off. Turned on only when needed. On busy sites, the logging of every guest IP address chews up server resources and will slow down you site.
Good point... I've turned it off... now how do I get rid of the 14k guest IP entries in the log file? I had no idea that SE_bots would hit my site so much. I'm okay with a complete wipe of the IP log file if that's the quick solution. Thanks :-)
You can use phpMyAdmin from cpanel and select the ones you want to remove from the dbcs_ip_address table.
Or you can purge all with this query. DELETE FROM `dbcs_ip_address` |
You can use phpMyAdmin from cpanel and select the ones you want to remove from the dbcs_ip_address table.
Or you can purge all with this query. DELETE FROM `dbcs_ip_address`
Query worked... thank you! |
Thanks for the query!
Is there an option in Dolphin which clears the IP Log using Cron? Like every month or something? So that the dbcs_ip_address table doesn't get too big...
You can use phpMyAdmin from cpanel and select the ones you want to remove from the dbcs_ip_address table.
Or you can purge all with this query. DELETE FROM `dbcs_ip_address`
Query worked... thank you!
Not a big deal since I know how to do this through the language files, but when I try to change the copyright text I get the dreaded database query error.
I'm using a new 7.0.9 install. This is the only 3rd party mod I've installed so far.
Any ideas Deano?
As with any database error. The full error would be required to determine the cause.
However, what is the copywrite text you are trying to use? Is there any special characters or an apostrophe being used? |
Not a big deal since I know how to do this through the language files, but when I try to change the copyright text I get the dreaded database query error.
I'm using a new 7.0.9 install. This is the only 3rd party mod I've installed so far.
Any ideas Deano?
got this Deanos Tools on 7.0.9 installed without no problem very good mod one of the best!!
Thank you deano92964
As with any database error. The full error would be required to determine the cause.
However, what is the copywrite text you are trying to use? Is there any special characters or an apostrophe being used?
I was using a period and a dash if I remember correctly. I'll try it again without any special charactors and see if that helps.
Thanks Deano
~ Corey
That should not have caused it. Normally the problems occure when ' single quotes are used.
I will most likley need to see the query error report. That is normally sent to the bug report email as configured in inc/
$site['bugReportMail'] = "";
If no email with full error was sent there, then you may need to turn on display_errors in php.ini. In any case i cannot solve the problem without seeing the error. |
You can also just set the copywrite manually in the language strings if that feature is not working for you. Search for _copyright in the language settings |
Just installed on 7.09 - some of these mods are so easy my head doesn't want to believe it *s |
That should not have caused it. Normally the problems occure when ' single quotes are used.
I will most likley need to see the query error report. That is normally sent to the bug report email as configured in inc/
$site['bugReportMail'] = "";
If no email with full error was sent there, then you may need to turn on display_errors in php.ini. In any case i cannot solve the problem without seeing the error.
You are correct. I forgot that I was also using an apostrophe. Stupid mistake on my part. I know better.
Sorry to waste your time Deano. Thanks for the great set-o-tools my friend. =)
It is still a bug i need to work on. If you need the apostrophe, you can try adding a \ in front of it to escape it.
I will look into why that is happening. I thought i had all areas of the module fixed to deal with the quotes. |
hi daeno,
from my admin i loggen in as a member and then i am trying to upload photos for those members. but the upload photo button does not work in if i login from your module.
is this because it is working as a frame from you module?? or is there something else ?
Can you please provide a solution to this ...
Thanks a lot for the brilliant mod.
thanks alot |
Unknown. I will have to look into it. It might be. Make sure that members current membership level allows them to upload photos.
Also get the password from them and logon as normal to verify.
I will check at my end.
If there is a problem, it will be a while before i can fix it. I am currently busy on other projects. This is a free module so has very low priority on updates. |
Ok. Verified. It does have to do with the frame. The uploader redirects after the file is uploaded which presents a problem with the frame. This i may not be able to fix. There are just some things that don't work in frames.
However if you are using firefox there is a workaround(IE 8 and 9 should do it as well). When logged in as the other member, right click on the photos link and open it as a new tab. Handle the uploads in this new tab. After your done, close the tab (Do not log out) and then you can switch back to admin from the origional tab. |
thats what i have been doing all morning. lol.
but i have been coping the url of add photo page and open that url in a new tab, works in chrome too.
I was wondering if i change your frame to open in new tab (_target="blank") instead of main, would that sort the problem out ??
i might try this in a bit. wil post if that works,
thanks alot |
It might work.
You're the first one to actually point out that as a problem and the mod has been in use for years. I am surprized no one has mentioned it yet. |
tried it just now. does'nt work that way.
probably no one needed to upload photos for their members.
i am wondering, if we can create a link next to the logon button that will point direct to add photos to member's default album, that might work ... what you think?
i am talking about pointing the admin to '/m/photos/albums/my/add_objects/' . $sNickName . '-s-photos/owner/' . $sNickName .'';
but i dont know if your mod will let me go directly to the member's default album from admin as you are using different variables for member nickname ($MemNick etc)
is there a hope for this ?
thanks alot |
i meant login as member from admin and then redirect to default album add photos page.
is that possible ?
i just created a link in your mod instead of make admin, but not sure where to point it to.
thanks alot |
I don't see how it will be any different than going to the home page as it does now. The frame needs to be created to allow you to log out as that member and log back in as admin. You can't bypass the frame or there would be no way to switch back to admin. So creating a link directly to the photos just won't work.
I have some ideas. I will need some time to work on them.
EDIT. Just noticed you started playing with code. Reverse your changes. There is no way to properly link it from there and maintain the link back to admin. The magic for that is done in the frame pages. |
ya just realised that one. It is all done in you logon-frame file, which i am not able to bypass.
Please check ur inbox.
I don't see how it will be any different than going to the home page as it does now. The frame needs to be created to allow you to log out as that member and log back in as admin. You can't bypass the frame or there would be no way to switch back to admin. So creating a link directly to the photos just won't work.
I have some ideas. I will need some time to work on them.
EDIT. Just noticed you started playing with code. Reverse your changes. There is no way to properly link it from there and maintain the link back to admin. The magic for that is done in the frame pages.
thanks alot |
Ok i have a quick solution. What it does is open the site as normal in one tab, but also opens a second tab to the photos.
Edit modules/deano/deanos_tools/logon_frame.php
Look for
<frame name="main" src="../../../" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1" scrolling="auto" noresize>
Replace with
<frame name="main" src="newtab.html" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1" scrolling="auto" noresize>
Now create a new file. modules/deano/deanos_tools/newtab.html
Put this in the file.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url="> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <script>'','_blank');
</body> </html>
Make sure you replace with your actual sites domain name.
I am sure a php version could be created that would link you to '/m/photos/albums/my/add_objects/' . $sNickName . '-s-photos/owner/' . $sNickName .''; instead of the html version that just goes to the photo albums, but that will take more time.
At the moment i must get back to my previous project.
Also note. The first time this is used the browser may want you to allow popups. That will create a small problem the first time it's used. Just make sure you always allow popups from your site, and it will be smooth sailing next time. |
hey deano,
That works great mate. you are a star.
will wait for the php version of it, which can open in new tab instead of a popup.
thanks alot |
The current one is also opening in new tab. Target = _blank.
It's just that javascript is being used to open it so the browser thinks it's a popup when its not. PHP cannot open windows so javascript has to be used. So the php version will be no different for that.
Just allow popups from your site in your browser and all will be fine. |
working like a charm, in popup.
I want to point it directry to the add photo to defaut album,
for eaxmple /m/photos/albums/my/add_objects/' . $sNickName . '-s-photos/owner/' . $sNickName .'
is that possible ?
thanks alot |
working like a charm, in popup.
I want to point it directry to the add photo to defaut album,
for eaxmple /m/photos/albums/my/add_objects/' . $sNickName . '-s-photos/owner/' . $sNickName .'
is that possible ?
You must have misread my last post.
A php version of newtab.html would be required to do that. It would take me more time to write. I will have to get to it later. |
sorry mate, defo misread it, its 02.35 am in UK. thats why.
thanks for you help. will wait for the php version of it.
working like a charm, in popup.
I want to point it directry to the add photo to defaut album,
for eaxmple /m/photos/albums/my/add_objects/' . $sNickName . '-s-photos/owner/' . $sNickName .'
is that possible ?
You must have misread my last post.
A php version of newtab.html would be required to do that. It would take me more time to write. I will have to get to it later.
thanks alot |
Actually i think i may have found another way to do this. I have made a note for the next version. I believe i can eliminate the use of frames altogether. Still have some more tests to run, but as i learn more about dolphin i find new ways of doing things. |
can you confirm that this will work ok on 7.0.9?
I've been using it on a clean install of D7.0.9 for a few weeks... appears to work fine. | |
Getting Error Whenever i log into my admin panel:
Fatal error: Call to a member function saveIP() on a non-object in /home/mysite/public_html/modules/deano/deanos_tools/classes/BxDeanosToolsAlerts.php on line 52
Any Ideas?
Something is wrong with one of the system alerts.
Uninstall the tools. Verify problem is gone. Then reinstall and see what happens. |
After I uninstalled the tools, It still comes up. Then when I tried to reinstall it, I get a
Database query error
I will need to know what the full error was for the database error. I cannot assist without it. Check your bug report email address or turn on full error reporting in dolphin.
Also. Did you by any chance attempt to update the version of the tools without uninstalling the old version first? |
Here is The full email I got. |
That error is not even related to the tools module. Has something to do with your language keys. And it's for the key _latest which does not even exist in the tools. So the tools did not cause that particular database error.
In any case. Uninstall the tools. And leave them uninstalled. I will need cpanal access at some point to manually check to make sure the alerts are removed from the database for the tools before they are put back in.
But there is no point in putting the tools back in until you get your other problem resolved.
There is no point in working on two problems at once when your other problem may be causeing this one. So leave it uninstalled. If the error for Call to a member function saveIP() still exists while the tools are uninstalled, then i will need full access for a manual removal of the module.
The tools should then not be put back in until your site is fully operational. |
I have tried your tools mod and the php block has failed to work. Even trying the most basic php still produces an error evening using:
<?php phpinfo( ); ?>
Still produces an error. |
i told you stop putting
so much to do.... |
what is wrong with putting <?php phpinfo(); ?>
what so on deanos tools you are talking about specifically or when creating a php block just trying to follow u why the instruction on the specific tags are referred to here?
i told you stop putting
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Its simple you can't start php code inside a php code
<?php tell the server that php is starting from here and if php is already being compiled than that doesn't make sense. It applies to any php code that is inside a block.
what is wrong with putting <?php phpinfo(); ?>
what so on deanos tools you are talking about specifically or when creating a php block just trying to follow u why the instruction on the specific tags are referred to here?
i told you stop putting
so much to do.... |
I see the question has been answered, thank you. |
To go further on it incase your interested.
All php blocks in dolphin whether created by hand or by a module use the php eval function to process the code within them.
The php manual states this...
The code mustn't be wrapped in opening and closing PHP tags, i.e. 'echo "Hi!";' must be passed instead of '<? echo "Hi!"; >'. It is still possible to leave and reenter PHP mode though using the appropriate PHP tags, e.g. 'echo "In PHP mode!"; ?>In HTML mode!<? echo "Back in PHP mode!";'.
Apart from that the passed code must be valid PHP. This includes that all statements must be properly terminated using a semicolon. 'echo "Hi!"' for example will cause a parse error, whereas 'echo "Hi!";' will work.
Hopefully that gives you a better understanding. |
Thanks for the awesome info....:)
To go further on it incase your interested.
All php blocks in dolphin whether created by hand or by a module use the php eval function to process the code within them.
The php manual states this...
The code mustn't be wrapped in opening and closing PHP tags, i.e. 'echo "Hi!";' must be passed instead of '<? echo "Hi!"; >'. It is still possible to leave and reenter PHP mode though using the appropriate PHP tags, e.g. 'echo "In PHP mode!"; ?>In HTML mode!<? echo "Back in PHP mode!";'.
Apart from that the passed code must be valid PHP. This includes that all statements must be properly terminated using a semicolon. 'echo "Hi!"' for example will cause a parse error, whereas 'echo "Hi!";' will work.
Hopefully that gives you a better understanding.
so much to do.... |
Using 7.0.8 Once installed I get this error message when I go to use the tools:
Method(actionAdministration) was not found in module(deanos_tools)
Any help please?
Using 7.0.8 Once installed I get this error message when I go to use the tools:
Method(actionAdministration) was not found in module(deanos_tools)
Any help please?
There is a problem with the install. You need to remove the tools and reinstall them. actionAdministration is indeed in the tools. All modules in dolphin have that section. It's pretty much a requirement. So start testing the rest of the modules you have installed. Either there is a problem with dolphin or the tools are damaged and need to be removed and reinstalled.
Not much more i can do other than that. The error your getting simply should not happen. |
There also could be a problem with the method you used to upload it. If you did not follow my exact instructions and instead determined my instructions are wrong and you put my tools in the boonex folder instead of in my own vendor folder where they belong then that can create a problem as well.
So perhaps you should also describe your exact upload procedure and how you interpreted my install instructions. |
I followed the instructions correctly and upload to the correct folder and not in the boonex folder. I installed it and it said done, but running it produces that error. I have checked all other modules and they all run fine. Beats me why your doesn't work, there must be a conflict somewhere. Will report back soon with more info. |
Then try re-uploading with different FTP modes such as binary vs ascii.
One of the files has to be corrupt which can happen sometimes during the upload process. |
Deano, yesterday I installed your Tools mod because I was interested in the IP log.
It looks like i'm only getting the "guests" IP's (which are mostly google bots or other) and I can't find any members IP's even when I type a nickname nothing comes up. I unchecked "show guests" but it still showing them and appears "checked" when I move forward to the next page.
Your mod was the first one I ever installed by myself according to your instruction and there were no errors and the installation went good.
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
The logging only logs a ip address when i member logs into the site.
Guests are logged when the log guest option is on, but it does not erase the existing logs when it's unchecked, it just stops any further logging.
Leave that guest option off. It puts to much of a load on the server if left on. And is normally off by default.
Log into your site with a test account. It should recored it. If not, i will need access to cpanal so i can check to make sure the event exists in the database and see if it's being processed.
So uninstall and reinstall the module as well so that table gets cleared of all those logged guests and leave it off. Test with just members. |
The logging only logs a ip address when i member logs into the site.
Guests are logged when the log guest option is on, but it does not erase the existing logs when it's unchecked, it just stops any further logging.
Leave that guest option off. It puts to much of a load on the server if left on. And is normally off by default.
Log into your site with a test account. It should recored it. If not, i will need access to cpanal so i can check to make sure the event exists in the database and see if it's being processed.
So uninstall and reinstall the module as well so that table gets cleared of all those logged guests and leave it off. Test with just members.
It did register my new member as you said but it also registered me as "guest" several times in about 10 min. I can't uncheck the "show guest" option...I mean I do uncheck it but when I get back to it again it is checked again.
I sent you a message with my FTP codes in case you have time to look at it.
Thank you!
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
I meant turn off the option in the settings at the top. You changed the default from 0 to 1 which enables guest logging. I turned it off for you.
The check boxes at the bottom are just a search filter options. Unchecking guests and leaving members checked and clicking search will show only members leaving out the guests. 8 Members are logged. The rest are guests.
In the data i send you in the pm. notice i just entered the first 3 letters of the members nickname. Anything with those 3 letters will be returned. So you can do partial name searches as well.
It appears to be working just fine. I see no problems.
If you continue to have problems, try a different browser. I use firefox, but i have also tested this is ie. |
I also forgot to mention. The reason it show your ip address as guest as well as member is because when you first hit the site before logging in you are indeed a guest. Thats why guest logging should remain off except when you really need it because it records every guest hit to your site. |
Awesome!! Thanks man.
I also forgot to mention. The reason it show your ip address as guest as well as member is because when you first hit the site before logging in you are indeed a guest. Thats why guest logging should remain off except when you really need it because it records every guest hit to your site.
Sometimes communicating your problem and putting it out there is enough to solve it |
I've changed the IP lookup site to this:
$sCode .= ' <td><a href="' . $sData['ip_address'] . '">' . $sData['ip_address'] . '</a></td>';
As the one you had set never seems to work...
FYI :)
I have changed it 3 times so far. Looks like DNS stuff has change the URL for ip lookups. I'll fix it when i get a chance. |
Enhancement - Is is possible to also allow in the IP Log, to search for IP, not just nick name.
Also I think would be another great addition to your tools is a report that shows user's with the same IP...
great work though I use these tools all the time.
Enhancement - Is is possible to also allow in the IP Log, to search for IP, not just nick name.
Also I think would be another great addition to your tools is a report that shows user's with the same IP...
great work though I use these tools all the time.
It's been requested. It will be added to one of the future versions. Free modules are not on my top priority list, so i do not know when i will get to adding any additional features. |