Send SMS from member Profile

I had a client ask about sending SMS messages from within the website. I checked it out first here in the forums, and could not really find a good free solution in which I would not have to add a bunch of extra processes in order to successfully send an sms message from our site. The client even purchased an sms module from the market here. Although the mod did work as advertised, it was not exactly what we were looking for.


So, after searching the forums here, and googling the world wide web. I was able to accomplish my goal.

The flow is as follows.

A: The member, on his/her profile edit page has to allow receiving text messages (profile edit.png)

B: They mus selest their carrier provider

C: They must enter the phone number they want to receive text messages to

D: If a member has elected to receive SMS messages, then the Send SMS button will appear on their Profile page in the actions block (actions block on profile page.png)

E: User wanting to send an SMS message will click the Send Sms button in the actions block, in which a popup will open (send sms popup.png). Sender fills in the fields and clicks Send SMS button.

F: Receiver gets a text message

profile edit.png · 5.1K · 575 views
send sms popup.png · 20K · 974 views
10 Dec 2013

provide more details on this please.

Geeks, making the world a better place
10 Dec 2013

Well, after further testing, for some reason the popup did not open in the clients browser on his mac, but it does open up on his pc. Will have to figure out why or if it is just something with his computer.


But, on to the nitty gritty. It was not that hard of a task to setup this feature, just a few different places of code that had to be done.

So, first. I have a page called sendsms.php. It is a variation of the tellfriend.php page. I have added this file below.

In the sys_objects_action table I added the button information:

INSERT INTO `sys_objects_actions` (`ID`, `Caption`, `Icon`, `Url`, `Script`, `Eval`, `Order`, `Type`, `bDisplayInSubMenuHeader`) VALUES (NULL, '{cpt_sms}', 'share', '', 'return launchSendSms({ID});', '$bTextAllow  = ''{text_allow}'';

if ( $bTextAllow  ) {
    return _t(''{cpt_sms}'');
}', '7', 'profile', '0');


In templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php Find the following functions, and add segments in blue:


function showBlockActionsMenu( $sCaption, $bNoDB = false )
        global $p_arr;

        // init some user's values
        $iMemberID = getLoggedId();
        $iViewedMemberID = (int)$p_arr['ID'];

        if( (!$iMemberID  or !$iViewedMemberID) or ($iMemberID == $iViewedMemberID) )
            return null;

        // prepare all needed keys
        $p_arr['url']              = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
        $p_arr['anonym_mode']    = $this->oTemplConfig->bAnonymousMode;

        $p_arr['member_id']        = $iMemberID;
        $p_arr['text_allow']    = getTextAllow( $iMemberID );
        $p_arr['member_pass']    = getPassword( $iMemberID );

        //--- Subscription integration ---//
        $oSubscription = new BxDolSubscription();
        $sAddon = $oSubscription->getData();

        $aButton = $oSubscription->getButton($iMemberID, 'profile', '', $iViewedMemberID);
        $p_arr['sbs_profile_title'] = $aButton['title'];
        $p_arr['sbs_profile_script'] = $aButton['script'];
        //--- Subscription integration ---//

        //--- Check for member/non-member ---//
        if(isMember()) {
            $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = _t('_EditProfile');
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = _t('_SendLetter');
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = _t('_Fave');
            $p_arr['cpt_remove_fave'] = _t('_Remove Fave');
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = _t('_Befriend');
            $p_arr['cpt_remove_friend'] = _t('_Remove friend');
            $p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = _t('_Get E-mail');
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = $this->isAllowedShare($this->_aProfile) ? _t('_Share') : '';
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = _t('_Report Spam');
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = _t('_Block');
            $p_arr['cpt_unblock'] = _t('_Unblock');
            $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = _t('_Sms');
        } else {
            $p_arr['cpt_edit'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_send_letter'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_fave'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_remove_fave'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_befriend'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_remove_friend'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_get_mail'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_share'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_report'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_block'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_unblock'] = '';
            $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = '';

        $aCheckGreet = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_VKISS);
        $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = $aCheckGreet[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Greet') : '';

        $sActions = $sAddon . $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genObjectsActions($p_arr, 'Profile');

        if ($bNoDB)
            return  $sActions;
            echo DesignBoxContent( _t( $sCaption ),  $sActions, 1 );


    function GenActionsMenuBlock()
        // init some user's values
        $p_arr = $this->_aProfile;

        $iMemberID = getLoggedId();

        $iViewedMemberID = (int)$p_arr['ID'];

        if( (!$iMemberID  or !$iViewedMemberID) or ($iMemberID == $iViewedMemberID) )
            return null;

        // prepare all nedded keys
        $p_arr['url']              = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT;
        $p_arr['window_width']     = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowWidth;
        $p_arr['window_height']    = $this->oTemplConfig->popUpWindowHeight;
        $p_arr['anonym_mode']    = $this->oTemplConfig->bAnonymousMode;
        $p_arr['member_id']        = $iMemberID;
        $p_arr['text_allow']    = getTextAllow( $iMemberID );
        $p_arr['member_pass']    = getPassword( $iMemberID );

        $sActions = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->genObjectsActions($p_arr, 'Profile', 'cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"' );

        return  $sActions;


In inc/ add the following functions:


function getTextAllow( $ID = '' )
    if ( !(int)$ID )
        return '';

    $arr = getProfileInfo( $ID );
    return $arr['TextAllow'];

function getCarrier( $ID = '' )
    if ( !$ID && !empty($_COOKIE['memberID']) )
        $ID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

    if ( !$ID )
        return '';

    return $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getCarrierMail ($ID);
function getTextNum( $ID = '' )
    if ( !$ID && !empty($_COOKIE['memberID']) )
        $ID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

    if ( !$ID )
        return '';

    return $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getTextNumber ($ID);


I didnt take very good notes on what I did, but I believe that this is everything. If anyone dares to test this out, and can figure out what is wrong with working on a MAC, that would be very much appreciated.

sendsms.php · 5.2K · 451 downloads
10 Dec 2013

In the Profile Fields builder - Edit Profile, add 3 new fields - Text Allow, Carrier, and Text Number (I chose a separate field for the text number in case someone wants to receive texts on a number that may not be their main number)

TextAllow field => Select, Radio, in the Advanced section, Possible Values = Yes, No

Carriers field = > Select, Dropdown Select, in the Advanced section, Possible Values section, put in: #!Carriers

TextNumber field => Text


In the Builders - Predefined Values section, create a new List and call it Carriers. Add your list of carriers to this list in the following format:

Values =>

LKey => Verizon


You can find the carriers info here (
10 Dec 2013

Not too shabby Professor.  I will try to implement this on my site.  The only thing I would add would be an action in the sys_acl_actions table so I can have this as an extra for membership levels.  Of course the extra bits for testing for the allowed memberships would be needed.

Geeks, making the world a better place
10 Dec 2013

Forgot one more piece - in the templates/base/scripts/BxBaseFunctions.php - add the following functions:


    function getCarrierMail ($iId)
        $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId);
        if (!$aProfile)
            return false;

        $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance(getParam('sys_member_info_carrier'));
        return $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : $aProfile['Carrier'];
    function getTextNumber ($iId)
        $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId);
        if (!$aProfile)
            return false;

        $o = BxDolMemberInfo::getObjectInstance(getParam('sys_member_info_text_number'));
        return $o ? $o->get($aProfile) : $aProfile['TextNumber'];
10 Dec 2013
how about using this method for account verification by sending shortcode ? then we need to create cookies if user login from other place.
Umar Haroon
11 Dec 2013

Looks like a great idea! Three questions though.

1. Does the sender of the SMS ever see the receiver's telephone number?

2. Where do you get the carriers list from, is it international?

3. Is there a charge for sending the SMS, especially if the sender and receiver are in different parts of the world?

Thank you.

11 Dec 2013


2. Where do you get the carriers list from, is it international?

3. Is there a charge for sending the SMS, especially if the sender and receiver are in different parts of the world?

 i was also thinking the same thing. Do we have to setup our own sms sending server for this function or gona use 3rd party ? How we gona make sure that the 3rd party not gona compromise user data ?

Umar Haroon
11 Dec 2013


1 - Using the way that I set up my outgoing messages, Yes, the receiver will see the senders telephone number. When sending an SMS, I have made the senders text number a required field. I think its only fair that if you send someone a text message, they should be able to send you one back.

2 - One site that lists the carriers sms list is here -, and yes there are international ones as well

3 - The sender DOES NOT get charged for sending an SMS. Basically you are sending an email to their cell phone number. Each carrier has a gateway or for us simple people - emails associated with phone numbers. My carrier is Verizon, so if you wanted to send me an email to my text message, you would send the email to The email is sent to the carrier, who then sends it to the correct phone number. The receiver MAY have charges, and this depends on their carrier and plan.

No 3rd partys.
12 Dec 2013

I think this is a pretty neat mod Professor and I appreciate you handing it to us free.  Big Hugs for that.

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 Dec 2013

I hadnt thought about your idea - creating membership option for sending sms. So, in an effort to produce something that can be fully functioning, here's my attempt at this feature.

First, Add new action to sys_acl_actions table.

INSERT INTO `sys_acl_actions` (`ID`, `Name`, `AdditionalParamName`) VALUES (NULL, 'send sms', NULL);

Browse the contents of the table, and note the ID number of the send sms action. This number will be used below in green.

In inc/ around line 42

Find this:


And add this after it:

define('ACTION_ID_SEND_SMS',         746);

*Use the number you got from above in place of the green number

On templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php around line 467 (for an edited page, unedited page number will be different):

Remove these from around line 444 and 460:

            $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = _t('_Sms');
            $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = '';

find this around line 462:

        $aCheckGreet = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_VKISS);
        $p_arr['cpt_greet'] = $aCheckGreet[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Greet') : '';

Ad this after it:

        $aCheckSms = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_SMS);
        $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = $aCheckSms[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Sms') : '';


And voila (at least for me - crossing fingers and everything else). Now you can set the Send SMS in the Actions Block on a members profile page to be accessible depending on membership level of the person viewing the profile.

standard member with no sms.png · 10.2K · 513 views
non logged in person.png · 3.3K · 468 views
membership with sms.png · 14K · 501 views
12 Dec 2013

Thanks Professor, this will be a nice little addition to the site that my members might like.

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 Dec 2013

If you could be so kind as to let us all know how things went if you happen to try this on your test site GG, please.
12 Dec 2013


If you could be so kind as to let us all know how things went if you happen to try this on your test site GG, please.

OK, I will try to implement it in a few days; I have other duties tomorrow. 

Geeks, making the world a better place
12 Dec 2013

after further testing, I noticed another issue after applying the membership actions. So, here are the new changes:

On BxBaseProfileView


$aCheckSms = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_SMS);

        $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = $aCheckSms[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Sms') : '';


if ($p_arr['text_allow'] == 'Yes') {

        $aCheckSms = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_SMS);

        $p_arr['cpt_sms'] = $aCheckSms[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Sms') : '';



$p_arr['cpt_sms'] = '';


and change:

$p_arr['text_allow']= getTextAllow( $iMemberID);


$p_arr['text_allow']= getTextAllow( $iViewedMemberID );


The issue that I ran into was that the membership Action part did work, but it caused the Users selection to be voided. So, even if a member said he/she did not want to receive text messages, the Send SMS button would still appear. The above changes should fix that.
12 Dec 2013

I completely forgot about the popup when you hover over a profile pic for 5 seconds. on short_profile_info.php, find:

    $aProfileInfo['cpt_report'] = '';
    $aProfileInfo['cpt_block'] = '';
    $aProfileInfo['cpt_unblock'] = '';


Add this after it:

            $TextAllow    = getTextAllow( $iProfId );
        if ( $TextAllow == 'Yes') {
        $aCheckSms = checkAction($iMemberID, ACTION_ID_SEND_SMS);
        $aProfileInfo['cpt_sms'] = $aCheckSms[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED ? _t('_Sms') : '';
else {
    $aProfileInfo['cpt_sms'] = '';
15 Dec 2013

Professor, thank your response to those questions, and for this mod of course. I'm going to give this a go on my site.

15 Dec 2013

After a lot more testing, and some discussions with others, I have decided that I will attempt to make a mod of this feature. I know there are those out there who do not like making core file changes. Wish me luck
17 Dec 2013


After a lot more testing, and some discussions with others, I have decided that I will attempt to make a mod of this feature. I know there are those out there who do not like making core file changes. Wish me luck

 Good luck and thanks! This is something I need!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
17 Dec 2013

I know it has been a few weeks since I said I was going to make this a module. I apologize for taking so long to get back to it, but I had other site issues that were more important. Now I am back to this module. I started working on it last night, and I got half way done with it. Since we are expecting to launch our next site on Thursday, I should have the module finished by then. This is the plan as there are still a few other things that I need to tweak for finalization.

Also, is it possible to sell a module without actually selling it through Boonex?
6 Jan 2014


Also, is it possible to sell a module without actually selling it through Boonex?

 Well, you could try selling it directly from your website but there are some things you might want to consider:


1. You cannot promote/advertise/support the product at BoonEx if you decide to exclude it from the Market.

2. You would be liable for all transactions, support, and disputes/fraud.

3.  BoonEx Moderators will not be able to assist you in the event of disputes/fraud.


If you do not wish to purchase a Premium account so that you can post it yourself and if you are in good relations to someone here at BoonEx who does have a premium membership, maybe you both could work together to have it posted.


Nothing to see here
6 Jan 2014



Also, is it possible to sell a module without actually selling it through Boonex?

 Well, you could try selling it directly from your website but there are some things you might want to consider:


1. You cannot promote/advertise/support the product at BoonEx if you decide to exclude it from the Market.

2. You would be liable for all transactions, support, and disputes/fraud.

3.  BoonEx Moderators will not be able to assist you in the event of disputes/fraud.


If you do not wish to purchase a Premium account so that you can post it yourself and if you are in good relations to someone here at BoonEx who does have a premium membership, maybe you both could work together to have it posted.


This is a big beef I have with Boonex, you want us to fork out a rather outlandish fee to sell in the market when the return may not even cover the fee.  I have heard how vendors on here are not doing that well.  Boonex is hurting the market by keeping out vendors that may have good products to sell that could increase the value of the Market.  The Market sucks, sucks worst than a 50 cent... well, you can finish that.  The Market has products and vendors that probably should be removed and Boonex is keeping out developers that could probably contribute.

I have a module that I would like to sell but there is no way in hades that I can afford to pay the fee to sell in the market to make $5.00 now and again.  And if I post a topic, "Hey, I have such and such module for sale at my website" I get my arse kicked by Boonex.  Is it any wonder this site is moving in the direction it is?  Boonex keep worthless hosting recommendation on their site but will kick my arse if I try to advertise a nice useful module for sale.

Geeks, making the world a better place
6 Jan 2014


if I try to advertise a nice useful module for sale.

 I don't think its a practical idea to resell digital products. Its not a car that you could sell once or can not make copies. The problem is that if people start to buy product from different people at lower prices or even free. Why would anybody purchase it from the original author. I am not including license. It could be sold only once as copies of it is not possible.

so much to do....
6 Jan 2014



if I try to advertise a nice useful module for sale.

 I don't think its a practical idea to resell digital products. Its not a car that you could sell once or can not make copies. The problem is that if people start to buy product from different people at lower prices or even free. Why would anybody purchase it from the original author. I am not including license. It could be sold only once as copies of it is not possible.

I am not following you here.  I am talking about a module that I worked on and coded myself; just like the Professor worked on and coded his SMS module.  I can easily set up a shop on my server where people can buy the module just like they do here on Boonex.  However, if I mention the module and my site, Boonex will kick my arse yet they keep the bleeding worthless hosting recommendations on Boonex.  The only reason I can think of for that is they get a kick-back every time someone uses it, or they are getting paid a monthly fee.  So they won't kick Arvixe or  HostForWeb in the arse when they basically crap on Dolphin users but they will kick me in the arse without a moment notice.  Just search the forums for "HostForWeb" and see what comes up.

Geeks, making the world a better place
6 Jan 2014

 Sorry, i misunderstood your post.

they are getting paid a monthly fee

 of course they are..what were you thinking? they gonna put links of hosting site on their site for free? Its not 90s lol

so much to do....
6 Jan 2014


 Sorry, i misunderstood your post.

they are getting paid a monthly fee

 of course they are..what were you thinking? they gonna put links of hosting site on their site for free? Its not 90s lol

And maybe we should make sure the Forums are full of DON'T BUY THE BOONEX RECOMMENDED HOSTING BECAUSE YOU WILL GET SCREWED!

I will be surprised if Dolphin 8 is ever released because I wonder if Boonex will be around by then.

Geeks, making the world a better place
6 Jan 2014

here it is...the piece of content from boonex site from history

To become a BoonEx Hosting Partner you must have an established hosting business with reliable network and sufficient infrastructure. Your services should comply with

Additionally, you must offer an affiliate system with a minimum of $100 per sale commission, and must generate a minimum of 5 commissions monthly or pay the balance of $500/month to BoonEx for the listing.

If you are interested and want to know more, please email us at New submissions may be required to pay a non-refundable initial commission of $500 upfront to be reviewed.

And incase you want the old page ancient xslt source (why they even use that for their site and stuff).

I hope i am not making anybody at boonex or any Mods angry about this. Peace.

EDIT: As a side note, i think Zarconia should be listed there and we are going off topic...

so much to do....
6 Jan 2014

Actually I don't know if we are going off topic or not because Professor asked in his thread about selling a module off the market and I feel this is related.  Professor would get kicked in the arse if he tried to list his module and where one could buy it.  Boonex, and I guess by saying Boonex it is saying Andrew Boon, misleads a lot of people through that recommended hosting so they can make a buck.  Boonex cost me money and members to my site because they mislead me in what I would need to run a Boonex site.  I had nothing but grief with a Dolphin site running on Arvixe.  Yet, I know Andrew Boon is not going to refund the money I lost by going with his recommended host.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jan 2014


I hope i am not making anybody at boonex or any Mods angry about this

Let Boonex get angry, let Andrew get angry; we are the ones on here providing the product support for Dolphin.  If anyone has a right to be angry it is us, not Andrew.  I lost money with his recommended hosting, I have a right to be angry, Andrew doesn't.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jan 2014

I guess this one opened up a can of worms - roflmfaop. But it needs to be addressed by those in charge of Boonex and they should really listen to what is said.

If I were in charge of things, I would pay attention to who provides assistance in these forums, and if that person is an active user, I would allow them to sell modules for free. Any one else, I would charge a small percentage of what they gross. I wont say how much I am in the hole on this one using Dolphin, and it would be nice to get some of that money back.

The thing that really sucks the most is that there are so many things that users want to accomplish, that it would actually benefit Boonex more to open up the market. Cause really, just because someone paid a million bucks to be able to do something does not make them the best at doing it. There are those who may be able to provide something that Boonex does not have the time to get to, so take a percentage, and you still get paid.

For those who are truly business minded, they will understand that the purchase of the module is not so much about the cost of it, but about that person taking the time to do something that they did not know how to do, or did not have the time, or just couldn't do for whatever reason. I tend to have faith that those persons wouldn't give out the module to another, nor would they take it from another for free. I also like to have faith that that would not cross most persons minds. (wishful thinking???)
7 Jan 2014

Here is the only reason I can come up with as to why they do not take percentages from the Market. If they did, they would be responsible for what gets sold, by who, and have to deal with disputes (just to name a few). I guess that's a few of the reasons why BoonEx decided to place all liabilities on the buyer and seller.


And yes, they do get paid by the hosting companies that you see on the 'recommended hosting' page.


@ Prashank: EDIT: As a side note, i think Zarconia should be listed there and we are going off topic...

LOL - I did actually look into getting added to the recommended hosting page but determined it was not cost efficient for us nor BoonEx at the present time. With that said, I think we are getting a good reputation and word around here at BoonEx without having to be listed there :) Maybe we should have a community vote to see who get added for free hahaha...


@GG - Sorry, I do not make the rules.. just enforce them but I do understand your frustration.

Nothing to see here
7 Jan 2014


LOL - I did actually look into getting added to the recommended hosting page but determined it was not cost efficient for us nor BoonEx at the present time. With that said, I think we are getting a good reputation and word around here at BoonEx without having to be listed there :) Maybe we should have a community vote to see who get added for free hahaha...

They should at least put Zarconia there for free even if they don't remove the already existing ones. For the sake of Dolphin...

so much to do....
7 Jan 2014


They should at least put Zarconia there for free even if they don't remove the already existing ones. For the sake of Dolphin...

 Laughing Ya know that flattery will get you.............. everywhere

Nothing to see here
7 Jan 2014



Also, is it possible to sell a module without actually selling it through Boonex?

 Well, you could try selling it directly from your website but there are some things you might want to consider:


1. You cannot promote/advertise/support the product at BoonEx if you decide to exclude it from the Market.

2. You would be liable for all transactions, support, and disputes/fraud.

3.  BoonEx Moderators will not be able to assist you in the event of disputes/fraud.


If you do not wish to purchase a Premium account so that you can post it yourself and if you are in good relations to someone here at BoonEx who does have a premium membership, maybe you both could work together to have it posted.


Actually, this is the truth about the Market from Andrew's own mouth.



If you choose to use the BoonEx Market ("Market") the following terms and conditions apply in addition to the general Terms.

BoonEx Market is a Service provided by BoonEx that allows sellers ("Vendors") to post products and advertise services for sale to other users ("Customers").

Any disputes regarding arrangements between the Customers and Vendors of any type of products and services remain solely between Buyers and Sellers. We are not involved in any transactions between You and any other users of the BoonEx Unity web site. You acknowledge and agree that BoonEx will not be a party to any such dispute or be obligated to take any action or refrain from taking any action toward resolving any such dispute. If you have a dispute with any other users of the Site, you hereby release BoonEx from any and all claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, related to such a dispute.

You may terminate your Market listings at any time in your sole discretion. BoonEx may remove your Market listings at any time for any reason or no reason. Removal of listings does not release Vendors or Customers from any contractual responsibilities connected to their use of BoonEx Market.

Posting any products or service advertisements to market constitutes a "Vendor" status. Vendors must read and agree to Market Terms ( before submitting any materials to BoonEx Market.

Recap: Vendors need to agree to Market Terms. BoonEx is not responsible for any issues between Vendors and Customers.

Geeks, making the world a better place
7 Jan 2014

@Professor: I followed the steps detailed by you, but I am not getting the Send SMS Button (I tried with the default membership options).

7 Jan 2014

If anyone has a test site and willing to try this module out and let me know of anything that does not work or needs to be changed, please PM me.
9 Jan 2014

Sorry - but I had a few things I had to take care of for the launch of a new project. But, I am pleased to announce that I think I got the SMS module done. Here are the specifics.

  • Users can send a text message to other members of the site. There will be a button in the actions block on a users Profile page.
  • Sending and receiving is permitted by Membership Levels.
  • It is possible to have a membership level able to send but not receive, and vice versa.
  • Users can set to receive SMS messages from specific Privacy Groups. But, the membership levels will still take precedence. Example 1: User A and User B both have a membership that allows them to receive and send SMS messages. User A sets his/hers privacy to only receive messages from Friends. User B is not a friend of User A and therefore not able to send SMS messages to User A. Example 2: User A is allowed to send and receive SMS messages, but User B does not. User A sets his/her Privacy to Friends. User A and User B are friends, but because User B dooes not have Sending Sms priveleges, he/she is not able to send SMS message to User A.
  • There is no character limit on length of SMS message (let me know if there should be).
  • Installation is simple. Unzip archive, upload to modules folder, go to admin of your site, and install like any other module.
  • Users may only add 1 SMS number
  • User can access the SMS area by going to their account page, and it is in the sub-menu like Avatar and Connections and Subscriptions. There will be a link that says SMS.

I hope you all enjoy. If there is anything I messed up on, please let me know and I will fix it at my earliest convenience. · 21K · 372 downloads
19 Jan 2014

Works great and very easy install.. Quick question.. How can I change the received text from.. Mine shows my server name instead of the website name? Is there a file I can edit show it would show from Chamber Theory instead of chamber@server.chambertheory

19 Jan 2014

List of US Carriers for anyone..







ATT Wireless





Edge Wireless

Sprint PCS


Metro PCS





Rogers Wireless

Telus Mobility

US Cellular


Virgin Mobile

laska Communications

Verizon Wireless , 

AT&T Wireless 


AT&T Mobility

AT&T Enterprise Paging

AT&T Global Smart Messaging Suite

Bluesky Communications

Boost Mobile


Cellular One (Dobson)

Cellular South

Centennial Wireless

Chariton Valley Wireless

Cincinnati Bell 

Cingular (Postpaid)

Cingular (GoPhone prepaid) 

Cingular (GoPhone prepaid)



General Communications Inc.

Golden State Cellular




PagePlus Cellular Mobile Virtual Network Operator - Using Verizon Service 

Pioneer Cellular

Pocket Wireless

Qwest Wireless

South Central Communications 


Sprint (Nextel) 

Straight Talk

Syringa Wireless


US Cellular 

Verizon Wireless 



Virgin Mobile

19 Jan 2014

Here is a few more.. I don't know if they all work but least I found them:

United Kingdom =

O2 #1

O2 #2



Virgin Mobile








T-Mobile/Optus Zoo


Telstra Integrated Messaging


Canada =


Bell Mobility


MTS Mobility

Rogers Wireless

Sasktel Mobility


Virgin Mobile

Presidentís Choice


Koodo Mobile

MTS Mobility

PC Telecom

Rogers Wireless


Telus Mobility

Virgin Mobile

Bell Mobility & Solo Mobile or


Germany =






Bulgaria =





Iceland =




Ireland =


Meteor MMS


Italy =




Japan =



Vodafone Chuugoku/Western

Vodafone Hokkaido

Vodafone Hokuriko/Central North

Vodafone Kansai/West, including Osaka

Vodafone Kanto/Koushin/East, including Tokyo

Vodafone Kyuushu/Okinawa

Vodafone Shikoku

Vodafone Touhoku/Niigata/North

Vodafone Toukai/Central



Willcom di

Willcom dk


Netherlands = 




Singapore =


Starhub Enterprise Messaging Solution


S. Africa =





Spain =

Telefonica Movistar

Telefonica Movistar




Sweden =



Argentina = 



CTI MÛvil (Now Claro)


India =

Andhra Pradesh AirTel

Andhra Pradesh Idea Cellular

Chennai Skycell / Airtel

Chennai RPG Cellular

Delhi Airtel

Delhi Hutch

Gujarat Idea Cellular

Gujarat Airtel

Gujarat Celforce / Fascel

Goa Airtel

Goa BPL Mobile

Haryana Airtel

Haryana Escotel

Himachal Pradesh Airtel

Karnataka Airtel

Kerala Airtel

Kerala Escotel

Kerala BPL Mobile

Kolkata Airtel or

Madhya Pradesh Airtel

Maharashtra Airtel

AT&T Wireless

Maharashtra BPL Mobile

Maharashtra Idea Cellular

Mumbai Airtel

Mumbai BPL Mobile

Punjab Airtel

Pondicherry BPL Mobile

Tamil Nadu Airtel

Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile

Tamil Nadu Aircel

Uttar Pradesh West Escotel





Loop (BPL Mobile)


France =

Bouygues TÈlÈcom (company)


Brasil =




Colombia =



Tigo (Formerly Ola)


Poland =

Orange Polska



Nicaragua =



Puerto Rico =



Mauritius =



Costa Rica =



Nepal =

Mero Mobile


Sri Lanka =



Mexico =



Aruba =

Setar Mobile email 


Switzerland =

Sunrise Communications 


Croatia =



Europe = 


Freebie SMS


Israel =



Worldwide =


Panacea Mobile

19 Jan 2014

This is a list I had of almost all provider lists, I have not had a chance to check them all and see if they still work. The ones in the module I have tested which is why I only included them.

INSERT INTO `sys_pre_values` (`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`, `LKey3`, `Extra`, `Extra2`, `Extra3`) VALUES
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Triton', 'Triton', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Unicel', 'Unicel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Solo Mobile', 'Solo Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sprint', 'Sprint', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sumcom', 'Sumcom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Surewest Communicaitons', 'Surewest Communicaitons', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile', 'T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telus', 'Telus', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Triton', 'Triton', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Unicel', 'Unicel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'US West', 'US West', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon', 'Verizon', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Virgin Mobile', 'Virgin Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Virgin Mobile Canada', 'Virgin Mobile Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'West Central Wireless', 'West Central Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Western Wireless', 'Western Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Chennai RPG Cellular', 'Chennai RPG Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Chennai Skycell/Airtel', 'Chennai Skycell/Airtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Comviq', 'Comviq', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Delhi Aritel', 'Delhi Aritel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Delhi Hutch', 'Delhi Hutch', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'DT T-Mobile', 'DT T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Dutchtone/Orange-NL', 'Dutchtone/Orange-NL', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'EMT', 'EMT', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Escotel', 'Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'German T-Mobile', 'German T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Goa BPLMobil', 'Goa BPLMobil', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Golden Telecom', 'Golden Telecom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Gujarat Celforce', 'Gujarat Celforce', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'JSM Tele-Page', 'JSM Tele-Page', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kerala Escotel', 'Kerala Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kolkata Airtel', 'Kolkata Airtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kyivstar', 'Kyivstar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Lauttamus Communication', 'Lauttamus Communication', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'LMT', 'LMT', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Maharashtra BPL Mobile', 'Maharashtra BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Maharashtra Idea Cellular', 'Maharashtra Idea Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Manitoba Telecom Systems', 'Manitoba Telecom Systems', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Meteor', 'Meteor', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'MiWorld', 'MiWorld', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobileone', 'Mobileone', '', '', '', ''),               
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobilfone', 'Mobilfone', '', '', '', ''),  
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobility Bermuda', 'Mobility Bermuda', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobistar Belgium', 'Mobistar Belgium', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobitel Tanzania', 'Mobitel Tanzania', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobtel Srbija', 'Mobtel Srbija', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Movistar', 'Movistar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mumbai BPL Mobile', 'Mumbai BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Netcom', 'Netcom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ntelos', 'Ntelos', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2', 'O2', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2', 'O2', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2 (M-mail)', 'O2 (M-mail)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'One Connect Austria', 'One Connect Austria', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'OnlineBeep', 'OnlineBeep', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Optus Mobile', 'Optus Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange', 'Orange', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange Mumbai', 'Orange Mumbai', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange  NL/Dutchtone', 'Orange  NL/Dutchtone', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Oskar', 'Oskar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'P&T Luxembourg', 'P&T Luxembourg', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Personal Communication', 'Personal Communication', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Pondicherry BPL Mobile', 'Pondicherry BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Primtel', 'Primtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Safaricom', 'Safaricom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Satelindo GSM', 'Satelindo GSM', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SCS-900', 'SCS-900', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SFR France', 'SFR France', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Simple Freedom', 'Simple Freedom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Smart Telecom', 'Smart Telecom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Southern LINC', 'Southern LINC', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sunrise Mobile', 'Sunrise Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sunrise Mobile', 'Sunrise Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Surewest Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Swisscom', 'Swisscom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile Austria', 'T-Mobile Austria', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile Germany', 'T-Mobile Germany', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile UK', 'T-Mobile UK', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile', 'Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Tele2 Latvia', 'Tele2 Latvia', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telefonica Movistar', 'Telefonica Movistar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telenor', 'Telenor', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Teletouch', 'Teletouch', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telia Denmark', 'Telia Denmark', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'TIM', 'TIM', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'TSR Wireless', 'TSR Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'UMC', 'UMC', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Uraltel', 'Uraltel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Uttar Pradesh Escotel', 'Uttar Pradesh Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vessotel', 'Vessotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Italy', 'Vodafone Italy', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone UK', 'Vodafone UK', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Wyndtell', 'Wyndtell', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Advantage Communications', 'Advantage Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Airtouch Pagers', 'Airtouch Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AlphaNow', 'AlphaNow', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ameritech Paging', 'Ameritech Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'American Messaging', 'American Messaging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ameritech Clearpath', 'Ameritech Clearpath', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Arch Pagers (PageNet)', 'Arch Pagers (PageNet)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T', 'AT&T', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T Free2Go', 'AT&T Free2Go', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T PCS', 'AT&T PCS', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T Pocketnet PCS', 'AT&T Pocketnet PCS', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Beepwear', 'Beepwear', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell Atlantic', 'Bell Atlantic', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South', 'Bell South', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South (Blackberry)', 'Bell South (Blackberry)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South Mobility', 'Bell South Mobility', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (East Coast)', 'Cellular One (East Coast)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (South West)', 'Cellular One (South West)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (West)', 'Cellular One (West)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Central Vermont Communications', 'Central Vermont Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cingular', 'Cingular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Communication Specialists', 'Communication Specialists', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cook Paging', 'Cook Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Corr Wireless Communications', 'Corr Wireless Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Digi-Page/Page Kansas', 'Digi-Page/Page Kansas', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Galaxy Corporation', 'Galaxy Corporation', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GCS Paging', 'GCS Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GrayLink/Porta-Phone', 'GrayLink/Porta-Phone', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Infopage Systems', 'Infopage Systems', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Indiana Paging Co', 'Indiana Paging Co', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'MCI', 'MCI', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Metrocall', 'Metrocall', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobilecom PA', 'Mobilecom PA', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Morris Wireless', 'Morris Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Motient', 'Motient', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Nextel', 'Nextel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Omnipoint', 'Omnipoint', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Pacific Bell', 'Pacific Bell', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageMart', 'PageMart', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageMart Canada', 'PageMart Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageNet Canada', 'PageNet Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageOne Northwest', 'PageOne Northwest', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PCS One', 'PCS One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Powertel', 'Powertel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Price Communications', 'Price Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Primeco', 'Primeco', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'ProPage', 'ProPage', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Qualcomm', 'Qualcomm', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'RAM Page', 'RAM Page', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SBC Ameritech Paging', 'SBC Ameritech Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Skytel Pagers', 'Skytel Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'ST Paging', 'ST Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon Pagers', 'Verizon Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon PCS', 'Verizon PCS', '', '', '', ''),           
('Carriers', '', 10, 'VoiceStream', 'VoiceStream', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'WebLink Wireless', 'WebLink Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'WebLink Wireless', 'WebLink Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'West Central Wireless', 'West Central Wireless', '', '', '', '');
19 Jan 2014


How can I change the received text from.. Mine shows my server name instead of the website name? Is there a file I can edit show it would show from Chamber Theory instead of chamber@server.chambertheory

 When I was researching how to set this up, I found that the headers are different for an sms email as opposed to a regular email, and unfortunately I was unable to get the headers to work exactly like  I want them to. On some devices, I actually get the phone number of the person sending the sms message, and in some cases I get it from my server. So I am guessing it may also depend on your carrier as well as they are the ones who are actually sending the message to your phone.

But you can play around with the sendsms.php page and if you figure it out, please share.
19 Jan 2014

Realized that the privacy was not working appropriately and a couple of other things so this is the updated version. If you already downloaded the first one then just copy over the existing files and recompile the language for the module. There are no changes to the database. · 17.9K · 422 downloads
19 Jan 2014

 I get a database error on this. It says:

#1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 3
INSERT INTO `sys_pre_values` (`Key`, `Value`, `Order`, `LKey`, `LKey2`, `LKey3`, `Extra`, `Extra2`, `Extra3`) VALUES
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Triton', 'Triton', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Unicel', 'Unicel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Solo Mobile', 'Solo Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sprint', 'Sprint', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sumcom', 'Sumcom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Surewest Communicaitons', 'Surewest Communicaitons', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile', 'T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telus', 'Telus', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Triton', 'Triton', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Unicel', 'Unicel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'US West', 'US West', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon', 'Verizon', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Virgin Mobile', 'Virgin Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Virgin Mobile Canada', 'Virgin Mobile Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'West Central Wireless', 'West Central Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Western Wireless', 'Western Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Chennai RPG Cellular', 'Chennai RPG Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Chennai Skycell/Airtel', 'Chennai Skycell/Airtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Comviq', 'Comviq', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Delhi Aritel', 'Delhi Aritel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Delhi Hutch', 'Delhi Hutch', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'DT T-Mobile', 'DT T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Dutchtone/Orange-NL', 'Dutchtone/Orange-NL', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'EMT', 'EMT', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Escotel', 'Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'German T-Mobile', 'German T-Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Goa BPLMobil', 'Goa BPLMobil', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Golden Telecom', 'Golden Telecom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Gujarat Celforce', 'Gujarat Celforce', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'JSM Tele-Page', 'JSM Tele-Page', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kerala Escotel', 'Kerala Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kolkata Airtel', 'Kolkata Airtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Kyivstar', 'Kyivstar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Lauttamus Communication', 'Lauttamus Communication', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'LMT', 'LMT', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Maharashtra BPL Mobile', 'Maharashtra BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Maharashtra Idea Cellular', 'Maharashtra Idea Cellular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Manitoba Telecom Systems', 'Manitoba Telecom Systems', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Meteor', 'Meteor', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'MiWorld', 'MiWorld', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobileone', 'Mobileone', '', '', '', ''),               
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobilfone', 'Mobilfone', '', '', '', ''),  
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobility Bermuda', 'Mobility Bermuda', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobistar Belgium', 'Mobistar Belgium', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobitel Tanzania', 'Mobitel Tanzania', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobtel Srbija', 'Mobtel Srbija', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Movistar', 'Movistar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mumbai BPL Mobile', 'Mumbai BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Netcom', 'Netcom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ntelos', 'Ntelos', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2', 'O2', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2', 'O2', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'O2 (M-mail)', 'O2 (M-mail)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'One Connect Austria', 'One Connect Austria', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'OnlineBeep', 'OnlineBeep', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Optus Mobile', 'Optus Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange', 'Orange', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange Mumbai', 'Orange Mumbai', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Orange  NL/Dutchtone', 'Orange  NL/Dutchtone', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Oskar', 'Oskar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'P&T Luxembourg', 'P&T Luxembourg', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Personal Communication', 'Personal Communication', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Pondicherry BPL Mobile', 'Pondicherry BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Primtel', 'Primtel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Safaricom', 'Safaricom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Satelindo GSM', 'Satelindo GSM', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SCS-900', 'SCS-900', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SFR France', 'SFR France', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Simple Freedom', 'Simple Freedom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Smart Telecom', 'Smart Telecom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Southern LINC', 'Southern LINC', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sunrise Mobile', 'Sunrise Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Sunrise Mobile', 'Sunrise Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Surewest Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Swisscom', 'Swisscom', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile Austria', 'T-Mobile Austria', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile Germany', 'T-Mobile Germany', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'T-Mobile UK', 'T-Mobile UK', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile', 'Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Tele2 Latvia', 'Tele2 Latvia', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telefonica Movistar', 'Telefonica Movistar', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telenor', 'Telenor', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Teletouch', 'Teletouch', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Telia Denmark', 'Telia Denmark', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'TIM', 'TIM', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'TSR Wireless', 'TSR Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'UMC', 'UMC', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Uraltel', 'Uraltel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Uttar Pradesh Escotel', 'Uttar Pradesh Escotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vessotel', 'Vessotel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Italy', 'Vodafone Italy', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone Japan', 'Vodafone Japan', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Vodafone UK', 'Vodafone UK', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Wyndtell', 'Wyndtell', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Advantage Communications', 'Advantage Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Airtouch Pagers', 'Airtouch Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AlphaNow', 'AlphaNow', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ameritech Paging', 'Ameritech Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'American Messaging', 'American Messaging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Ameritech Clearpath', 'Ameritech Clearpath', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Arch Pagers (PageNet)', 'Arch Pagers (PageNet)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T', 'AT&T', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T Free2Go', 'AT&T Free2Go', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T PCS', 'AT&T PCS', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'AT&T Pocketnet PCS', 'AT&T Pocketnet PCS', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Beepwear', 'Beepwear', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell Atlantic', 'Bell Atlantic', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South', 'Bell South', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South (Blackberry)', 'Bell South (Blackberry)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Bell South Mobility', 'Bell South Mobility', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (East Coast)', 'Cellular One (East Coast)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (South West)', 'Cellular One (South West)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One', 'Cellular One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cellular One (West)', 'Cellular One (West)', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Central Vermont Communications', 'Central Vermont Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cingular', 'Cingular', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Communication Specialists', 'Communication Specialists', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Cook Paging', 'Cook Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Corr Wireless Communications', 'Corr Wireless Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Digi-Page/Page Kansas', 'Digi-Page/Page Kansas', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Galaxy Corporation', 'Galaxy Corporation', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GCS Paging', 'GCS Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GrayLink/Porta-Phone', 'GrayLink/Porta-Phone', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'GTE', 'GTE', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Infopage Systems', 'Infopage Systems', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Indiana Paging Co', 'Indiana Paging Co', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'MCI', 'MCI', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Metrocall', 'Metrocall', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Mobilecom PA', 'Mobilecom PA', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Morris Wireless', 'Morris Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Motient', 'Motient', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Nextel', 'Nextel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Omnipoint', 'Omnipoint', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Pacific Bell', 'Pacific Bell', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageMart', 'PageMart', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageMart Canada', 'PageMart Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageNet Canada', 'PageNet Canada', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PageOne Northwest', 'PageOne Northwest', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'PCS One', 'PCS One', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Powertel', 'Powertel', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Price Communications', 'Price Communications', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'Primeco', 'Primeco', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'ProPage', 'ProPage', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Qualcomm', 'Qualcomm', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'RAM Page', 'RAM Page', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'SBC Ameritech Paging', 'SBC Ameritech Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Skytel Pagers', 'Skytel Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'ST Paging', 'ST Paging', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon Pagers', 'Verizon Pagers', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'Verizon PCS', 'Verizon PCS', '', '', '', ''),           
('Carriers', '', 10, 'VoiceStream', 'VoiceStream', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'WebLink Wireless', 'WebLink Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'WebLink Wireless', 'WebLink Wireless', '', '', '', ''),
('Carriers', '', 10, 'West Central Wireless', 'West Central Wireless', '', '', '', '');


19 Jan 2014

It was late last night when I was making this - look for stuff like in red

('Carriers', '', 10, '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),

it should be

('Carriers', '', 10, 'US Cellular', 'US Cellular', '', '', '', ''),


there are a few of them in there I think. Basically look for any row that has 10, in it twice.
19 Jan 2014

I know it has been a few months - but just wondered if anyone has tried this module, and if it works like you want it to. This is the only module that I have made available and have not heard any comments so want to make sure it meets peoples needs.
16 Apr 2014


I know it has been a few months - but just wondered if anyone has tried this module, and if it works like you want it to. This is the only module that I have made available and have not heard any comments so want to make sure it meets peoples needs.

I had installed the module on a test site and tested it with my mobile and was pleased to see it work.  I was also going to look at Google Voice which features SMS; should work the same there, but got tied up in other things. I think I had a question or two but now can not remember.  I will see about installing again on the test site.  I am in the process of moving to a new server that I recently set up.  Oh, I need to report back on that.

Geeks, making the world a better place
16 Apr 2014

Professor, do all the edits still have to be done to the files mention above?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
13 Jun 2014

the only thing that may need to be done is adding new carriers to the carrier list - it is a predefined list in the admin section. Other than that - no other changes would need to be made for the module to work.
13 Jun 2014
14 Jun 2014
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.