up grade to 7.6

How do i upgrade to the next version of dolphin without having to delete all my members and their settings and stuff? I really don't want to have to do lots of work again on my website, plus i have mods installed, will they now not work?

Quote · 28 May 2015

If you check the blog which announces the update it gives full details. If you follow it exactly as instructed you will not lose any data including members. If you also read the comments on there it will help if you have any mods to the core files. Good luck!

Edited to include the following

Here's the link to the blog post;


Quote · 28 May 2015

I have version 7.1.4  so do i have to update to 7.1.5 and then to 7.1.6 cause this is going to take ages!

Quote · 28 May 2015


I have version 7.1.4  so do i have to update to 7.1.5 and then to 7.1.6 cause this is going to take ages!

Yes, you have to update to 7.1.5 first, then to 7.1.6

There are very few changed files in each of those upgrades, so as long as you do not have many custom mods that require source changes, then it will not take long. All modules that do not require source code changes to dolphin will most likely continue to run without any problems. Those that do require source changes may need to have the source portion of the mod reinstalled.

If will not take ages. Depending on the number source code changes your mods require, it can take anywhere between 10 minutes to just a couple of hours. It really will not take very long to do it.

Quote · 28 May 2015

in the 7.1.5 patch there is folders...administration, flash, inc, modules, templates, upgrade.

but in my directory there is no upgrade folder. do i make and upgrade folder or do these go somewhere else?

Quote · 28 May 2015


put this folder upgrade in the root from your dolphin site and delite the .htaccess  and run your site /upgrade 

Quote · 28 May 2015

it took me ages and ages to replace all those config files in the modules, there must be an easier way. I hope its not the same for the next 7.1.6

Quote · 28 May 2015

right! I see in the modules, a stack of config files, do i REALLY have to replace ALL of those again? are they different from the ones I just replaced in 7.1.5 patch?

Quote · 28 May 2015

and do i delete the 'upgrade' folder afterwards?

Quote · 28 May 2015

I guess i need to create a video tutorial on this.

The process is quite easy, and it's a simple drag and drop with the FTP client. Many people think you have to go through all those folders and upload each file one a a time You don't, there is a much, much faster way. I guess i need to create a tutorial on this to show people how to properly use a FTP client.

Quote · 28 May 2015


and do i delete the 'upgrade' folder afterwards?

 Yes, you should.

Quote · 28 May 2015

well ummm yes I did manually go through every folder and replace every file, I didn't know there was a different way but come on...this is ME your talking to, most other people will perhaps already know idk lol

Quote · 28 May 2015

I thought you had already upgraded to 7.1.5.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 28 May 2015

no, unless you did it, but no it was 7.1.4.  so now its 7.1.6 and the youtube thingie still doesn't work. 

https://youtube.com/devicesupport  still getting that. is there a fix for it yet?

Quote · 28 May 2015

ok i broke it i think, at the top of the site there is now this text 


idk why

Quote · 28 May 2015

see that little __page_og_image__ text at the top of m page? thats what i am talking about

Quote · 28 May 2015


see that little __page_og_image__ text at the top of m page? thats what i am talking about

 That is from this topic,


you need to remove Prashanks changes in the respective _header.html

as AlexT states, it's not needed.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 28 May 2015


so now its 7.1.6 and the youtube thingie still doesn't work. 

 Did you clear your cache?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 28 May 2015

i am confused as to what i am supposed to remove. oh yes i did clear cache

Quote · 28 May 2015

ok the og thing is fixed but the facebook is not working again and the youtube is still broken

Quote · 28 May 2015


Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms
Quote · 30 May 2015

This is what you should do.  Revert back to 7.1.4 from your backups.  Clone your site to a test site.  Apply the upgrade to your test site and test.  If all is working as should be, then run the upgrade on your live site backing up the site files and database before running the upgrade.  Repeat for 7.1.6.

Yes, best practices often require more work but it keeps something from biting you in the arse.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 30 May 2015

I finished the 7.16 upgrade, but now have issues adding in core mods (like Files) without it giving me database errors. i ran the error in php directly seeing that values that were left blank were needing a value (like 0) 

Quote · 31 May 2015


I finished the 7.16 upgrade, but now have issues adding in core mods (like Files) without it giving me database errors. i ran the error in php directly seeing that values that were left blank were needing a value (like 0) 

Start a new thread with the title along the lines of "Upgraded to 7.1.6, database error installing module".  In the post please list the database error message and any other information you feel needs to be presented.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 31 May 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.